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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 21, 2023


Yeah honestly, what is the point of these devices when literally every retro game ever already has a perfect 1:1 dump available for instant download all over the internet? Why are new cartridge dumping devices still being produced? Even the rarest of rare games have easily-obtainable ROMs available. Who are these meant for?

If you want a Chromecast, why not just buy a TV that runs on Google TV (Android) instead?

Not to mention the hilariously tiny storage space. My TV came out in 2022, and has 8 freaking gigabytes of storage space. That’s right, eight. Before I removed all the pre-installed bloat with ADB, it barely had enough space left to install one app fresh out of the box. It’s like these smart TV manufacturers expect people to only use the built-in apps and nothing else ever.

Is this the reason why SmartTubeNext keeps breaking on my TV? The updates come pretty quickly but it’s getting annoying cause my $1800 OLED has the processing power of a $50 Chinese Android phone and thus takes forever to install updates.

It’s the most negative-sounding positive word, isn’t it?

What about red USB-A ports, and USB-C ports with no symbol by them at all (like on phones and desktop PCs)?

I haven’t worked with HTML since 1999; I hate that I’m just now finding out that iframes are somehow still a thing in the modern world. What the actual fuck. Why? Don’t we have some fancy HTML5 or Ajax or something that can replace them?

Is this the reason why I have to “confirm it’s you” every time I sign into a Google service now? I appreciate the fact that Firefox’s protection is so good that Google doesn’t recognize my PC anymore, but it’s extremely annoying to have to pull out my phone every time I want to watch YouTube.

This might be what finally convinces me to ditch Google for good. Good job, Firefox devs.

And all because the PS2 could play DVDs and the Dreamcast couldn’t. Fucking DVDs. As ridiculous as that sounds today, people went apeshit over DVD playback capabilities back in the early 2000s.

But to be fair I also think Sega was their own worst enemy. In the 90s alone they released the Sega CD, 32X, the Saturn and the Dreamcast. Not to mention the Genesis 3 and CDX as well. If they would have slowed their roll and stopped cannibalizing their own sales, they might have done alright. The addon idea could have worked out better if done right. Hindsight is 20/20, so if they had a crystal ball they should have done something like this, and they’d still be making consoles today:

  1. Delay the Sega/Mega CD to allow themselves more time to rewrite the graphics ASIC to include 3D rendering capabilities.
  2. Cancel the 32X and Saturn; they were never even announced. The Sega CD is the next gen console.
  3. Sell it as an addon for $199, and cut the price of the base Genesis to $50. Release in 1994, along with bundle deals for $249 with an included game (for people who don’t already own a Genesis), and proceed wipe the floor with Sony before they even get a chance to compete.

Really? They went to shit over a decade ago. Cheap $30 Chinese Amazon mice surpassed Logitech in quality around 2013. I was getting so sick and tired of spending $80 on a mouse with a middle click that was going to break in a couple of years.

I’ve been seeing more and more State Farm ads sneaking past Ublock Origin in Firefox since about a month ago. Like OP, I also found that refreshing the page solves the problem. As long as F5 continues to fix the issue, I can put up with seeing 1 second of an ad or a black screen.

It’s not; literally no carrier forces you into a shitty contract anymore.

In the middle of nowhere, maybe. But I’ve been on several road trips across the state and had service the entire way, mostly LTE with a few spots of 3G here and there. As long as you’re near the highway or a town, you’ll get service.

Google is what the Fox network was in the 90s and 2000s.

Used to put up with this back when Hulu was free. Adblockers weren’t as sophisticated then, so I had to watch 2 minutes of a black screen every commercial break. Still better than watching ads.

Lemmy seems to hate any new technology, I’ve noticed.

Personally I’ve found GPT to be extremely useful as a search engine replacement, especially the implementations that cite their sources. That way you can actually fact check instead of wondering if it’s a hallucination. It helps me rely on reddit a lot less to find answers. I love that it’s being integrated with Windows. Makes finding files a lot easier, even easier than using Everything search.

Lemmy also hates crypto. They call it a scam, despite the fact that it’s now being traded on the stock market (BTC and soon to be ETH). I turned $12k into $36k, just by buying small amounts of BTC every paycheck since COVID started. I buy everything with crypto; there are Visa debit cards you can use to spend it. Crypto gave me enough financial wiggle room that I no longer worry about losing my job. Yet it’s a “scam”. Give me a fucking break.

