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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


I live in Milton, FL, and like the last one, we’re 100% dodging this one. Weird.

What they mean to say is, “Surprisingly, this didn’t annoy people nearly as much as we had assumed. Score!”

I was honestly concerned my daughter might be a sociopath. Then I realized she was just 3.

Trump’s Republican Congress set lowered taxes to expire for the next, presumptive Democrat, administration.

“My taxes went up under Biden!” Yes, they did.

Don’t live in the country, huh? Sometimes they’re the only general store for miles and miles and miles. They’re a great fit, in that niche.

My camp is outside a town of 900 souls. There’s a Dollar General and a gas-station/general-store/grocery. Almost never hit the DG, but it’s damned nice they’re there in case I need something the other place doesn’t have.

In your example, in my situation, the nearest Walmarts are 45-minutes west and 30-minutes east. Double those numbers because it’s a round trip. Do you really want to take my DG away and force me to spend the gas and time? If you proposed that in this town, you’d have a riot on your hands.

Knowing nothing about marketing, I figured that after threatening to sue his advertisers there would have been a full-stop on incoming customers and, at the least, a spending level freeze by existing customers.

Just because a product went defunct does not mean the entire code base is obsolete to the company.

Suppose I release software that makes a profit for a while, then falls off and starts costing me money, obviously time to retire that thing. However, a ton of code in that original product was a stepping stone for newer projects. I now have two choices.

A) Drop support and give world+dog my code, giving everyone a look into my existing products.

B) Keep losing money on the old project and make up for it by overcharging for my latest work.

That’s a lose-lose proposition.

Your self-hosting solution sounds mighty fair!

All-in-one convenience is the only reason I pay Spotify, my only streaming service. Thought about dropping them, but it would be a monstrous hassle gathering, and continuing to gather, all those MP3s. Plus, I can download that content and use it in the woods with no internet connection. Sold.

Video content? What a clusterfuck. I steal every bit of it. Hell, I got Amazon Prime and don’t bother looking at video offerings. Default: 🏴‍☠️

Already happening. Cisco just smoked another 4,000 employees. And anecdotally, my tech job hunt is, for the first time, not going so hot.

the number of positions will be reduced as much as the owning class can get away with

Well, after all, you don’t hire people to do nothing. It’s simply a late-stage capitalism thing. Hopefully one day we can take the benefits of that extra productivity and share the wealth. The younger generations seem like they might move us that way in the coming decades.

Agreed! Problem solving is core to any sort of success. Whether you’re moving up or on for more pay, growing tomatoes or nurturing a relationship, you’re problem solving. But I can see AI putting the screws to those of us in tech.

Haven’t used it much so far, last job didn’t afford much coding opportunity, but I wrote a Google Apps script to populate my calendar given changes to an Excel sheet. Pretty neat!

With zero experience App scripting, I tried going the usual way, searching web pages. Got it half-ass working, got stuck. Asked ChatGPT to write it and boom, solved with an hour’s additional work.

You could say, “Yeah, but you at least had a clue as to general scripting and still had to problem solve. Plus, you came up with the idea in the first place, not the AI!” Yes! But point being, AI made the task shockingly easier. That was at a software outfit so I had the oppurtuniy to chat with my dev friends, see what they were up to. They were properly skeptical/realistic as to what AI can do, but they still used it to great effect.

Another example: Struggled like hell to teach myself database scripting, so ignorant I didn’t know the words to search and the solutions I found were more advanced answers than my beginner work required (or understood!). First script was 8 short lines, took 8 hours. Had AI been available to jump start me, I could have done that in an hour, maybe two. That’s a wild productivity boost. So while AI will never make programmers obsolete, we’ll surely need fewer of them.

Can’t believe I’ve never seen that one!

Who the hell upvotes evil shit like this comment?!

Lemmy: Capitalists don’t deserve the profits of our labor!

Also Lemmy: Fuck you, I want your labor for free!

Fucking children.

Who the hell said anything about any of that?! Jesus, a guy talks about renting his house when he retires and suddenly he’s a corporate slumlord.

Fair question! Two reasons:

I’m not the picture of fiscal responsibility. Be much more comfortable with a predictable income, especially since I’ll be too old to work.

Selling the house would be a last resort for two reasons. My wife is foreign and would be lost without me. I want to know she will always have a roof to sleep under, no matter what. Two, I really want to be able to leave it to my children, give them a jump in life when we’re both gone.

Didn’t word that well, agreed. But you need solid profit up front to backstop for emergencies and risk. I would be a one man, one house operation. I couldn’t spread the risk around like a corporate landlord with 100 or 1,000 properties.

If landlords were content to just break even

After paying on the property, maintaining and improving it, I deserve no profit for my 20-years of labor?

Are you saying that workers should be content to merely break even for their labor? Your labor is worthy, but mine is not?

I own my home. I may rent it out when I retire because I sure as fuck won’t have any money. Maybe we’ll get an RV or move to the Philippines. Dunno. But I need to get paid on that home.

