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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


I’m not expert, but I can tell you that Apple Silicon gave the new Macbooks insane battery life, and they run a lot cooler with less overheating. Intel really fucked up the processors in the 2015-2019 Macbooks, especially the higher-spec i7 and i9 variants. Those things overheat constantly. All Intel did was take existing architectures and raise the clock speeds. Apple really exposed Intel’s laziness by releasing processors that were just as performant in quick tasks, they REALLY kicked Intel’s ass in sustained workloads, not because they were faster on paper, but simply because they didn’t have to thermal throttle after 2 minutes of work. Hell, the Macbook Air doesn’t even have any active cooling!

I’m not saying these Snapdragon chips will do exactly the same thing for Windows PC’s, obviously we can’t say that for sure yet. But if they do, it will be fucking awesome for end users.

Okay. And until the government does something about it, a PHEV is an excellent choice.

Bullshit. Being able to eventually get somewhere doesn’t mean the infrastructure is “there” unless your standard for “there” is low. Charging every 100-150 miles means a long trip will take literally hours longer. That is just unacceptable for most people. I’ve done the trip across Pennsylvania several times in a Tesla, and Pennsylvania actually has decent charger coverage. But my trip still took a solid HOUR longer than usual. And if I have to wait in line at a full Tesla charger, it’ll add even more than an hour.

The fact that you, personally, are okay with driving slower doesn’t mean everyone else is. And that argument doesn’t even touch the fact that you’re only saying the infrastructure is there for Teslas. What about all the other brands? Everyone in America has to buy a Tesla?

An EV would work if the infrastructure was there.

Right, but it’s not yet. So a PHEV is a better option for most people (for now).

No. It all depends on how you drive it. If you just drive a PHEV around town and do the occasional road trip (which is how most people drive) then the ICE engine sees very little wear and requires very little service.

If you’re doing constant road trips and burning up the road, a PHEV is not for you. And neither is an EV, honestly.

PHEV is not the same as a common hybrid. It’s literally in the name.

General Motors is thinking about bringing back plug-in hybrids

GREAT! Ditching PHEV’s was a stupid idea, we don’t have the charging infrastructure for most people to buy EV’s moving forward. We need an interim solution, and PHEV’s work great. They use a LOT less gas for most people (depending on driving habits) but you have the fuel tank in case you’re on a long road trip, or in a charging desert.

Have y’all seen the new Prius Prime? It starts at $33k, it actually looks kinda cool (subjectively), and it’s FAST (objectively). We need more cars like that.

Good, maybe they’ll accomplish something while America’s government is busy gargling billionaire balls and accepting bribes.

Sure, a browser minus Flash, but it was still a real browser. Most of the web functioned without Flash. And none of the competition even had anything close. It was such a revolutionary product that the iPhone didn’t even HAVE competition until Android got its shit together, which took a couple years.

It literally created the modern smartphone market. The Palm Pilots and Blackberries of the day couldn’t compare: the iPhone had a FULL BROWSER. It was insane. The team developing Android saw the iPhone and had a real “holy shit” moment, they had to go back to the drawing board and completely start over in order to compete.

Pretty sure it’s taking a dump right at the moment the pic was taken

Beeper is a dumb idea and a privacy nightmare. Don’t use a service like that, ever.

HOWEVER, Apple is also full of shit here. If they really cared about the security of their users, they would enable them to use encrypted RCS messages. Instead, they force them to use SMS when texting anyone without an iPhone. It’s an outdated and insecure protocol.

Yeah this title is dumb as hell. Some models and influencers are difficult to work with, and some are easy. The ones that are shitty get less work, naturally. It’s just like any other industry. My partner works with them all the time.

This company made an AI model because they’re fucking cheap.

How did you get discord installed? Last time I tried, it was buggy and crashed. But that was over a year ago I think.

I think either choice is fine. But I would take the free upgrade if I were you.

