¡ɹǝpun uʍop ɯoɹɟ ʎɐppᴉפ

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Well apparently you don’t understand it either. My point is that there are opposing weather patterns that occur over larger periods you are unaware of.

It’s only you grasping to at insults to have your cringe whinge because someone doesn’t believe in your opinion.


Get bent.

You are also sharing disinformation as well. You say climate change, but you do not define it.

Many people are aware of El Nino / La Nina and that they cycle roughly 7 years. What most people don’t know, is that there are cycles that occur every 25 years, and more that are even longer than that.

Now consider when those cycles happen to coincide, there is an increased change until those cycles move back out of sync.

Yes there is climate change, but a large majority of it is out of yours or anyone else’s control.

Quantum Computing is still climbing the slope from TT to the Peak of Inflated Expectations. There is still little to no major hype, as its still in “R&D/testing” it is slow, it is expensive (Very) limited due to all the surrounding tech required to make it work like cooling, containment etc…

Compare this to AI.

AI is at and heading down from the Peak towards the Trough of Disillusionment. It was easy (relatively) to implement, easy to evolve as how nVidia did, simply throw more silicon at it. The Hype was easy to generate because even while totally misinformed, media and other people out there thought they could easily sell it. Even though most of what they claimed was turd, it sounded amazing and a game changer even in the early stages, and businesses lapped it up. Now they are feeling the pain, and seeing that there are still major hurdles to get past.

Reddit says “blablabla” . Reddit is just trying to stop its communistic website from losing money.

Reddit says “we will give you access” once you pay us and feather our pockets.

Fuck spez, what a cunt. Delete all your comments etc, and let the AI rot in retarded posts.

Wiki “Darkmode” which can seeming be bought by anyone with money, to remove content makes WIKI a total lie.

They do not deserve or will earn our money. They are scammers and cheaters.


Nothing that some Self Adhesive Vinyl can’t fix. They’ll have to deal with getting it off the screen afterwards too. Want to fine me for it? Then tell me where you got the data, because I didn’t consent to you having my data.

If altar boys could get pregnant, the church would have approved birth control long ago.

I’ve listened to it, and it sounds nothing like Scarlett does. I had to find a movie with Scarlett in it to compare with, and I can honestly tell you ChatGPT sounds nothing like Natasha in Black Widow.

(Joke aside, ChatGPT doesn’t sound like Scarlett at all).

I get lags too. Interestingly (and not relevant to the topic) I can access reddit okay (but it has huge pause on initial load) on Windows with Chrome (or Opera), but reddit fails to load correctly when I am using Linux with Chromium. Tried other browsers too, reddit seems to not like Linux at all (well my install of Linux anyway). I can’t even log in successfully.

I’ll have to believe you, I don’t know what DIGG is! I’ll presume its just another media online outlet.

Have you seen the abomination that is the layout for reddit now? https://www.reddit.com

Thankfully you can still access the old “new” layout at https://new.reddit.com , and of course https://old.reddit.com still exists too.

I only go there for a few communities that don’t exist here, but that is where we are at, at this point.

Sucks to be american. Sucks to live in america.

Why would anyone?

Came to say this. Here in the AU you cannot exclude certain things, this being one of them. They can write it all they like into the TOS, but cannot be enforced. There are many examples, but basically no TOS/Warranty/T&C can exclude or explicitly deny any rights you have or laws that protect you.

Similar to warranty here. Many companies like to put “limited liability” and 30 day warranty. But in AU, the warranty has to fall within our laws. (for example Samsung saying warranty on a $5000 TV is 2 years. Well in AU if the tv is that expensive, you have the right to claim warranty on manufacturing failure for at least 5 years.) Many items we buy here, have an “Australia only warranty amendment page” stuffed in the box!

yes, but did you enable an adblocker? I’m just saying it will work browsing via DDG. (oh, and I’m on PC. Don’t know if this would work on a phone).