Lemmy hates HDR. Every time I mention the reason why I haven’t switched to Linux yet is because of poor HDR support in KDE, I get ridiculed. “Why would you want your monitor brighter and more colorful? Mine’s bright and colorful enough”, failing to realize just how much more realistic “brighter and more colorful” makes an image appear. With a proper 1000 nit OLED display, it feels more like looking out of a window than staring at a monitor. Like going from a black and white to color TV. One of those things that you can’t go back on once you get used to it.

And although not a new technology, per se don’t even get me started on how much Lemmy hates cars. But I feel like I’ve ranted on long enough so I’m just going to stop talking here before my inbox blows up.

To be fair, you should fact check everything you read on the internet, no matter the source (though I admit that’s getting more difficult in this era of shitty search engines). AI can be a very powerful knowledge-acquiring tool if you take everything it tells you with a grain of salt, just like with everything else.

This is one of the reasons why I only use AI implementations that cite their sources (edit: not Google’s), cause you can just check the source it used and see for yourself how much is accurate, and how much is hallucinated bullshit. Hell, I’ve had AI cite an AI generated webpage as its source on far too many occasions.

Going back to what I said at the start, have you ever read an article or watched a video on a subject you’re knowledgeable about, just for fun to count the number of inaccuracies in the content? Real eye-opening shit. Even before the age of AI language models, misinformation was everywhere online.

  1. Yes
  2. Ideally from birth
  3. If they’re wealthy enough, yes. Or ideally, people who can’t afford a home should be given one by the government. No landlords needed. Having a roof over your head should be a basic human right.
  4. Nothing. Again, basic human right. Everyone is entitled to a home.

No you’re not, your franchise owner is. They do all the hard work, and all you gotta do is sit back and collect your profit, and make sure the the ice cream machine keeps breaking.

Do it on your cheat day, then. Or at the very least, sprinkle some olive oil on it and stick it in the air fryer or toaster oven on the convection setting. Toaster hash browns are bland and sad. You need to put a little flavor into your life, otherwise what’s the point of living?

They don’t want to ban recipes for hash browns. They want to ban that Chinese spyware of an app. Read their TOS. It’s one of the worst I’ve ever seen in terms of collecting any and every piece of data on you that they’re able to.

I wish politicians would focus on writing proper digital privacy laws instead, but I’ll take what I can get. Hopefully banning TikTok will open the floodgates towards building a safer, more private web for everyone.

The frozen ones just don’t hit the same unless you deep fry them.

Such as? I love Windows 11 for Auto HDR alone. I never have to think about HDR at all in 11. It just works. In 10 the implementation was wonky at best. It often made things look worse so I literally never used it. Can’t wait for the dedicated Copilot key as well. 'Bout time they retired the useless Menu key. I don’t know of any Linux distro that integrates AI with the OS… Do you? Cause I’m still willing to switch so long as it has AI and a proper HDR implementation.

We did? Please name some that aren’t Baulder’s Gate cause I feel like I had nothing worth playing the last two years beyond the Spider-Man games on PC.

I use Ungoogled Chromium exclusively for YouTube, cause my graphics card csn upscale videos and convert them to HDR, but not in Firefox. The moment I get those features in Firefox, I’m done with Chrome for good.

Took me a moment to realize that’s a dog’s nose and not a small bunny.

Let me know when someone makes a convertible sports coupe/roadster EV with more than 400bhp for under $30K (and not made by Tesla). That’s when I’ll start shopping for an electric vehicle. I’m so fed up with all these boring sedans and SUVs with only three “color” options: black, white, and gray.

Also, my HOA will have to install chargers in my condo complex as well, cause I refuse to be like those rich idiots who have to sit in a parking garage for hours at a time while they wait for their Tesla to charge.

You don’t need it; just toss/donate/recycle it.

Any adapter you might need for a new GPU in the future will already be in the box.

It’s basically a 2 way radio with tools for those who like to mess with the radio spectrum. That’s the most simple explanation I can make for such a device.

Dude cashed out right at the peak, then took his money and travels the world with it. Tom never has to work another day in his life.

For once Florida is doing something good.

At least it would be if they weren’t simply doing this to prevent kids from becoming more informed.