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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


I won’t claim it’s the equivalent of the Bambu Labs FDM printer, because I’ve never done FDM printing.

On top of that, I’m only familiar with the one resin printer I’ve used.

Anyway, it’s an Anycubic Photon Mono X 4k. I’ve had really good luck with it, and I’ve printed over 200 miniatures and other things. I’ve had some failed prints but they were almost always my fault for doing something dumb, and there haven’t been that many overall. I’m guessing easily less than 5%.

I wouldn’t recommend the exact same model as mine, because they have newer ones (like an 8k version of mine and some others).

But I would definitely recommend the Anycubic Photon line as worth looking into. Read some reviews & watch some videos.

Good luck!

At reddit, line must go up. So user experience must go down.

More hilarity: as of about a week ago, it appears the reddit algorithm has also started boosting posts with negative karma on their horrible mobile app. Guessing it’s a move towards ‘negative engagement’. I have not seen it myself (I don’t use the reddit app) but I see users complaining about it.


The only way to win the reddit game is to not play.

Alternative headlines:

  • Dell wants to contribute to global warming for no good reason.
  • Dell wants to expose workers to death by automobile for no real reason.

Thanks, for the tips! I’m familiar with UBlock Origin, have been using it for ages. Good to know about the cookies and persistent login.

I’ve been meaning to try LibreWolf, here’s my chance.

I worry this sort of news could push voters towards Republicans. The Republicans will make things much worse for low-income and middle class voters, of course. But for some reason, a lot of Americans buy into the ancient lie that Republican policies are “good for jobs and the economy”.

I would try local library first, then your local Discord community, and then maybe Nextdoor.

I know Nextdoor can be a real shitshow of paranoid street watchers and bad political takes. But I have found it very helpful when it comes to stuff like this (and getting recommendations on local services / shops in general). Be sure to say you have the STL and are willing to pay a reasonable amount for help with it.

I have too much in their ecosystem as it is. Mail. Drive. I think I’ll be skipping Wallet.

They just have to rename, move, and otherwise obfuscate shit. Always in the general direction of worse.

I really hope so. Sometimes I think the kids are alright. Like the 12 year old owning the My Pillow idiot. Then I hear the horror stories from my school teacher friends.

The link below isn’t the fundamental reason, but I think it helps to explain the shift in mindset. With the best of intentions and a desire to innovate and help people live better…the ersartz movement became corrupted by conspicuous consumption and a “disruptor” capitalist mindset:


They’ve been saying this kind of bullshit since the early 90s. Employers hate programmers because they are expensive employees with ideas of their own. The half-dozen elite lizard people running the world really don’t like that kind of thing.

Unfortunately, I don’t think any job is truly safe forever. For myriad reasons. Of course there will always be a need for programmers, engineers, designers, testers, and many other human-performed jobs. However, that will be a rapidly changing landscape and the number of positions will be reduced as much as the owning class can get away with. We currently have large teams of people creating digital content, websites, apps, etc. Those teams will get smaller and smaller as AI can do more and more of the tedious / repetitive / well-solved stuff.

I bet this evil fuck has all kinds of patents around this idea so when someone who isn’t a psychopath James Bond villain wants to help people with disabilities by developing a similar device…they won’t be able to.

I wonder if they’ll end up doing a rename / rebrand if “ClownStrike” continues to haunt them (as it should).

If they do, I’m sure the new name will be some focus tested aberration they pay way too much for.

It is messy. Requires careful handling and procedures. Stinky, too. Best to do it in a garage or shed. Some people build ventilation systems and tent it.

This is very cool.

I have printed a few functional things with my resin printer. Like some pieces I designed in Blender that I needed in order to make some minor repairs to stuff around the house. Was really fun using calipers to measure, come up with a design, and puzzle it all out.

It’s much easier than modeling for games or animation, because you can make objects out of multiple overlapping simple shapes, and don’t have to worry about mesh geometry. The slicer will just convert the layers into 2d slices.

And I’ve made some custom gifts, too. Put people’s names on things, stuff like that.

But 99% of my prints are miniatures for tabletop gaming.

I for one welcome…oh wait, this isn’t that lame Spez site. Forgot where I was for a second.

Agree. Weighted arithmetic mean would help. And/or breaking it up by net worth or income.

The article does link to a longer transunion report with more quarterly detail.

It’s poser bullshit. They think holding a weapon makes them look like a badass, even though almost anyone can do it.

What are some good multi-platform alternatives/ replacements?

When I had to flash my BIOS and pray that it didn’t brick my PC I cursed them, saying “Fuck Intel, I hope their stock plummets!”

You’re welcome everyone.

My guess is that phase three will work for a while. But I think you’re right that eventually they are going to drive that thing into the ground. Because it’s never enough pure profit for rent-seeking scum, and there is no lower limit to the abuse they’ll inflict on their content creators (who they call users but think of as products).

I remember. Now it’s mostly walled gardens everywhere. Capitalism fucked us again.

The tech bros very much need to be reigned in, but I understand a nuanced approach is necessary because it’s an area where the US is still somewhat competitive, and millions of jobs are on the line.

As for Lina Khan, I hope Kamala Harris, if elected, will give her full support on Khan’s investigation into PBMs. Pharmacy Benefits Managers are one of the primary reasons prescription drugs are outrageously expensive. And up until recently, most Americans didn’t even know they exist.

Both Big Tech and Big Pharma need much stronger regulations and oversight by the feds.

I am hoping (probably naively so) that lemmy’s stock of technical answers will continue to grow and eventually become a half decent archive for people to search for potential solutions.

I’ve worked in various and sundry IT jobs for over 35 years. In every job, they paid a lot of lip service and performed a lot box-checking towards cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and business continuity.

But, as important as those things are, they are not profitable in the minds of a board of directors. Nor are they sexy to a sales and marketing team. They get taken for granted as “just getting done behind the scenes”.

Meanwhile, everyone’s real time, budget, energy, and attention is almost always focused on the next big release, or bug fixes in app code, and/or routine desktop support issues.

It’s a huge problem. Unfortunately it’s how the moden management “style” and late stage capitalism operates. Make a fuss over these things, and you’re flagged as a problem, a human obstacle to be run over.

I like being able to check how busy a place is, but not like this. Simple head count or an average wait time is good. Using web cams is creepy overkill. Typical tech bro invasive shit.

I had a buddy in the UK I chatted with on this thing in the early days. We thought we were so cool using it. We were not.

Here’s an updated way to bypass it. This Youtuber is a little cheerful-cheesy, but the info is good.


Achievement unlocked: discovering the Great Filter.

I feel so bad for tall people on planes. It’s uncomfortable AF for all of us, but you guys have to become human origami just to sit. It’s insane that this shit is legal. I avoid flying as much as possible.

Making it opt-in is a much better way to offer this ridiculous “feature”. But I wager there will be future shenanigans. MS is very sneaky and passive-aggressive about pushing sketchy unwanted shit on its customers.