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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


All this assumes the top selling list is automatically generated based on sales data and not human-curated like most “top/trending” lists on many platforms.

Other people said a lot about the CPU and I concur. No reason to buy Intel. If you are planning to use GPU rendering (redshift, octane, etc), you want a card with lots of memory for textures. Not sure if 4070ti fits the bill, I always stick with xx80 or xx90 lines - even if it means starting on older gen.

For video you will want a lot of fast SSD space to edit and HDD to store.

Not gonna comment on the amounts of RAM - I assume you did the math and know that you need this much.

Personally I recommend browsing through Puget Systems. If not to buy from them - then to clone!

Good luck.

In many cases the AI company is “selling you” the image by making users pay for the use of the generator. Sure, there are free options, too - but just giving you an example.

I was on the same page as you for the longest time. I cringed at the whole “No AI” movement and artists’ protest. I used the very same idea: Generations of artists honed their skills by observing the masters, copying their techniques and only then developing their own unique style. Why should AI be any different? Surely AI will not just copy works wholesale and instead learn color, composition, texture and other aspects of various works to find it’s own identity.

It was only when my very own prompts started producing results I started recognizing as “homages” at best and “rip-offs” at worst that gave me a stop.

I suspect that earlier generations of text to image models had better moderation of training data. As the arms race heated up and pace of development picked up, companies running these services started rapidly incorporating whatever training data they could get their hands on, ethics, copyright or artists’ rights be damned.

I remember when MidJourney introduced Niji (their anime model) and I could often identify the mangas and characters used to train it. The imagery Niji produced kept certain distinct and unique elements of character designs from that training data - as a result a lot of characters exhibited “Chainsaw Man” pointy teeth and sticking out tongue - without as much as a mention of the source material or even the themes.

I think the problem is that you cannot ask AI not to plagiarize. I love the potential of AI and use it a lot in my sketching and ideation work. I am very wary of publicly publishing a lot of it though, since, especially recently, the models seem to be more and more at ease producing ethically questionable content.

These models were trained on datasets that, without compensating the authors, used their work as training material. It’s not every picture on the net, but a lot of it is scrubbing websites, portfolios and social networks wholesale.

A similar situation happens with large language models. Recently Meta admitted to using illegally pirated books (Books3 database to be precise) to train their LLM without any plans to compensate the authors, or even as much as paying for a single copy of each book used.

Because the original Joker design is not just something that occurred in nature, out of nowhere. It was created by another artist(s) who don’t get credit or compensation for their work.

When YouTube “essayists” cobble script together by copy pasting paragraphs and changing some words around and then then earn money off the end product with zero attribution, we all agree it’s wrong. Corporations doing the same to images are no different.

Check out the rest of Posy’s channel. Some really good stuff from this guy

Yea, I typically also don’t care much for their live performances, the orchestra and “funny commercial interruptions” not to mention endless Game Pass ads.

Nothing will make me watch this thing live. The ability to fast forward is essential for this show and I do so through 80% of the duration.

All these services from Netflix to Uber are built on understandable foundations. They lose a ton of money in their first phase in order to gain subscribers but sooner or later start looking to turn profit out at least stop the bleeding.

I can already hear the outcry of surprised gamers when Microsoft cracks the whip on their Game Pass pricing, and there will be little to no alternative because they bought out most of the studios and publishers.

According to the logic of this video it costs Valve $0 to produce steam decks. Jeez, the Internet is so filled up with these unresearched, amateurish attempts at journalism.

It’s such a bullshit article. For almost it’s entire mission, Perseverance is exploding an ancient river delta. It’s been doing it for years!

For anyone interested, I strongly recommend Mars Guy YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@MarsGuy?si=uGXt3X6GWDpvI78Q Every Sunday he reports on what the rovers (and helicopter) have been up to on Mars. Fascinating stuff.

In reality all AIs avatars look like your average comicon/DnD convention visitor.

Microsoft realizes… And promptly moves it to Windows 12.

It’s amazing how people convinced themselves they need all these platforms in their lives. Meta, X, TikTok, YouTube - they can do whatever they want to their users, and the users just take it.

I’ve learned to drop social media platforms as soon as they pull shit I’m uncomfortable with and live a happy life, somehow.

Somehow it never crossed their minds to stop selling firearms to teens, but vendor Internet in the name of protecting kids? Sign us up. Fuck that.

Pretty much any bill, worldwide, that includes the phrase “project kids” is always about pushing censorship, government surveillance and other forms of oppression on everyone. And guess what: zero actual benefit to kids.

It’s the same story with pretty much any platform. While you may know YouTube as the tool where AI/software randomly bans innocent channels and demonetizes videos based on false positives, it actually has a small army of human moderators. These poor folks are constantly exposed to some of the most vile content humankind produces >! ::: beheadings, rape, torture, child abuse::: !< etc.

I once worked on a project aiming to help their mental well-being, but honestly, while a step in the right direction, I don’t think it made much difference.

Edit: attempting to nest multiple spoiler formatting

TikTok is garbage, but perhaps we should look at all the ridiculous right wing propaganda pushed by YouTube, Facebook and Twicough X

Asymmetric speeds are a disgrace. Internet used to be about exchange of content, ideas and collaboration. You consumed, but also contributed. The overall focus on high download low upload is clearly the sign telcos want Internet to be just a troth of content, not much different from cable tv.

That’s some 90s-dot-com-ass thinking from Elon. Nobody wants supercentralized services anymore. We’ve seen how giving one company too much data and too much power over our lives backfires every single time.

Elon rolled high luck and as emerald mine heir was able to take risks some of which paid off. But he was never a super (stable) genius he (and others like him) would claim to be.

I don’t care how the background is generated, if the making algorithm can’t understand which part is my head, which is the headphones and which is the headrest on my chair. Unless I use green screen, the auto detect for the background is too inaccurate do use any background filters.

How about AI-ing that instead?

I suspect YouTube’s blacklist (do not recommend this channel / video) is length-limited. I recently noticed some of the oldest content I banned coming back in recommendations.

Feels like as I add more bans, the oldest ones get released. Really frustrating.

Any idea if there’s a way to block shorts using PiHole? I mostly consume YouTube on mobile devices (Android and iOS) but would love to get rid of that garbage.

Majority of Americans don’t understand national security, cyber security, or privacy.