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Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


This Committee is meeting at a time when the international community is confronting one of the most serious food-security emergencies in modern history. Hunger is on the rise for the third year in a row, after a decade of progress. And now, for communities already experiencing poverty and hunger, the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting lives by harming how people provide for themselves and feed their families – both today and long after the pandemic subsides. More than 35 million people in South Sudan, Somalia, the Lake Chad Basin, and Yemen are facing severe food insecurity exacerbated by the global pandemic, and in the case of Yemen, potential famine. The United States remains fully engaged and committed to addressing these complex crises.

This resolution rightfully acknowledges the hardships millions of people are facing, and importantly calls on States to support the emergency humanitarian appeals of the UN. However, the resolution also contains many unbalanced, inaccurate, and unwise provisions the United States cannot support. This resolution does not articulate meaningful solutions for preventing hunger and malnutrition or avoiding their devastating consequences.

The United States is concerned that the concept of “food sovereignty” could justify protectionism or other restrictive import or export policies that will have negative consequences for food security, sustainability, and income growth. Improved access to local, regional, and global markets helps ensure food is available to the people who need it most and smooths price volatility. Food security depends on appropriate domestic action by governments, including regulatory and market reforms, that is consistent with international commitments.

We also do not accept any reading of this resolution or related documents that would suggest that States have particular extraterritorial obligations arising from any concept of a “right to food,” which we do not recognize and has no definition in international law.

For these reasons, we request a vote and we will vote against this resolution.


I would put it in the same class as lathes or mills you probably aren’t saving money by buying one but it may open more avenues for you.

I will say though with the price of printers vs mills & etc, a cheap printer will get you much closer to breaking even. You might save more than you spend if you can use an Ender 3 judicially but overall it’s mostly for those odd projects or when a custom part is needed.

This is an odd characterization of the Stop the Bleed program. Largely I’ve seen it targeted at adult and people in industries at particular risk, rather than children in particular.

That said I could get behind a CPR/AED/StB program being standardized for a high school course level. These types of programs tend to take a little amount of time to teach and can buy enough time for EMS to arrive. Although 8-9 yr olds seems like a bit young.

Imagine if someone made a video of your deceased father with “I’m Glad I’m Dead” in the title where his voice espouses political stances you or him quite probably disagree with.

It’s a worse precedent to set the inversion. Imagine a world where once you die mega corps get to use your likeness to advertise rewriting any legacy you might have had into being “the McDonalds guy”.

Fair use is a four factor test amount used is a factor but a low amount being used doesn’t strictly mean something is fair use. You could use a single frame of a movie and have it not qualify as fair use.

Reddit seems like a prime target to short IMO. Not even as a screw Reddit move. I just would never consider investing in them in their current state. Going public was a terrible choice for them.

To add to point 4 in small municipalities it’s not uncommon that the dispatcher might also serve other roles like a notary or permit processor who have to be accessible to the department or the public.

For some reason the article won’t load for me. But I’m guessing it talking about the claim only ~9% of the time officers were able to confirm a firearm was present on the scene.

Not exactly a new business model. That’s pretty much how it used to be done.

Unfortunately our legal system doesn’t require the review of every law for it’s constitutionality before it gets passed. To fight the issue on constitution grounds someone would need to sue the government for violating their rights this way.

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA)

Under Section 702 of FISA, federal investigators do not need a warrant to tap the phone calls, texts, and emails of foreigners outside of the country. But a loophole also lets them access messages that Americans exchange with targets abroad.

Exactly, the problem isn’t people doing their own research. The problem is also a system (search engines) that doesn’t actually provide quality results.

Yes the new Ford Maverick has a hybrid option and it’s been selling very well.

Direct link to the document in question:


Included is information on “Animal Rights Violent Extremists”, “Anarchist Violent Extremists”, & “Militia Violent Extremists”. Each starts like this:

(U) SUMMARY: The following symbols and phrases are sometimes used by anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists, specifically anarchist violent extremists (AVEs). AVE symbols are often found on online platforms, in propaganda, and as graffiti. Some common themes for AVE symbols include images and stylized rhetoric conveying anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, or anti-government or anti-law enforcement sentiment.

Although the majority of criminal activity by AVEs violates state or local laws, some crimes may be investigated and prosecuted at the federal level.

The use or sharing of these symbols or phrases alone should not independently be considered evidence of AVE presence or affiliation or serve as an indicator of illegal activity. Additionally, some individuals use such references for their original, historic meaning, or other non-violent purposes.