You might not care much about Jezebel, but their parent company, G/O Media, also owns Gizmodo, Kotaku, Jalopnik, Deadspin, The Root, The A.V. Club, The Takeout, The Onion, The Inventory, and Quartz.

So if you like any of those (Lemmy fucking loves The Onion, right?) then this news should concern you a bit.

Also, RIP Jezebel. Sometimes they were edgy and weird for no reason but they also did some solid reporting over the years.

I don’t disagree that the M processors need less RAM, but the idea that they need half as much is bullshit. My poor little 8GB M1 struggles with more than 20 chrome tabs open, and it especially struggles when running apps that aren’t built to be M1 compatible (through Rosetta).

They’re bigger AND heavier. Small vehicle manufacturers still use lithium ion batteries because it lets them cram more range into a limited battery space, without being too heavy. And the fact that a lithium ion battery goes bad in a few years is just icing on the cake. Many people will just buy a new scooter rather than replacing the battery, so the manufacturer makes more money.

The amount of copium I see in these comments is staggering. Google owns the Youtube app, they own the Youtube servers, they even own the damn operating system you’re running it on, and they’re one of the richest companies in history. Do you REALLY think they couldn’t shut down ReVanced if they wanted to? Are you really that naive?

The moment they decide to put even a small amount of effort towards shutting down ReVanced or the others, they’re as good as dead.

Yeah and it’s getting closer all the time. I don’t think we’re that far from a “tipping point” where Windows gets so shitty, and simultaneously Linux gets so good (for gaming specifically) that it would be silly not to switch.

Any day now…

Well, it’s not GONE. There are still plenty of games that won’t run well on Linux, or they won’t allow online multiplayer because their anti-cheat software is restricted to Windows. But that number is getting smaller every day.

Why are you posting AI generated spam?

Edit: Brand new account, zero comments, just blogspam. It’s a bot.

Oh, and try using a different slicer. Cura, Prusa, Slic3r, whatever’s popular nowadays.

Lol that’s weird. Seems like an issue with the model, you might try playing with some other settings like later height and travel

Yeah I’m no Elon fan, but this website is fuckin weird. Starlink satellites are DESIGNED to burn up after a certain period of time. What is that period of time? Are these 500 satellites burning up early? This author asks none of those questions, and instead asks us to join their weird anti-Elon cult.

My users here at tiblur.com have been actively engaged in a campaign to pray to have Elon Musks’ companies shut down.

I’m seeing a lot of confusion. Here are some key takeaways:

  • LBRY Inc is shutting down.
  • LBRY (without the Inc) isn’t going anywhere. It’s decentralized, they literally can’t shut it down.
  • Odysee isn’t going anywhere either.
  • LBRY Inc is apparently being shut down for “violating registration provision in securities laws”, whatever that means. I think they were handling crypto funds in a way that the SEC argued was illegal, and they lost in court.

Context: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/16/lbry-closes-odysee-cryptocurrency-tech-sec-fraud-extremist--

Lol. I used to be a Delta fan, but honestly they’ve been just as shitty as the others recently; they don’t seem any better than American or United. At least they’re still better than Spirit, I guess.

I need to remember to cancel my Delta Amex before they charge me another annual fee, it ain’t really worth it anymore IMO.

Makes sense, Gabe said in an interview that making that $399 price point was “painful”. But I guess the point is that the Deck sales drive Steam game sales.

I would bet they’re basically losing money on the $399 model, but making money on the higher spec models. No other manufacturer has been able to offer similar performance at that low price point (yet).

Yeah that’s true, but you can avoid the algorithm by sticking to your “Subscriptions” page in YouTube. Or by using NewPipe or another alternative front end.

The obnoxious crap gets more clicks and views. It happens because we, the audience, reinforce it.

Doubt it. NYC is an enormous market, 10 million people (20 mil if you count people that commute to NYC for work). They might add extra fees, though.

Yeah, build something other than a parking lot, and put a solar panel on top of that! 🧠