Hi, I’m Cleo! (he/they) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 25, 2023


Ah that makes sense, it’s oddly suspicious they’d do this out of the blue. Though I am curious at the arbitration. Can they not include a clause that just says that the forced arbitration can be waived by them when they so choose? I feel like they would make carve outs for these big cases if they could to where they can still arbitrate on smaller cases which costs them less.

(Also updating my post text, thanks!)

Noticed this update got pushed just now. Edit: Seems they’re doing this to prevent costs from arbitration. Read comment below.

He did demonstrate it that way, specifically with a carrot. And it somewhat worked. The problem is they programmed it to do more and more pressure every time it fails meaning that doing the carrot first actually caused a safety issue. He only moved onto his finger because the safety feature seemed to be working.

I just don’t see why you’d make the creation of this stuff illegal. Right now you could be easy photoshop to put people’s faces onto dirty pictures. It hurts zero people and also takes a similar low amount of effort. As long as you keep it to yourself, society should not care.

Making it illegal also seems kind of dumb when you can just hold someone civilly liable for this stuff if they’re posting nude photos of you, real or not. I don’t see the issue of any of it if we enforce these photos spreading as if they were real and let people collect damages.

I’m pretty sure what happened is that they were essentially pitching a shell for the back of the truck. And if it’s rigid and made of metal and maybe folded down to act as a cover while driving, fine. That’d still be a lot more than what the average truck/SUV convertible will cost. But it’s Tesla so it’s expected.

But then they changed to this BS and couldn’t reduce the price without recognizing the drop in expectation so here we are.

I don’t even know if it’s a coincidence. I wouldn’t be surprised if Reddit ran plenty of reposting bots themselves. The R&D budget is probably spent on developing engagement bots on the platform I’d bet. They even ran an experiment where bots were trained by users on the platform via a game where you tried to decide if the user was real or not. That was run a long time ago.

