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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


Lots of good, new stuff in the boomer shooters. If you want to try something like Duke 3D, check out Ion Fury, which was made in a fork of the original Build engine. Seleco and Hedon for modern GZDoom stuff.

I completely understood. No one is going to IA as their first stop. They’re only going there if they want to see a history change or if the original site is gone.

Not to mention that I’m losing advertising revenue if someone views the site in an archive.

No one is using Internet Archive to bypass ads. Anyone who would think of doing that already has ad blockers on.

The good ones retire or have important, but not the most profitable/public facing jobs.

The other Apple Steve, Steve Wozniak founded the EFF and was the tech guy at early Apple. Jobs was the business guy.

John Carmack is a controversial figure, but he’s actually the tech wiz kid the techbros dream they are. He seems to just be interested in pushing technology and had some choice words for Meta when he left. They should have let him have his axe to carry around.

Nah, leave 4chan. His type generally came cope with the sort of degenerates on there.

but a lamp is two fucking wires and a bulb. It’s not complicated.

And yet, companies can and will cut corners whenever they can. Using too thin of wire or the wrong type of plastic can cause a fire. Cheap switches, bad insulators for the bulb socket are also things that they’ll cut corners on.

Sincerity is a foreign concept to MBAs, VCs, and anyone who thinks they’re on a business Grind Set. They view the world as a game and interpersonal relationships as a game mechanic.

Number 1, been there. Got called to the principal’s office and strongly encouraged to start again when I was having garbage thrown at me. Why did I stop? The weird jingoism that came over the US after 9/11 creeped me out. Guess who was vindicated when the WMDs were never found and it took a different president sending SpecOps into a different country to finally kill bin Laden.

Bureaucrats aren’t known for their out-of-the-box thinking. Probably half the staff at the NSA could figure out how to get the data off the tapes, but the person in charge of this isn’t that cleaver and might think that there could be something classified on them. Either in plain sight or as in the form of some sort of Steganography. They can’t leave the building with the tapes and they can’t use someone else’s player as it might be bugged. “The Thing” probably still spokes the hell out of them.

A what bag? I thought this was medical stuff before seeing the thumbnail.

There are so many better ways to spend 7k on your kids then Disney. Hell, just go to a closer theme park if you really want to go on rides.

Hey, Ford might have been a Nazi sympathizer, but he knew how to make an engine in his kitchen and what people wanted in a car.

Or just use them in cities or rural areas. Not everyone goes onto the freeway everyday.

The embezzlement thing or tax evasion thing? The tax thing was because of one guy running with that money and is why the last two episodes of Eva are the way they are.

At that rate, I’ll just go outside and drink from the hose.

It’s gambling. They’re gambling addicts. They all want to be on ground zero for the next Google or Amazon.

You can launch payloads into orbit with less pollution and for cheaper. You can build habitations with the material and bring humans up the traditional way.

Of course though, the powers that be are going to be more interested in killing each other.

View other people as numbers, view the world as a zero sum game, screw over your peers because they would do the same to you, yeah that seems like it would be isolating.

Phone calls are for urgency and very often I do need to respond quickly. I also expect and am disappointed when people don’t answer calls from me because I only call for urgent matters.

Even if my father knew how to send text messages, his fat, dry fingers can’t use the on screen keyboard.

I’m a farmer. There’s always the chance the someone is hurt in a field and is calling for help.

I want a real software dev team for linux phones. I don’t have programming knowledge, but I can pitch in for a reoccurring crowdfund to pay them. The Pinephone is nice hardware, but Pine64 has always said that they’re leaving the software up to the community.

I want people to stop thinking that their little quip to me is of the utmost importance. I want people to wait a few hours to tell me something instead of calling me while I’m driving and act insulted when I tell them to hurry up because I’m either driving or pulled over.

All the other times were pushed back successfully.

Was it or was it just poorly implemented and the metrics were looking good for the companies buying the ads? Not sure Microsoft firing Bobby because he was a bad leader or just cause it’s an easy way to trim fat and make the purchase look better for their investors.

Pretty sure the Hell Divers 2 backlash was the only time I’ve ever seen gamers win over a corporation. Blizzard fans have made me absolutely cynical about gamer boycotts.

In my opinion, it should be posted in both because it’s relevant to both.

A 10-12 minute video is always a huge red flag for me. Either the info is stretched out or over compresses.

Pretty much. 1usd per bot is a small price for maintaining a bot farm.

Or do they plan on banning accounts that use the same billing info? If CNN or BBC pay for their employees accounts, would they get banned?

This was also true for Apple computers before they started soldering the ram in place. I remember going way over spec in my old G4 tower. Hell, I doubt the system would crash if you found larger ram chips and soldered them in.

Just for the reduced co2 emissions, we should be doing wfh whenever possible. Also, fuck Hollywood for abandoning steaming release movies.