If you are looking for a specific video, use DDG search, then click videos. No ad’s!

Obviously not useful if you’re just randomly browsing content.

I read about this, and you will have the ability to turn the ad’s off in settings.

They are optional. For now.

Anyone still using LibreSSL and not OpenSSL, has only themselves to blame. Or their company or whoever is forcing it on them.


At the time of this article’s publication, Star Citizen had raised $658,161,596 from more than five million accounts.

The game has not even officially been released!!

Well Mg is the 8th most abundant element on the planet (and probably in the universe). So the problem has nothing to do with shortages of it (13% of the Earth, and approx 2% of the Earths crust is Mg in one form or another). If you have ever heard of dolomite, that contains Mg, it is CaMg(CO3)2. Many people have it as a driveway, its used in terrazzo concrete and tons of other things.

So its not a shortage. What I can tell you that 85% of global Mg output is from China. Back in 2021, China was struggling with high coal and electricity prices (both which are needed to refine Mg to 99% after its mined out of the ground and floated). They shut down 50% of the Mg refineries, and then the started those ones back up 2 months later, but only at 40% capacity, until 2022. What we are probably seeing now is that “hiccup” in production rippling through. The other thing I can say is that plants are designed to work to capacity. They cannot usually “just drop the output” It just doesn’t work like that, they dont have a “volume knob” to reduce the output to 40%, and when they are running out of design bandwidth, they are HORRIBLY inefficient and wasteful. They would have been starting, run at full capacity, and shut down again, and it makes me shudder thinking about how bad this is. (plants are designed to run with, oh maybe 2 planned, full shutdowns a year!)

China’s supply to the world (the 85%) is about 0.84 million metric tons. So, in my opinion, dropping to (probably less than) half that for ~ 4 months is a big deal to supply, and we are still feeling the effects although I suspect we are getting past it now.

Well I was in the mining industry, in a service capacity. The company sold equipment to China mining companies to actually do this stuff, and included analysing and improving mining and mining refinement processes. It didn’t matter the mineral/element they were targeting, we had equipment to make it happen.

The tech was never theirs, in a mining (start to finish) capacity. It was already western, they bought it. And like all good chinese companies, they then copied it and made half arsed versions of it. They even had the audacity to buy our parts that were proprietary, that they simply could not make immediately (I assume they worked it out eventually).

Interestingly, Gallium and Germanium were used in our old technologies that we sold to them. Our new tech doesn’t need either of those. So any Rare Earth processing they have was derived from what the west had already achieved.

Unfortunately its the access to the actual mined elements that we want to consume that is the problem, its not the tech they stole from us in the first place.

I don’t know anything about their Covid-19 gene editing splice kits, but I wouldn’t trust their LIDAR. Probably burn you (or the pedestrian in front of you) retinas out!

The only “digital” I download, is something that I can put on my personal storage. If I can download it to Nintendo Switch and then move it to USB or SD card, then I can clone the sd card and therefore I own it. (immediate usage might be different, and they may chose to delete if it is put back on the Switch. But I still own it, I just need to find an alternative method to use it).

Same goes with games/movies/whatever. If I can download it and store it on my NAS, I own it.

If you are paying for “digital” but you cannot acquire a copy of it, then it is NOT “Digital” it is streaming. You are paying for the privilege of using some services’ electronic library, but you do not own anything on it.

I’ve been watching this argument lately, and its amusing. The whole Sony thing about Discovery (or whatever it was) has nothing to do with ownership. You were paying to access a library that Sony curated. Sony dropped the contract with the other party, and chose to tidy their library. You just have access to it, because they let you. You do not have any ownership whatsoever, you signed a T&C that says Sony curates the library and they can do what they like.

People seem to have a hard time using words like “content”, “streaming” and “digital” vs “electronic copy”, “local digital copy” and “DLC”; and then confuse "ownership and “content access”.

