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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


Excellent, I needed more space for cookies, malware and games that suddenly require 500GB of free space. I’ll have that thing full in no time.

Hell yes! I make a lot of things and having this ability really expanded on that.

I should point out that anyone interested in anything more than printing trinkets found on the Internet will also have to learn 3d drafting, at least to some extent. Bear that in mind.

How do you know it’s a first year-over-year sales drop without first having a second year of drops? Isn’t that what year-over-year means?

So I guess he kind of did solve the problem, right? I mean, if homeless people fail at the challenge of obtaining a million dollars in one year, they can always just quit being homeless. Should take less that 10 months, max.

What are you talking about? Didn’t you see? It’s down $8k. We can ALL afford one now. Hell, I’m gettin’ two of them.

Wait, they care about what we want? That doesn’t sound right.

Well there are a few things to say about your comment. First, YouTube DOES pay content providers. However, most earn money from multiple sources like YouTube, Patreon, sponsors and merchandise sales. Out of those sources youtube is probably the most fickle. Their rules about canceling a channel or removing monetization are arbitrarily enforced and difficult or impossible to appeal.

The same can be said for the way viewers are treated. YouTube is a “free” service. They decided to operate this way, not us. Instead of, for instance, offering the streaming service as a paid subscription, they chose to essentially destroy the product and then ask for payment to fix it ( the so called poison pill). And don’t forget the notion that if you are not paying for the product, you ARE the product. I’m pretty sure that YouTube is collecting our information and profiting from it. And if they aren’t the parent company absolutely is. When you couple this with the thought that “suggested” content is designed to profit youtube, its easy to make the argument that it wasn’t actually free to begin with.

So bottom line is, I think people are fed up with relentless marketing and the form of marketing YouTube has chosen is the worst possible kind of marketing. This leaves those who have been users for a while and want to continue, with the choice of fighting this invasive advertising with ad blockers or paying for the service. The latter of which feels a lot like a reward for reprehensible behavior on the part of youtube.

In short, I think the chief complaint here is HOW youtube has gone about this. Anyway, that’s the way I see it. I use a lot of “free” services and youtube is by far the worst type of cost. Pandora, plays ads I have to listen to as the cost for that service but they aren’t nearly as bad about it and they never do it in the middle of a song, for instance. I use Wikipedia and they don’t market at all, just ask for a donation every now and then. I gave up and just paid for youtube premium. But I have to say it feels a bit like I was extorted, because I feel like I have seen enough ads for one lifetime. If at any point youtube starts showing ads with their paid service I will absolutely drop them like a hot potato, which would be a shame since, like you, I enjoy a lot of the content.

The airlines always complain about the cost of fuel, I’m surprised they can tolerate this. 18,000 ghost flights for Lufthansa? Just last month I sat in a 100 degree cabin for about 45 minutes before take- off because the APU needed to be turned on by a ground unit. The pilot said he called for the truck. It never came. Later I asked a pilot friend of mine and he said they can power that unit themselves but it uses fuel and the airline probably has a policy against it. Screw you Virgin Atlantic!

What they did to me was:

When I went to watch a movie I had purchased, a message came up saying that it was no longer available on Amazon prime and to watch it I had to download an app and watch it on another service. The app was free and I didn’t have to pay anything to watch it but I want to say there was something else wrong with it, like the service was free or it had commercials or something. Not sure.

Where I live, power companies successfully lobbied to charge a minimum fee to people using a grid-tied system (as opposed to off-grid). So now a bill that might have been lowered to $9.00 will cost the minimum fee of $30.00 (actual example). You might say, that $30.00 is still a very low power bill but how long will it take before that starts going up? They are also lobbying to buy power from homeowners for less than they charge homeowners. This was a huge turn-off for me considering the high cost of installation. When I asked the solar installer about off-grid installations, he said they weren’t allowed to offer those. Not sure why but got the impression it was a government thing and not a company thing. Not sure.

Personally I have a Prusa Mk3s+. I’m not a hater or a fan boy. There are definitely things I don’t like about it and they are expensive, but the thing I think most people like about them is that they just sort of work. This is very valuable, especially when you’re just starting out.

But what I really came here to say is that to 3d print, you need to do more than just buy a printer. Don’t forget, unless you just want to print doohickies you find on the net, you also have to learn how to use 3d graphics programs. The most common is probably fusion360. It’s free for hobbieists but there are some drawbacks. There is easily as much to be learned about this drafting as there is about the printer. There is also another free program called FreeCad. The learning curve for both of these is a bit steep to get proficient, but not too bad to get started.

You also need to learn about the filaments. When I printed something using PLA, the default material often provided with the machine, my dimensions were spot-on. Unfortunately, most of what I wanted to print either was used on a car or needed to be transported in a car. I live in a hot environment and PLA simply won’t stand up to those temperatures. So I started printing with ASA and regrettably this is difficult to print with and my dimensions are always a bit iffy. This material and many others require an enclosure to print, something else to consider. You also might need a way to dry your filament and keep your filament dry.

I’m not trying to discourage you. All of these things can be overcome. I just wanted to inform you.

If you go onto YouTube and watch some videos, you can get a lot more info. I recommend the following:

Thomas Sanladerer CNC kitchen Zack Freedman


That’s 0.0001x their 2022 profit or 0.01%. If I did my math correctly, it’s about 58 minutes of profit.

I don’t understand this crypto auto fill thing. Can you explain it in simple terms? What is it. Why is it bad?