• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Really? I’ve never actually noticed one.

Maybe because of the ad blocking stuff I use on my phone.

Waze works well also.

Edit: I’m getting a lot of down votes and just wanted to clarify that I have never seen an ad in Waze.

I 100% believe people saying there are a lot of ads. I think the way that I have my phone setup is why I’m not getting ads.

Will definitely have to look into the others mentioned here.

Edit: Scratch that. It worked for less than 24 hours and went back to not connecting again.

To answer my own question, I hadn’t updated the firmware on my printer as it has been working fine so I just didn’t see a need to.

Went ahead and updated just in case and voila it started working.

Looks like Bambu is locking that functionality down behind the firmware version. As I didn’t see any notes in the update log pertaining to the camera so that’s the only thing that comes to mind.

Bambu Studio (P1S) Camera Issue
Has anyone been experiencing issues getting their camera feed up in Bambu Studio or the Handy app? For the first month and a half of having this printer the camera would usually load fine with the occasional issue. However now, I can't get the camera to load at all. It just errors out and says "Loading failed [-4]!" or "Loading failed [-13]!"

That’s interesting.

Here is a better link for it that isn’t pushing Google products. Not implying you are doing that, just wanted to provide a non Google link is all.


I actually went ahead and got a Sprite Neo and put it on the other day, installed Klipper after digging around for a printer.cfg for the Max Neo and finally finding one.

Now I’m just going through making sure everything is configured, levelled, and working properly as I have time.

I’ve actually been looking into that, need to finish this project I’m working on first but it’s definitely something I’m considering.

I would eventually like to go to direct drive and potentially add another extruder at some point so I can print in multiple colors and print models that require supports using a different filament like PVA.

Basically looking to overhaul it and give it a bit more functionality.

I already have a raspberry pi with octoprint on it and a camera with remote access so I can check on it from time to time or send prints to it without the need to bother with the SD card.

I will definitely look into the things you mentioned also. I’ve got aftermarket springs on it already.

Ender 3 Max Neo Upgrades
I'm looking to upgrade my Ender 3 Max Neo. It has Marlin firmware which I am unable to flash over to other versions of Marlin for some reason, it just crashes. My board is a 4.2.2. Obviously as indicated by the note above. I don't mind changing the board out but I'm having a hard time finding any information on the 3 Max Neo and would rather not buy parts just to end up finding out that it's not going to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ITT is “in this thread”

I didn’t read the article so I can’t speak on point B lol.