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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


So the switch itself emulates older consoles… I could have swore I remember reading something like the anniversary bundle that they put out for a limited edition had a emulator that someone made.

That guy has never seen AI code before. It regularly gets even simple stuff wrong. Was he especially good is when it gives made up crap. Or it tells you a method or function you can use but doesn’t tell you where it got that. And then you’re like “oh wow I didn’t realize that was available” and then you try it and realize that’s not part of the standard library and you ask it “where did you get that” and it’s like “oh yeah sorry about that I don’t know”.

Son of a bitch your right. All my posts got restored! I ran one of those scripts that went through and deleted them all… and sure as fuck I can find them if I search for my reddit account name.

Then following up by threatening to sue all the users who deleted the comments they made and left

Sir Reginald. Reggie for short.

Hopefully AMD doesn’t pull an Intel and get complacent and spend over a decade doing basically nothing (at best) or or delivering subpar parts (at worst)

3M has fucked up the water in my area pretty bad for decades. I have to use Zero water filters for everything. Been thinking of installing a large under sink filter/reverse osmosis system.

When I supported the network at work, with many ISPs across the US… It depends on the Telco.

Comcast Business, was hand down the best Telco when it comes to business lines from my experience. At&t and Verizon were the script readers, having to argue everything to get them to do anything. Many of the cable companies, just had terrible everything. CenturyLink was very good, but awful support portal.

Wow… Roku found a way to dig a deeper while and somehow make Samsung look good by comparison.

I might be in the mood to buy a new printer. I have a Brother HL-2070N. And I’ve long since forgotten the admin password.

Try again weak troll

So a troll in your mind is just someone that doesn’t agree with you… ok.

You’re making a lot of wild assumptions, acting like you know me at all. You REALLY need me to be this mega-prude because that’s the only truth you know in your mind, it’s the only way your argument holds water. Gosh, would be weird if I said… she could do porn I wouldn’t care… but being doing porn AND being a teacher, probably not so much.

You act like teenagers don’t go to porn sites. They do. You act like teenagers don’t talk. They do. Your acting like kids wouldn’t lie about their age and use their parents money to pay for crap online (porn or otherwise), they do. You’re acting like a class full of hormone fueled teenagers are going to be respectful and pay attention in class and not be disruptive… delusional. You seem to believe actions shouldn’t’ have consequences so long as you agree with it because it fits in your personal world view and everyone should just shut up and agree. Sorry, world doesn’t work like that.

I don’t know how to help you. Honestly at this point, trying to show you how teacher selling porn is not ok… it’s like trying to argue with a Tumper that the election wasn’t stolen. Both of you have dug your heals in and only subscribe to your truth and everyone else, every reasonable argument be damned, and you lash out to anyone who doesn’t agree.

So, I’m checking out of this pointless conversation with you.

I get it you’re hot for teacher… Considering you put optics in quotes I’m going to guess you’re a kid yet. “As you call it”, fucking lol.

If someone wants to do porn do porn. If someone wants to have a lot of casual relationships and private of their own home go for it. But if you’re going to sit there and act naive that teenagers don’t have access to the internet and don’t know what porn sites are and don’t talk… And you can’t figure out how that’s a conflict of interest… When you’re supposed to educate the kids. That’s a mental disconnect on your part, and everyone else at downloaded me that I can also assume that just wanted to see a naked teacher because fetish.

IMO, we NEED teachers. We DON’T need more porn. And a high school teacher doing porn seems like a conflict of interest. And frankly it’s not about prudes as much as some of these comments want it to be. This sort of optics exists for lots of jobs.

If she wants to quit being a teacher to do porn, go for it. But, and I know this is going to be a wild concept for people, but you can’t get everything you want the way you want, i.e. “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”.


Not only are they dropping support for it and unless someone figures out how to hack you just throw it away. But don’t worry, they won’t automatically cancel your subscription… that function keeps working.

True. Once I was working on a WPF app and someone looked at it and then showed me a simple YAML file they put together for Ansible and legit thought ‘YAML was better’ and what I was doing was dumb. They considered themselves a programmer.

