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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Sometimes i wish i had the balls to just tell them off, but that usally takes a lot of being pestered with bullshit until i snap back.

I know it’s not about me, but this definitelt cleared up why i run from people in my free time.

They always express how they think i do things, like i’m at work or something. While i do things for joy, i take a detour home on my roadbike because the speed i can propel myself at brings me joy and a bit of a thrill too. The scenery is also very enjoyable.

But then another roadcyclist shows up and tells me how i’m doing it all wrong, how speed isn’t a good measurement of performance.

Fuck yo performance brother, stop. It ruins my fun.

I’m so done with companies claiming my house for their ads.

It’s my house i decide what makes it in as i pay the rent and i bought these devices, so fuck off.

A point could be made that it hurts the planet and they should be held responsible for their shenanigans.

As with that spotify car thing.

I just turned it off as it kept bitching about the storage being full.

I don’t need you bish, fuck off.

Can we just send 200 billion fake messages every millisecond to overload them constantly? Forcing them to pull out.

But “big brother” would mean they watch you.

I read everywhere that they claim the rights to your projects, which is far worse than just watching over your shoulder innit?

I have a solution: stop using their search engine to begin with and slowly replace everything else google you use.

I can’t really find any info regarding renters when it comes to these hoa things or being allowed to partake in a meeting, but i would assume they could care less about a renters opinion unless it benefits them.

I can’t afford to be a homeowner.

I would, but i’m not allowed by the HOA the hang shit on my balcony.

Fuck’n HOA assholes.

My balcony is also on the right side of the building too, it would be perfect.

The downside is that everyone around you in real life is stuck in that loop, so you can’t really escape it anymore.

I already canceled with the last price increase, because it went from €9,99 to €12,99 for me they don’t need to convince me that i made the right decision.

That’s it, someone either needs to come up with an adblocker for this or i’m actually forced to move to linux.

I hop this kills windowd, i really do.

My wife’s bank app has this year in review thing and the bastard called us foodies for our high food spending.

That pissed me off so bad, we fuck’n eat rice chicken and vegetables, cheap ass potatoes or shit like noodles or beans from a can and bread for lunch with peanut butter.

How the fuck, like i know shits expensive but come on man…make some market adjustment to that setup you’re running, better yet keep your nose out my business ffs.

People themselves have turned into ads since ads themselves don’t do their job.

Look at influencers.

Instagram used to be fun for someone to share their journey, now it’s ad…influencer…double ad…Triple influencer…Another ad…a real person sharing their journey…55 more influencer ads mixed with 29 actual ads.

Oh and the occasional OF girl who managed to flash some puss without it getting taken down.

I love when i bought something…(i assume) google thinks it’s a great idea to advertise that exact combination of products from the exact webshop on the next website i visit.

How much did tiktok ruin google’s brain to make them think that is going to be effective marketing?

Mankind truly is on the way down.

So is it removed from the appatore yet? Or does it need some motivation?

Can it be flagged or something? That could get it removed.

This shit is pretty fucked up.

Mine turned into that when it stopped paying enough to provide me with basic needs.

If it’s fuck me, then it’s fuck all y’all too.

I keep getting shorts (not anymore i fixed that) when i searched for something and they often feature stuff not related to my search. Like me searching for tubeless bike tire instruction video and the shorts in between are a alien looking dark purple baby and a short where some muslim looking guys are waving a scimitar at a goats neck…like what in the actual fuck does that even do on youtube?

Shorts need to be ended imo, so i blocked them.

I think people are afraid to lose what they even, especially when it isn’t much.

I know, i know…getting rid of tiktok isn’t going to rid us of the consequences.

But TikTok definitely seemed to be a whole step on the ladder, so it should have some result i would think.

In a perfect world the internet would become just a tool instead of a species wide addiction.

Canon understands that selling a printer with a maintenance contract is a viable way to do business…to business.

That’s a place where the option is very much appreciated.

I just want the short form content out of my life, but your tip might help others who dislike the player and not the video’s.

Anything better than listening 3 songs and getting 5 ads.

Stop being trash youtube. Be normal like you once were and i would actually consider a paid subscription IF i get to fully exclude shorts on my side of the platform.

They saw us get angry at a heating subscription and decided we are tiktok brained idiots who lack the skill to be social with humans and found another potential subscription service justification that causes less anger?

Just don’t replace your keyboard.

I got a fancy custom keyboard for my birthday which is properly repairable and will most likely never need to be replaced.

I never missed a healthy day of work in the past 22 years, i have called in sick a handful of times to prevent others from getting sick.

I worked 84h weeks, but mainly 40/45h weeks.

If i hadn’t had my savings taken away at 17 i could have bought a house at 18, nowadays my labour isn’t valuable enough to afford me a house.

So if anyone has a spare 500k laying around so i can buy a small house…i’d gladly receive it.

We could wait the extra 5 years but i’m afraid a small home will cost closer to a million then.

Gotta love this economy and all these fancy modern things we get to enjoy…if we can afford them.

I listened to 6k songs, just because spotify has them.

Do i need it? Absolutely not.

I cancelled when they increased the price and i went back to buying an album for life from the discount bin and putting it on repeat with the other 20 albums i still owned.

I’m probably leaving for the fact it’s just ads.

Actual paid for ads, sponsorship ads, giveaway ads to grow, influencer ads, comment ads to grow their reach.

It’s just one big advertisement.

Can we complain more about subscription paywalled car functions then?