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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Luxury isn’t about price point. And last I checked, you couldn’t get a new tesla for 40k.

Saying that tesla is luxury is like saying that McDonald’s is fine dining.

Do yourself a favor and look up the comparable pricing for the ioniqs versus tesla. Tesla has always been overpriced (from factory) for what it offered.

One thing.

Tesla has never been known for luxury at all. I’d bet my ioniq phev was more luxurious and my 5 most definitely is.

I’m going to call bullshit on that premise.

Holy shit. Why did I read that. There is zero science in that and it’s nothing but religious, woo woo, bullshit. That domain and this user are definitely getting added to my block list.

Why would be this be a concern? If they publish it in cartridges to be used in original systems, it shouldn’t be a problem for Nintendo, especially if the developers pay Nintendo whatever licensing fee needed.

It’s a saying but it applies here as well. When you are dealing with the likes of trump, any money he owes is actually the problem of the one holding the note and not the debtor.

For Carroll he needs to bond that award with the court or else he can’t appeal the ruling. If he doesn’t have it to bond, he doesn’t have it to pay her or anyone else he owes. That to me is the epitome of not really his problem anymore.

Do I think we should just let him off the hook? Fuck no, he needs to be made to sell whatever properties he needs to even at firesale to pay his debts and then be made to work mcds until he pays off the rest or dies from having to actually do real work.

Who is downvoting this. When you get up over a million or so in debt, it’s really the banks problem because of the chances of actually recovering that money.

I had not heard of that one. Was it the “internet is full of tubes” guy?

I’ve been watching flipper since it was announced. I should probably buy one and play with it.

All this is going to do is increase sales of the thing and probably increase the number of “kids” trying to break into cars. Streisand effect ftw.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

What do you do with a drunken sailor?

I’m not sure you follow. I’m postulating whether or not say facebook would have to lock someones account and force them to upload ID because they happened to have browsed it while inside the state. This would not be looked upon kindly by other states.

The smarter kids will just go in and change their bday or create a new account that has them old enough. The only way to prevent that is to make them verify ID on every single person logging in from a Florida based ip or is a resident. But, what about those who are traveling from other states, should they also be forced to upload ID? I’m going to say no.

You probably do have a lead foot. I can usually best the sticker mpg especially with hybrids.

Again, false. Getting the equivalent of 5+ acres out of the physical space of 1 and leaving the plants to do their thing is better in every way imaginable. I’m not sure you understand just how much more efficient hydro and aero are. The use of lights instead of the sun let’s you grow year round and shorten the night so plants grow faster and fruit sooner.

Farming the way most industrial farms do things is one of the worst things we have done to the environment in our entire existence. Only outdone by the destruction of rainforests, extracting and burning petroleum from the ground, etc

This is so false it’s not even funny. Hydro is way more efficient and aero even more so.

With farming indoors you can control the day/night cycle which not only increases the growth rate it also let’s you manipulate fruiting and flowering.

Hydro and aero use a fraction of the water dirt farming does. More water is being taken up by the plants and none of it is being lost to the environment. On top of that evaporation is controlled so less is lost that way.

As mentioned above the growth rate is increased not only by the light cycle but also by being able to more strictly control and fine tune the amount of fertilizer and you use way less of it. Just like the water, fertilizer isn’t lost to the environment.

Seems like some of you need to learn more about this stuff. There is a growing number of vertical farms popping up all over the world. Hopefully one day soon we will be buying lettuce, carrots, etc that were grown if not in the same building but on the same block.

Hydroponic/aeroponic is way more efficient than growing in dirt. You can stack it as high as you want and grow way more per acre. On top of that you have the reduced amount of fertilizer and water and the increase in growth rate.

There is a reason why the best weed is grown via hydroponic/aeroponic.

I have a couple of smart bulbs and switches and a couple of wyze cams around but I don’t want or need a smart doorbell, thermostat, etc. I like being able to turn off our bedroom light from my watch or phone and the smart switches work well for devices that need to be plugged in where the actual power cable is hard to reach.