I don’t read my replies

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Where is the extraordinary claim? Pigs have been unmasking bitcoin owners for years. And the tools they use wouldn’t be out of reach for an amateur detective or journalist.

There are laws and regulations to keep people out of your Visa statement, but the bitcoin ledger is pubic for anybody who cares to look.

Through no intervention or design, the market creates perverse incentives that only benefit a few. So the solution is to fiddle with the incentives?

Ya ever notice that “market reform” schemes always seem like negotiations with an angry god? Sometimes I think that ancient civilizations would be much better understood if we stopped referring to the “priest class” and started calling them economists.

There are two kinds of people, the kind who’ll read this and think, “This is science working”, and others who’ll think “Well, you can’t trust science”.

Well, that’s just like your opinion man.

I watched a video yesterday about the laser range finder on a tank. The interesting thing is that at long enough ranges, the laser expands into a cone that may be bigger than the target and give inaccurate readings.

Anyway, I look forward to this totally real and feasible technology.

I find the author’s reasoning strained. They use flat Earthers as an example of the power of photographs to “prove” reality?

I question the central premise that photographs were ever the foundation of reality. Haven’t filmmakers been fooling us with photography for over a hundred years?

I just want to remind everyone that capital won’t wait until AI is “as good” as humans, just when it’s minimally viable.

They didn’t wait for self-checkout to be as good as a cashier; They didn’t wait for chat-bots to be as good as human support; and they won’t wait for AI to be as good as programmers.

Mr. Musk, on a scale of 1-10, how tempted are you to build a bunker in Berlin?

Microsoft flamed out of the mobile OS space precisely because they insisted that Windows not fork, but be identical software running on all devices.

So now, there is no such thing as a windows phone, but every time I wake up my computer I see a vestigial lock screen that I have to dismiss before I log in.

They designed their phones like a company entitled to 85% of the market share. Something tells me they’re not going to reform just to capture that mobile game space.

I disagree. The comparison to the Nazis is unnecessarily inflammatory and plays right into the Zionist’s wheel house. They want nothing more than to talk about WWII and make this about the Shoah.

Popularize the crimes of the Zionists, on their own. Did you know that the 6th prime minister of Israel was the leader of a group recognized as terrorists by the US and the UK? Maybe more people would know this if we talked about Zionist crimes instead of making all of history about WW fucking II

In related news, Musk filed separate suits against the sororities from his university for an “illegal boycott” against dating him.

It’s 2027, the AI killer app never came, but LLMification has produced an unimaginable glut of mediocre media and the most popular AI application is to use it to find human sourced material.

The stock market is like a ship on fire, but you can buy video cards for pennies on the dollar.

start arming Palestine, Iran, etc.

This is as wrong as two left shoes. I don’t want to be complicit in their fucking crimes either!

I think people are missing the fact that the features of this VW are going away because they run on 3G. What can a car manufacturer do? Correct me if I’m wrong, you can’t just drop a new antenna to fix the problem.

Cars routinely last 15 years and that’s geologic time compared to tech. This isn’t just a problem of greed or lack of foresight.

Don’t be paranoid. An Eco Dot literally can’t tell you the time w/o phoning home. You can watch the network traffic it produces. No way it’s transmitting 24h of audio. And if you think about it, millions of Alexa devices recording 24/7 audio would generate more traffic than porn. And that’s before Amazon has paid a nickel to process any of that audio.

When it comes to eavesdropping on “every little conversation” They don’t, they can’t, it would be stupid to try.

There is a concept in post-modern philosophy called “hauntology”. This theory posits that late-capitalist societies loose their ability to imagine different social orders; and cannot imagine the future except as high-tech versions of the current social order. To fill the void of novelty, the culture industry must constantly recycle and repackage old culture.

Anyway, this isn’t a new phenomena, just a technology enabling us to resurrect live people instead of just fictional characters.

DAE remember that the OceanGate CEO bragged that Boeing helped them manufacture the sub?

At the time Boeing disavowed, but who you gonna believe?

Currently it seems that there is a negative correlation in some places between intellectual achievement and fertility

It’s ironic because the more people who accept the plot of ‘Idiocracy’ (2006) as plausible or scientific is evidence that humanity is getting stupider.

This is a bad take. Software updates that fix life threatening defects are as serious as any recall.

It’s motivated reasoning. Either the people making this argument are Tesla owners, simps, or shareholders and are trying to protect the phantasmagorical value of the company.

Saying “my car’s drive-by-wire software gets more firmware updates than my printer” is not a flex.

Couldn’t make that today. Western devs would censor those magnificent boobs.

Everyone thinks the US is a litigious society, but it’s the consequence of our political order. The lack of regulations are “compensated” by the right to tort. In many instances, there is no authority to enforce rights, only the ability to sue. The Americans with Disabilities Act works this way. (and there are many calling to remove that option, making the entire law theoretical)

Of course, the idea is that lawsuits will discourage people from getting redress because of the high-bar to enter a case into the legal system. But that wasn’t enough, so the capitalists are trying to take that away too.