That was the single feature that made Win11 even remotely interesting to me. One someone that upgraded right away so I asked about it. Performance was not great (at least for games right away) and the whole locked into Amazon was a no for me. I kept hoping we’d get a vanilla Android at some point. Glad I didn’t get Win11 now.

With their API changes I’m not sure.

This is what I used and was recommended during the great purge.


Will there be any benefit to say putting it in the air duct? Like on a forced air system the main exhaust from the unit (I’m guessing it’s exhaust but that sounds wrong). I know some air filters are supposed to filter out airborne viruses and whatnot but I have no way of testing that. But I know what ultraviolet will do. And I’d have to assume sitting in the metal ductwork wouldn’t really hurt anything.

Are the kids required to work in order to get the money? Because that sounds like a job with good PR.

Yahoo and Facebook are still very much around. But they’re nothing like when they were on top.

If Apple ever actually entered the gaming market, (and I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than them joining the gaming market)… I would fully expect that specific parts namely the GPU will have to be Apple approved. Probably nothing more than a small chip that authenticates it as Apple approved, much like they do with their laptops and cell phones currently. So if you think GPU price is are high the exact same GPU but Apple approved will have even higher cost. Because Apple is just a fashion brand really you’re going to pay the fashion tax.

I honestly can’t see that big of a market for this. A 4090 is supposed to be $1,600 MSRP. I would fully expect the Apple version of that to be $2,000 MSRP at minimum for the same product just with the Apple approved stamp.

The real problem there is all of the government handouts that have gone to the other ISPs for the purpose of wiring up everybody… Taking the money and then not delivering. And I know some years ago it was said that Comcast’s internet division was running at over 90% profit margin… And like other companies that were regarded highly successful operate around 30% or less.

Another one bites the dust

Sing it (another one bites the dust)

And another one gone, and another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Hey, I’m gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

Something I don’t think is really talked about in tandem but should be is the “tech” side of things. There’s a massive race to go as proprietary as possible none of this crap is easily serviceable by people. The tech that they put in most of these cars is cheap garbage. I don’t want some tablet with what is probably a fork of Android controlling my vehicle. First I know support for it is going to go out the window and I don’t want to have to think about software security for my damn car.

Then you have these companies that are putting features that are in the car behind subscriptions because the car can now support subscription model. I don’t want always online DRM for the DLC for my goddamn car.

It’s like an extremely high resolution… Of what it would have looked like in a PS1 game. This looks like this is an asset from like Deus Ex on PlayStation.

I’ve been hearing of quality control problems when it comes to everything Tesla for years. This hardly seems like a recent thing.

Same boat. Insurance costs have been going up for the last few years. I tried to talk to them about it… they said ‘well everyone else is getting in accidents, you don’t even know!!! It’s crazy out there’. Same vehicle. My only ‘options’ were to let them install a bunch of tracking devices and software (fuck that) or reduce my coverage considerably.

Gosh I love the for profit insurance I’m forced to have that gets to dictate everything.

Unless I missed it, I think there was a missed opportunity to make a reference to SpaceBalls air shield, given the context of the episode.

I can tell you the headline the bossman will have in the coming months.

No one wants to work anymore

But, lets me honest, that’s basically the free square in bingo now.

Remember when all those articles about ‘cord cutting’ was a thing. How streaming ushered in a new age.

So what’s this going to be called? Are people going to switch back to the cable? Are TiVo stocks about to go skyrocket? Or is pirating about to see an all time surge? Since storage has never been cheaper, VPNs are mainstream (you can’t watch YouTube without hearing about it), the number of applications to help facilitate it has never been more user friendly and plentiful, and internet speeds have only increased…

I mean, I know what a bunch of people here will do, but I mean the general public at large. Because it’s hard not to notice those price increases, especially if you have more than one service. Because their price increases (based on percent) is far out pacing the pay increase people are getting. I already cancelled my Netflix (due to policy changes even though they didn’t affect me, price increases, and their response to the writers strike).