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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


This is a very tough question. Ask yourself, what is it worth and what value does this add to the user experience?

Like, I like the idea of the project. I’m not even mad they aren’t doing it for free but, like, fuck Man…

“We have not solidified a price point yet.”

Or something. “What value does this add”? Is Steam gonna allow me to decide what I want to pay like itch.io or something? Fuck, that feels like such a “we want to charge the absolute most we can with good intentions we promise,” statement.

I’ve seen pallets of Prime donated to multiple organizations lately.

They’re really trying to move that unsold stock, huh?

Then at least use something fancy like a flight stick! The F710 makes… anything newer than the Gravis Gamepad look like luxury!

Just get the F310, like me, and you can enjoy that three foot range without batteries.


The best of both worlds, I’ve got Flash Carts for all my retro consoles and I’m (slowly) working on ODEs for the others! In the cases where an ODE removes the disc drive, I have secondary consoles! My partner hates that the entertainment stand is covered in video games but loves that most of the boxed games are in storage!

I said all these things to my partner when I saw the ad as well.

I’ve spent more time helping my kid write Steam reviews of the games they’re playing than this Dad did on writing a letter to his daughter’s hero.

Simple as. Don’t be surprised when the kid puts you in a crappy home to afford more Gemini credit or whatever.

A starter home isn’t just “the cheapest thing in a given market.” Some neighborhoods aren’t starter home markets.

You can’t say “It’s a starter in Malibu” or “That’s starter home prices in downtown Manhattan.” Neither of those locations have starter homes in them.

That said, abolish NIMBYs but let’s be real, no one can afford a “Starter” in those places because they aren’t Starter locales.

I asked my buddy at work how he was doing and he said “I need to get this money, ya know? It’s tight.” Meanwhile, he’s paying weekly for what I pay monthly for a car. My phones are always bought secondhand and for the most part I only blow money on videogames.

You can be “doing good” financially because you make enough money to afford the lifestyle you want while “living paycheck to paycheck” because you spend 100% on your lifestyle.

It’s entirely possible that literally everything she claimed was false or exaggerated but there’s still enough evidence of Linus acting less than decently on the WAN show with regard to his other actions that cast doubt.

The man who took another company’s prototype and auctioned it off then claimed that they already had an agreement before contacting them somehow had zero evidence of abuse of power? We should assume that his willingness to abuse his power ends at his businesses doorstep because some of his co-workers are decent people?

I would like an electric 2004 Dodge Neon…

Does China have that? Not like in build quality, I know they’re trash, just that exact car.

It’s Edmunds, not GasCarsOnly.com. They’re just reporting on their cars. All those Alfas that everyone bashed a few years back wasn’t to try to convince people not to buy gas cars, just not to buy the Alfa.

Same here. You shouldn’t give GM a pass for their shit tier cars just because they’re EV.