This is weird but I had almost the exact same experience. Would’ve been junior high for me when I met him and he talked to me about it every time I saw him after I mentioned it offhand once. It’s all he ever talked to me about. Then years later in high school I had him in a class again and went to say hi and unprompted he began talking about the game again. Definitely an odd experience but I did think about him when I played this game lol.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12495394 > TL;DR This game is still really funny with crude humor that mostly holds up and gameplay that doesn't disappoint. Its showing some age but not enough to get in the way of the fun. If you're a fan of movies from around the year 2001, this is a must play. > > ## Introduction > An alchoholic squirrel platformer, an absurd scenario adventure, an excessive amount of swear words, a surprising amount of poop, more movie references than you can shake a stick at, and World War 2 are all shoved into a single N64 cartridge. What could go wrong? > > This is a departure for Rare into a game targeted at adult audiences after producing family friedly platformers for years. Don't let the cute and cartoonish exterior of this game fool you, you're in for a ride from the moment the game boots up. > > ## The Necessary Background > I think my enjoyment and perspective is relevant to my thoughts about this game so let me explain my biases here. As in previous reviews, this is not an attempt to talk about the game as it was 23 years ago. I'm placing this game in a modern context, especially since I never owned an N64 and wasn't apart of that era. This game is almost as old as I am, so keep that in mind. > > The other disclaimer here is that I am not big on movies and tv or pop culture from this era. I'll explain more later about references, but a lot of them flew over my head. It isn't a large problem but again keep this in mind. With that out of the way... > > ## Does the Game Play Itself? > No it doesn't. The gameplay here is fairly minimal coming off of the backs of the two Banjo-Kazooie games. No need to memorize complicated control layouts to progress. The controls here remain nearly the same throughout and lead to a pretty enjoyable, but simple, platforming experience. Most levels are fairly linear but aren't straightforward and require knowing your environment and exploring. > > That isn't saying the gameplay doesn't evolve. Most of the moves you have access to come from a pad you stand on to activate. These usually change your interactions with the environment in some way. They give you a slingshot or missile launcher or maybe a bottle of booze for a scarecrow. It takes a lot of the thinking out of the game and lets you sit back and enjoy the adventure. > > Previous games from the people at Rare had this feeling of a toolkit platformer where more tools were given to you but the tools you had stayed with you throughout the game. This led to complex controls and more often just meant that moves went underutilized or were shoehorned into levels. I appreciated the restraint shown here and to make use of the tools within each level only when needed. > > ## A Squirrel and the Princess > In regards to the story, there isn't much here beyond a vague scenario given to the player. The characters and levels do a great job of telling a narrative but the core idea of the game is that many different scenarios are stiched together. It leads to a lot of varience in the atmosphere of the game. > > Further backing that up is the soundtrack which, as usual, is something Rare did an amazing job with. When you enter an area made of entirely poop in the game, the main thing selling you on the disgust of it is the farts and burps in the music. And yes, I did just say that they are *IN* the music. I'll let you decide how to feel about that. > > ## Conker's Great Stand Up Routine > This is the part of the discussion that makes or breaks this game for me. Is this game funny? And if so, in what way is it funny? > > To answer the first question, it will be pretty subjective to you. I'll characterize the comedy by saying that it is crude and unsophisticated humor for the most part. Most of it holds up well considering comedy from the era and theres only a few things I'd say might cross the line with modern audiences. I thought most of the game was humorous, even if it didn't leave me on the floor crying from laughing. > > The absurd scenarios and chracters are refreshing compared to a lot of games that play it more safely nowadays. That said, the references for movies will play into how much you enjoy your time here. For myself, I'd say that I understood a small portion of the references though even reading about them didn't make me think I'd view them the same way today. > > For instance, there are short scenes where a movie scene is recreated and similar or exact lines are repeated as a reference. I found these amusing, but not funny per se. It ages similar to parody of anything else though. To give an analogy, it'd be like looking back on an SNL skit making fun of US president George Bush. You'd crack a smile, maybe laugh once or twice, but not like you would have while he was president. That being said, if Terminator, The Matrix, and Starwars are still fresh in your head you'll find this very amusing. > > ## Wrapping Up the Red Squirrel > There isn't too much else to say about this game. Its humorous in a simple way, it looks great and sounds great, and the gameplay is varied and interesting. The game is on the shorter side so its easy to recommend this one. For those who worry about the humor side of it, play the first hour of this one and you'll know quickly if it clicks with you or not. > > As a final wrap up, let me thank everyone who has been recommending me this game because I had a good time playing it. Let me know what your experience with this game was if you played it! > > Feel free to check out my previous posts for write ups on other Rare games! > > [Banjo Kazooie Review](https://lemmy.world/post/10225295) > > [Banjo Tooie Review](https://lemmy.world/post/12282925)

The internet doesn’t care though. If I make fake pictures of people using their likeness and add a disclaimer, people will just repost it without the disclaimer and it will still do damage. Now whether or not we can or should stop them is another story

I for one cannot wait for the hacking of servers used by these websites that will allow for the blackmail of politicians.

This is another reason Epic games will lose everything to Valve. Their storefront is useless and is a money loser. But even if it weren’t, valve is moving themselves to be the gaming king of Linux. Where no competitor exists meaningfully. Maybe GoG?

I feel like what you did and the reaction you had to what you did is common. And yet, I don’t feel like it’s harmful unless other people see it. But this conversation is about to leave men’s heads and end up in public discourse where I have no doubt it will create moral or ethical panic.

A lot of technology challenges around AI are old concerns about things that we’ve had access to for decades. It’s just easier to do this stuff now. I think it’s kind of pointless to stop or prevent this stuff from happening. We should mostly focus on the harms and how to prevent them.

The number killed by itself does that is what I’m saying. Using WWII data has no purpose because this is an entirely different conflict and also is in the modern era.

I mean consider how many more people now are journalists. Or how the conflict heavily involves civilian populations directly (WWII did some). Or how our data collection has changed.

As upsetting as that number is, this is an absolutely meaningless comparison and is pretty misleading to compare them. That number should stand on its own.

Steam reviews hate this re-release. Shouldn’t we just be emulating this?