For one, renters are likely to fuck shit up, because it’s not theirs, they have no stake in the property. They may simply be ignorant and ignore problems that cost $100 to fix today, $1,000 to fix tomorrow. Also, I need to buy extra liability insurance.

Then there’s routine stuff. When my ex and I bought the place we took payday loans for 2-months just to get the tools and stuff we needed to care for the place. And nearly everything we bought was used. Paid them off responsibly and quickly, but it was costly.

Ever priced a new roof? Hell, within the last 30-days our sink stopped up, the washer died, fridge finally died. and that’s only the big stuff. Even buying off FB, that was $1,000 in new appliances and repairs. Oh, and the hot water heater leaks, but that’s under control for the moment. And the roof needs patched. I’m scared to even price that, can’t afford it ATM anyway.

So yeah, I need serious “profit” just to break even.

EDIT: Do you idiots think I’m currently renting this home? FFS, try reading from the beginning.

Not if it can be fixed with an update, that’s a software issue.

I honestly don’t know how their stock hasn’t completely tanked, one clusterfuck after another. Quality is shit, the Cyber Truck is all but finished, CEO is fruity, etc.

And to top it off, they struggle to produce the product. Seems everything is on a waiting list.

I’ll be the last man on Earth to defend Israel, but this is how wars have always been fought, breaking the will of the population. The Allies pounded Axis civilians and the North hammered Southern civilians.

At some point in past decades, the world decided that terrorizing civilians was off the board. Maybe it’s because we can see the results with our own eyes? Israel didn’t get the memo.

Sounds like they didn’t fulfill a legal contract. And everybody blaming everything except the people who signed on the dotted line.

Yeah, but they should have gone with a 486DX, or SX at least. HUGE difference. The 386 was just too damned frustrating, but it was the first work PC I ever laid hands on. For a personal computer, I upgraded from a 286 to a Pentium 200.

Love my Jellyfin server, but I have 2 gripes over just using VLC.

  • Can’t use the scroll wheel for volume. It’s a pain aiming for the volume from across the room on the couch.

  • JF won’t boost volume past 100% like VLC.

Know of any fixes?

Got my kids back for the summer, first time since they got phones (9 and 11-yo). They’re hooked through the fucking bag. And that’s with their mom having severely limiting their screen time.

If I so much as threaten to take their phones, they act exactly like an addict having their stash stolen. If a literal demon jumped out the phone, grabbed them by the neck and punched them in face, they’d go right back on the screen.

I listen in, and it’s all high-pitched chatter at 100mph, randomly switching topics and formats. If the internet has fried my brain at 53, god knows what it’s doing to them.

I use this about once a month. Seriously.

I cannot see how Amazon expects to profit on this. Seems wildly expensive/complex and I’d rather wait than pay more for shipping.

Pull that in my state without both parties consenting, that’s a felony. Even if I call a 1-party “it’s ok to record 'em” state, they still have to let me know because my state is 2-party. No sane company is fooling with this.

SOURCE: Zoom admin and sysadmin for 10 years.

Better article:


They restored from another cloud service. Were I in charge, I’d still be leery of not having that data on my own drives. I have my Windows libraries mapped to my ghetto RAID 0, and those folders are in turn backed to Google. If all else fails, I have a local backup. And this story reminds me, I haven’t installed VEEAM on this new PC…

The media has pumped us full of terror. The gun thing is a perfect example, but comments on that aren’t welcome around here. I’ll just say, the danger is nothing like most imagine.

Went to pick up a kayak from FB Marketplace, got the wrong house. Lady wouldn’t answer at first, and that’s with a German Shepard barking at me though the door and a Ring doorbell looking at me. When she finally came, she wouldn’t open the glass, talked to me through the door.

For context, this is in the bougie suburb and I’m a well-dressed, middle-aged white guy. And I’m small. Hardly a scary man for the time and place.

On Nextdoor.com I see 1,000 idiot posts.

“Did you see the strange man walking down Oak Street?! I’ve seen him twice now!”

“A teenager came to my door today and I didn’t know him! Has anyone else been terrorized like this?”

Say it out loud. We’re both pirating content we’ve paid for. What a dumb system.

a functioning alcoholic in IT who was somehow able to pay for extra rent increases yet also didn’t have his shit together enough


Thank you! Folks around here are always baggin’ on CEOs like they’re the top dogs. Nope. The Board often orders them to do stupid shit, and sometimes they’re brought on to do stupid shit. Hence the golden parachute thing. Damn straight I want paid if you fire me for doing what I was told.

Said it before, they’re dumping low value customers for high value customers. This can be a legit strategy!

But not in this case. As you said, they’re going to milk the cow dead. We wouldn’t touch VMware with a ten-foot frog. Leaning into Proxmox ATM, working great so far.

Some states do exactly that, or did back in the day. 30-years ago in Oklahoma, an old 2-ton dump truck with an antique plate was $20, a new Corvette $600. I think Texas flipped that and charged by weight vs. value.