The FBI does not investigate, co!lect, or maintain information solely for the purposes of monitoring activities protected by the First Amendment.

I think at least the one on the left (possibly the right too) is not a wild fox but one bred to produce more fur than it does naturally.

Stock image companies have probably the strongest CR claim here IMO. An AI trained off their images without paying for licence could act as a market replacement for their service.

He had written in his bio that he was Palestinian, followed by a Palestinian flag and the word “alhamdulillah” in Arabic - which translates to “praise be to God” in English.

However, upon clicking “see translation”, viewers were given an English translation reading: “Praise be to God, Palestinian terrorists are fighting for their freedom”.

I think this is just an error. If it was a pro Palestinian play they wouldn’t call them terrorists. If it was a pro Israel play they wouldn’t have said fighting for their freedom.

All US firearms purchases made at gun stores involve background checks. In some states (like California) you are also required to do so for private party sales (like buying from your neighbor).

All states require you to get a background check on the purchase of a firearm from a gun store. Waiting periods are in a minority of states. Pretty much any felony, even nonviolent ones prohibits you from buying a gun.

The ‘gun show loophole’ is actually just the in private party sales (like selling your neighbor your gun) no background check is mandated. This is because the law requiring background checks is a federal law and the federal government has the authority to regulate interstate commerce but not intrastate commerce. Some states like NY have stricter background check laws than the federal law.

Bows, knives, & machetes all don’t require background checks. Grenades, technically any can get a license to own & make explosives but each one carries a $200 tax in addition to the hoops required to get the license, so pretty much no one really does that recreationally.

For scale:

Amid this dynamic environment, we delivered record results in fiscal year 2022: We reported $198 billion in revenue and $83 billion in operating income. And the Microsoft Cloud surpassed $100 billion in annualized revenue for the first time.

Private party transfers of anything can’t really be forced to abide background checks. If you want to buy a used printer from your friend you can just buy it, not inform the government, and skirt any background check requirements.


Here’s the link the the FBI’s released on the topic. If this was a set up the FBI is as bad at espionage as Schmidt was. He literally offered to commit treason for China via his normal gmail, with his real name attached, that was given to the US army by himself.

Gmail account 1 was subscribed to in the name of “Joe Schmidt.” In January 2018 and April 2019, SCHMIDT provided Gmail account 1 to the Army as his email address. Gmail account 1 also has a Google account associated with it. Gmail account 2 was subscribed to in the name of “Joey Schmidt” and lists Gmail account 1 as the recovery email address for the account. According to records obtained from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, SCHMIDT used Gmail account 2 to make travel reservations for his trips to the PRC

It’s literally worse his (Joseph Schmidt) alias was Joey Schmidt. Then from the email the army has on record as being him he does this:

SCHMIDT used Gmail account 1 to send the following email to the pubic email address for the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul: Hello, My name is Joe Schmidt. I am a United States citizen looking to move to China. I currently reside in Istanbul, and am trying to set up an appointment at the consulate in Istanbul. I also am trying to share information I learned during my career as an interrogator with the Chinese government.

Schmidt studied Mandarin and was a spy handler, performing surveillance, interrogation and advanced psychological operation strategies

The saddest part is that a person in his position didn’t even have the knowledge to not link his treason Gmail account to his day to day Gmail account.

There’s Odysee but YouTube has a vastly better archive of videos. I don’t know if most people would be willing to quit YouTube cold turkey and make that switch.

If dating apps were barred from collecting any payments besides a one time entry fee perhaps they’d stop all these anti customers practices.

If they had comparable carbon emissions recycling bottles still achieves the benefit of utilizing what might be otherwise abandoned used bottles.

Yeah past few years Southern NE has barely kept snow on the ground, if at all.

Actual user generated content is absolutely where it’s at.

I trust a 8 year old forum post or a product review on YouTube by someone with 1,000 subscribers much more than any of the Amazon affiliate link riddled listicles that dominate search results.

Maybe you could rig something up with retractable badge holders. You might be able to get them for free from your work.

It will get a new name given to it. Each perspective develops their own terminology in order to make their opponents stances seem less appealing.

The Affordable Care Act became Obamacare, because the name instills a partisan lean. And gun control became gun violence prevention because politicians realized advocating for “_____ Control” sounds authoritarian.