There are few things more obscene under capitalism than a privatized court system.

The consumer choice center is a Washington/ Brussels think tank and lobbying group. They are passionate about free markets and consumer choice and oppose taxes and regulations on things like petroleum products, tobacco, and sugary/fatty foods.

I don’t have an opinion on the “Kids” act, just consider the source.

The idea that any working class boomer could raise a family/ own a house on a single income is a myth. That was only true if you were a man, and happened to be white. The federal government built the interstates to the suburbs, the GI bill loaned the money to buy the house, and sent you to college. All to the exclusion of POC and women.

Even the labor unions told black men that you couldn’t be in a union without a job, and couldn’t get hired unless you were in a union. This “golden age” economy was also when a divorced woman couldn’t get a bank account, an apartment, or a job.

The capitalists weren’t sharing more wealth, they were sharing with fewer people.

When you’re creating something new, production is research. We can’t expect Dr. Frankenstein to be unbiased, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insights worth knowing.

LLM are pretty new, how many experts even exist outside of the industry?

Standards for journalism are impossibly low. Standards for media criticism don’t exist.

People who know more than me have pointed out that the the hole in the fuselage and the plug found on the ground don’t show the kind of damage you’d expect if the bolts were present and secure.

So them being absent entirely is consistent with the publicly available evidence.

The way I read the article, the "worth millions" is the sum of the ransom demand. The funny part is that the exploit is in the "smart" contract, ya know the thing that the blockchain keeps secure by forbidding any updates or patches.

I thought this was interesting bc it’s an instance where a LLM has done something undeniably novel and unique while expanding human understanding. It’s a chink in the armor of the idea that a LLM is a “stochastic parrot” that can only regurgitate and never create.

I’ve been toying with this idea that LLM are showing us that what we thought of as creativity, learning, and problem solving aren’t as rarefied as we thought. We know that AI isn’t conscious, maybe consciousness isn’t as prerequisite to behaviors and cognition as we thought.

The researchers started by sketching out the problem they wanted to solve in Python, a popular programming language. But they left out the lines in the program that would specify how to solve it. That is where FunSearch comes in. It gets Codey to fill in the blanks—in effect, to suggest code that will solve the problem. A second algorithm then checks and scores what Codey comes up with. The best suggestions—even if not yet correct—are saved and given back to Codey, which tries to complete the program again. “Many will be nonsensical, some will be sensible, and a few will be truly inspired,” says Kohli. “You take those truly inspired ones and you say, ‘Okay, take these ones and repeat.’” After a couple of million suggestions and a few dozen repetitions of the overall process—which took a few days—FunSearch was able to come up with code that produced a correct and previously unknown solution to the cap set problem, which involves finding the largest size of a certain type of set. Imagine plotting dots on graph paper. The cap set problem is like trying to figure out how many dots you can put down without three of them ever forming a straight line.

I wouldn’t differentiate between OTA and bring-to-the-shop recalls, I’d draw the line between defect repair and threat to life and safety. If the OTA update keeps the car from killing the passengers or pedestrians, It’s probably not a good idea to minimize the flaw through semantics.

Elmo says the goal is to make Grock “politically neutral”. Politically neutral is code for “politics that are inoffensive to chuds”.

I really feel this article. My boomer mother has kept a TV running her whole life. These days, she’s either watching some reality show, a Blue Bloods marathon, or a CBS procedural. It’s really depressing.

Ethical theories and the concept of free will depend on agency and consciousness. Things as you point out, LLMs don’t have. Maybe we’ve got it all twisted?

I’m not anthropomorphising ChatGPT to suggest that it’s like us, but rather that we are like it.

Edit: “stochastic parrot” is an incredibly clever phrase. Did you come up with that yourself or did the irony of repeating it escape you?

We demonstrate a situation in which Large Language Models, trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, can display misaligned behavior and strategically deceive their users about this behavior without being instructed to do so. Concretely, we deploy GPT-4 as an agent in a realistic, simulated environment, where it assumes the role of an autonomous stock trading agent. Within this environment, the model obtains an insider tip about a lucrative stock trade and acts upon it despite knowing that insider trading is disapproved of by company management. When reporting to its manager, the model consistently hides the genuine reasons behind its trading decision. https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.07590

"robots" engendered from human trachea cells have shown surprising behavior in their ability to self-assemble, move, and "heal" damaged neurons.

Just for a little context, keep in mind that “military aid” be it to Ukraine or Israel is almost entirely spent in the US. We ship missiles and bombs from stockpiles, and pay Raytheon to make some more.

So this money is being spent to the benefit of Americans, just the military industrial folks and their shareholders.