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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Aww, thanks. I appreciate you :)

Guess you’ve never been threatened with Job loss, homelessness, starvation, or anything of that sort before. Must be nice.

This reminds me of the DNA mapping project everyone expected to revolutionize research. Not sure where the state of it is now, but after they mapped the full human genome of DNA people kinda just shrugged for a while and did nothing with it.

My cats are perfectly happy indoors cats.

Meanwhile Max is decimating the local bird population, and risking getting hit by cars.

Just tried it out out of curiosity. It does a good job, but the music is still boring.

Thank you! I was super happy with it. Was recommended by the model author to print on its back, probably wouldn’t have come out as good otherwise.

He does fall over sometimes. I probably should have printed it in a different orientation, but oh well.

This was my very first 3D print on an Anycubic Photon D2. Turned out much better than I expected

Sure, but refactoring things constantly leads to bugs too. Once it works you should stop rewriting code. The SW team at my job didn’t get the memo.

Title is a little bit clickbaity. The reason a lot of them aren’t paying much in taxes is bcz their asset values grew. But if you arent selling it, there’s no tax to pay. The headline makes it seem like they just aren’t paying any taxes at all.

While there’s criticism to go around when it comes to the tax laws around billionaires, this isn’t really the issue.

Can’t we just be pissed off that the federal government is allowing this to happen? I know OP specifically called out campaign promises, but they absolutely could and should fix this, congress and the executive branch don’t care.

It is absolutely on them that this is still a thing even if OP is misdirecting.

Python one is accurate. Most of our problems are solved by importing a library and writing the line, librarySolver.importedFunction.SolveMyProblem()

def main(): Print(‘thanks librarySolver’)

The point is our planet is on a trajectory to not support human life. I would rather walk somewhere or bike than continue supporting the oil and gas industry. The stone age (which is usually people retort to this reply) is better than no humans at all.

Does it matter? We are facing a climate catastrophe because of carbon emissions. Cars or no cars we need to stop.

C is meant for embedded stuff. #changemymind

I would definitely give it a try, maybe a flavor of 3.6 since 4 just came out. But over the last 19 years it’s really had some major improvements and works really well for a free software (relatively bug free) for what it is. Best of luck on your 3D printing journey!

No idea why you’re having issues 3d printing. I’ve never heard of FreeCAD. But curious if you’ve ever tried Blender? It’s free, and really good for modeling stuff like this.

Really cool picture, I bet there’s some interesting science that came put of that

I mean, whether you say it’s legal or not, I wouldn’t give out my pass code to a police officer. You can get fucked on that one.

Well, we use the word Google to mean using a search engine now, so that one was done pretty well. Otherwise I’m not sure.

They didn’t market this very well. Literally the first time I’m hearing about this

Well, I’ve been putting off switching to Linux for a long time now. I guess Microsoft is going to force my hand.

The irony of getting rid of someone for researching disinformation bcz it makes their donor look bad…

China’s economic system is very much capitalist these days.

Depends on your definition of waste. Capitalism produces a lot of waste, arguably part of what has gotten us into this pickle with climate change.

However, forcing employees back has led to walkouts and petitions against the move. It’s no surprise, given that some people say they’d rather quit or take a pay cut than return to the office.

It’s true, I’d tell them to shove it if my company tried to force me back into the office.

Good riddance to reddit. Haven’t been on it since the API pricing kicked in.

Proprietary is a way to keep market share longer than the competition, that’s it. If you figured something complex out earlier, then you’re set for a while until your competition figures it out too.

Sony tried to block the case, arguing that it was “flawed from start to finish,” but the CAT has just granted approval for it to go to trial. However, the tribunal did stipulate that anyone who made PlayStation Store purchases after the case was filed last year should be removed from the proposed claimant class.

As if we all knew the details of Sonys deals and price cut of game sales…

There’s plenty of U.S. equivalents. What’s your point?

I don’t really like Tiktok. But, forcing the choice on people probably isn’t the best idea either.