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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jan 04, 2024


This is a story about a shitty girlfriend who dumps her boyfriend on his birthday and the bored reporter who wrote up a nothingburger.

This is my experience. They are just taking your default agent and throwing up a message because they can’t be assed to do minimal testing in FF.

lol lol

You: he was about to move around for a few years and should be happy with that and accept his paralyzed state

This is where I am coming from. I buy computers buy the hundreds and really suffered what Dell offered and really loved what Lenovo offered.

Funny thing is that I clicked and started the 17.7 update, noticed the 18 update below, and clocked on it instead. Seems I may have been lucky to have seen it.

I generally think that TikTok sucks but do agree with this argument. It’s silly to say that domestic companies can be evil but foreign ones no.

Yep. All they do is meetings and hand shaking. The real work occurs several steps below them.

They’ve also taken the technology basically as far as it can go.

Nah. It’s still the same place. They died out within the time frame of completely modern humans.

Nearly every species ever has gone extinct. What you see around you are those few species that made it to the present. So, yes, on one hand it doesn’t matter. On the other hand, a new population of elephants isn’t going to affect the world and we can appreciate them.

Don’t forget pandemic, war, or economy proof. Services are needed no matter what’s going on.

It’s in the vernacular now. You only notice it because you’re older than the term. For a Zoomer or younger Millennial, it won’t stand out so much.

Soo…did this place eventually collapse under its own hubris? I went through similar when I used to work for Silicon Valley Bank. Eventually their hubris caught up to them.

Not a drop in the bucket of their revenues, though. This is really about someone feeling angst that they can’t get an extra quarter percent increase in profits for the quarter so that the dividends go up just so slightly.

What is the obsession with shitting on people’s choices?

As much as people want to act like they are better than they were, say, 100 years ago, it’s not really true. Humans are really just advanced monkeys running around and very few can actually surpass that nature.

The unreasonable escalation of your response really makes you come across as exceedingly insecure.

Funny: knowing that you only get one shot, I bought 32GB of RAM for my Mac Mini like 1.5 years ago. I figured that it gave me the best shot of keeping it usable past 5 years.

You just have to watch your favorite tablet get slower year after year to understand that a lot of this is artificial. They could make applications that don’t need those resources but would never do so.

Sorry, boo, everyone wants to hate Apple these days. It’s the Zeitgeist. Even if you say something reasonable or perhaps factual, the people are against you and will react violently.

Mac Mini is meant to be sort of the starter desktop. For higher end uses, they want you on the Mac Studio, an iMac, or a Mac Pro.

Back in the newsgroup days when only people who worked for a government agency or university had access, it was all very nice. It’s once the general public got in that every thing went to shit. Suddenly everyone could create their own fiefdom from which to project their internal insecurity.

Nearly 2 years ago we were considering moving to San Francisco and I began to search for jobs. I found one that I was well qualified for and took a deep look at, but backed out because it was full of all this bold-faced language about 40 hours on prem and how remote would never be permitted. The wording really seemed a bit shocking to me and I backed the heck away. It was OpenAI and they tried to fire Altman like a month later. I am so glad that I walked away from that, the whole thing is terrifying.

I had the same take–less going on to exfiltrate.

I’ve been on unit Internet since before there was an Internet and I’ve never heard of this site!

Only on closed courses. The best AI lacks the basic heuristics of a child and you simply can’t account for all possible outcomes.

There are people who are pathologically contrarian. I’ve had to end a friendship over it—the endless need to say something negative about literally everything that ever happens and an unwillingness to be charitable to others.

I’m with you. The hate has always seemed a bit like a first world problem.

I agree with it being nice to be able to hear how they were doing. But it’s nice now to manage a thousand computers.

HDDs before, say, 1986, were junk. Those that came after will still very expensive until the late 90s, when prices started to drop.

First several generations of hard drives really were awful and broke if you stared at them at them wrong. Floppies were more reliable, cheaper, and easy to get.

I dunno, isn’t the homeowner an idiot for putting a smart washer on WiFi in the first place? We don’t need smart devices, they aren’t making our lives better.

This article is garbage. The only thing that Steve Jobs did was have ideas and enough narcissism to force them on other people. Engineers and designers far smarter than he did the actual work.

If I hadn’t already left, this would probably have been the thing that did it for me.