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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Pardon me, but that cool-ass creation is a thingy, not a thing.

It doesn’t have to match, but it’ll all run at the rate of the slowest stick. I just added a note about your PSU too, so check the bottom of my comment if you didn’t see it already.

Edit: didn’t think to mention it because it’s so obvious to me, but you said you’re new, so I’ll mention it. Before you do anything below, make sure your heatsinks on your CPU and GPU aren’t clogged with dust. Blow the case and fans out with compressed air if needed. Once that’s done then proceed with my original reply below.

First off, pull the 8GB DDR4 2400MHz Memory because it’s slowing your faster RAM down. All of the RAM in a system will run at the rate of the slowest stick. You’ll be better off with 16GB 3600 than 24GB 2400.

A better GFX card will make a huge difference. Your CPU will be a bottleneck, but still, upgrading the GFX card will make a difference. For that matter, see if you can get an i5 or i7 for your generation socket on the cheap. Don’t spend a lot of money on a CPU though, because you won’t be able to move it to a new computer because of the socket.

Some people have recommended an SSD. That’s a good idea, but if you have an extra PCIe port then I’d recommend an NVMe drive with the PCIe adaptor. It still won’t be as fast as a native NVMe, but it’s around 3-4x faster than a SATA SSD.

If your TV has gaming mode, make sure you use it. It turns off a lot of the upscaling and processing that TVs do, and optimizes it for refresh rate and response time. That alone will make your computer feel more responsive.

Order of priorities:

  1. Pull RAM

  2. TV gaming mode

  3. NVMe drive

  4. Better GPU with the idea that you’ll move it into your next computer when you rebuild.

  5. Cheap i5 or better

4 and 5 are interchangeable. It’s hard to say which you should do first. I’d lean towards a GFX card if you’re rebuilding in the next year, or the CPU if you’re not.

Edit 2: if you threw that 1070 into a cheap pre-built, I’ll bet you $5 the PSU isn’t outputting enough power. If the 1070 came with the computer then it’s probably fine, but I can’t imagine a company was selling a 1070 with an i3, and if they were, avoid their computers from now on. Use a PC power requirement calculator online, and figure out if you have enough power for the parts you currently have. A system without enough power will run like shit, regardless of how good the components are.

Neato! Are they like regular corgis, but just grey?

Cute pupper. He does look quite different than the posted dog though. Is it the same breed?

This must be AI

“Give me a photorealistic picture of a wolf combined with a corgi, and give it a silly sounding name”

You just toss the cat into the litter box after setting it up and they’re like “this is fucking rad, dude! Thanks! Now leave me alone to do my bidness”.

That bunny has a better living space than I did all through college.

That grammar is concerning for someone who works at the library.

Looks like a Salcata Desert Tortoise. They’re the 2nd largest tortoise in the world, so they don’t make great pets for people who don’t live in warm climates and have big backyards. But they’re often sold as pets when they’re little babies about the size of a silver dollar. Then they grow up and turn into nightmares for the owners. They’ll plow straight through drywall walls too, and even cheap apartment doors.

Good for you. I refuse to put work related stuff on my phone. Especially since they want permission to remotely wipe my device if it’s lost. I paid for this phone, it is mine, not theirs. Bye.

I ordered an iPod from Alibaba back in the day and it was most certainly not an iPod. I think they’re more reliable than back then, but who knows. It’s always a gamble ordering from those kinds of sites.

One time I ordered a PS2 kit from some janky-ass Chinese site. The kit converted it into a flip top and included a CD that would let you play burned games. After a couple months of it not showing up, I figured I got ripped off, which I half expected anyways. 3.5 months later the kit showed up at my doorstep and actually worked. Haha! I used that thing for years after making the conversion.

I am your checkfather, stop it and go to bed.

It’s like a little pig dog.

There should be two black pawns there and the white pawn captures both of them with one move. Chess masters hate this one weird trick!

There’s a dog breed that looks like a little bear.

House cats will eat you if you die alone in a house with them.

Please tell me you have another kitty named Mad Martigan.

I could not find any other pictures of these two in your profile, but I did see lots of other cute pictures

What are those glorious birds?

I didn’t see the cat at first and thought you were giving us the age of the wolf pillow.

Is it dead? It looks like a sea turtle that didn’t make it to the water in time.

I can tell it has more RAM in it because it is physically larger.

Awe! My wife has been talking about a staffy a lot lately.

Where is she? I’ll take her if she’s close.

That’s a valid concern that I didn’t consider.

18.53ms is imperceptible to humans.