I might be cynical, but if the Apollo missions are anything to go by, sacrificing many “international astronauts” in testing to finally get one successfully up there, is better than losing american’s?

But hey, I’m only watching from “The Dish” over here in Oz.

It does.

sudo pro config set apt_news=false and sudo truncate -s0 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf

But I feel sorry for you if you are still using Ubuntu at this point.

You have a W10 license, so just run up a VM, and install your software in that. Whilst it will be marginally slower, it will be 100% compatible and run on your host OS (this is not good for gaming in general, but if the VM software you use supports passthrough, mainly for GPU, then its pretty negligible).

Keep the Win10 VM off the WAN, and who cares how out of date it is and lacking in security updates.

Why don’t we call it grandmother policy? Pthhhh. The matriarchy gets away with a lot these days. Here we are, just innocently minding our own business…

This news is so fscking old. Why do we keep seeing it repeating here?

YT . Block antiblock. its all out intrusive. Stop using, next post.

Stop fscking reposting this shit that is literally 2 months old. Just because you “only just saw it” doesnt mean your 2 second GOOGLE would have told you everyone else knows ffs, and its been rolled out.

Get wire cutters, and SNIP. Then get new crimp connector and align. Next, use crimp tool to mate connector to wires.

Really? This is the posts we get in Tech sub these days?

  1. Should be somewhere else like electronics or homerepairs
  2. ugh, I cannot be bothered.

Water got into the battery. Well that sounds like it is squarely a fault of Tesla and its QC or R&D. Who tf builds a car, with a battery, doesn’t make sure that the battery and all other major components are IP68 rated for “full immersion up to a meter or more for 30 minutes” ?

Its a CAR. We have Fords to cross. And some RAIN fscked it up??!!

It’s not “anti-theft”.

It’s just dumb **** criminals who can’t handle being herded and being RIGHTLY LABLED as useless C***S

I have been saying for a while now (10 years+) that internet should be treated like gas, electricity and water. Today its an essential service.

However, at least in OZ, ISPs are not accountable for outages, and should be.

Here, if electricity is out for a certain period, you can claim for spoilage and if its longer than a govt set period, the electricity company must pay you.

same for the other services (but rarely happens).

ISPs should be considered an essential service, and if they are out for 4hrs, then it should start costing by paying the customer.

And possibly there should be clauses for outages that have “catastrophic outcomes” (im not gonna define it, but you get the idea) should result in suitable claims for damages.


"YouTube, Reddit and a body armour manufacturer were among the businesses that helped enable the gunman who killed 10 Black people in an racist attack at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket, according to a pair of lawsuits announced Wednesday.

If you want to make and add all these fees, I think it is only fair that your are required to list them all.

Stop hiding behind your pussy corporate bullshit, and take some responsibility for your money grabbing thoughtlessness.

Customers want to be able to determine who is of best value, and if you advertise $5 a month but add $45 of “fees” then you are just a cunt, and you don’t deserve the business; even if your SUM TOTAL of $50 a month is less than some other ISP that just says its $54 a month and that’s it.

If you are sneaking about and skirting shit like this, we can only assume you are like that at a corporate level, and everything you are doing is dodgy as fuck.

So everything is about right. Today you can buy a budget pc, and skim on performance, but back then (and I was there man!) you could not.

In 1985 HDD were only starting to gain traction for PC’s and that was about the only thing you could spec up. That IBM pc is “High Res” which probably means it was VGA multicolour (yay!lol) with 640x480 resolution. So you were basically buying top of the line.

Today, if you were to build a top of the line PC, RTX4090, latest best intel cpu, PSU, etc, etc it would be easy to spend $5K!

But damn, the difference in performance from back then to now!! (That IBM is an XT which means it was a 4.77Mhz with 8086 cpu. Just looking at that picture, I can feel the weight of the bloody thing)

This is not the place. You want to find a place specific in coding or sql.

Did you try searching all communities for sql?