• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


Oh yeah, i love greed island. It being an arc certainly keeps the novelty of the other world’s mechanics from getting old.

To make it work as a full series you gotta have a lot more substance though, because at some point that novelty will inevitably run out. And now instead of “exciting new world where everything is different”, it’s just a regular world we’re already used to. At that point you gotta have an actual compelling story to keep it going.

I still like the concept, it’s just that 90% of the stuff that uses said concept is terrible. I mean, Isekai is only an initial premise, you need A LOT more to make a good anime.

Little Miss Gray over here was a refugee we took in. Then everyone else in the colony died of the plague, except for the slave. Then she "betrays" us and rebells... against the guy she had already enslaved? And just destroys the whole base for no reason, sets a bunch of electronics on fire, and dies of heatstroke. Some notes: - Man in Black not pictured because he burned to a crisp. - The guy in bed was rescued from a crashed pod, i healed him with what little medicine we had because he had good stats, only to realise he had a luciferium addiction.

Any mods that expand on vanilla relations?
Colonists often have pre-existing relatives that are out there in the world somewhere, but this is hardly ever relevant except when your colonist gets a debuff because their great-grandson they never met died half way across the map, or worse, when their own relatives raid you and you end up killing them. I mean, sure you can go out of your way to recruit them but it's not really worth it. Are there any mods that improve/expand on that a bit? Like maybe the colonists have quests to rescue their relatives, or have their relatives not attack them, or idk, anything that makes it have more impact than a random debuff.

That’s great! Means it won’t update randomly without my permission anymore.

Thanks for the suggestions, I’m actually checking a couple new editors out as i’m looking for an alternative to OneNote. Just started messing with this one, but i’m not sure if i’ll settle for it yet.

I’m honestly not super familiar with vim. I tried :q! and it accepted it, what are some other ways?

I'm trying out Obsidian for taking notes, and this made me laugh.