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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I agree with your analysis of the law, but I do get why people are a bit uncomfortable with this. Elon has been a shit human, rocket launches have impacted wildlife and SpaceX and Tesla have been toxic places to work for a long time, but that’s only become a problem recently because he’s been getting more involved in politics? The whole point of having a regulatory state separate from the rest of the government is so they can set and enforce rules fairly and impartially.

But it’s all the government’s fault for having regulations that stop him doing what he wants - he’d be on Mars by now if it wasn’t for the stupid government stopping him from poisoning a protected nature reserve and crashing rockets into people.

Don’t they understand? It’s really important to get people to mars so there is a place for rich assholes to go when the environment on earth is completely trashed beyond repair

So politics aside, would you really put any money into a financial system run by someone with a proven track record of driving businesses into bankruptcy?

The thing he seems to have forgotten is that unlike the automotive industry where the regulation is designed to allow companies to fuck up then fix things as long as they have the systems in place to fix the fuck up and to know when they fucked up, the medical device industry is very much designed so that the default stance is “this is dangerous and will kill people” unless you can prove otherwise

Why does patreon even need to be an app? What value does the app bring that the website can’t deliver?

Oh, you misheard - he doesn’t like “free speech”, he likes “freeze peach” - just a big fan of Super Mario. And Nazis - don’t forget how much he loves Nazis

Agreed, this will probably kill them over the next few years unless they can really magic up something.

They probably don’t get sued - their contracts will have indemnity clauses against exactly this kind of thing, so unless they seriously misrepresented what their product does, this probably isn’t a contract breach.

If you are running crowdstrike, it’s probably because you have some regulatory obligations and an auditor to appease - you aren’t going to be able to just turn it off overnight, but I’m sure there are going to be some pretty awkward meetings when it comes to contract renewals in the next year, and I can’t imagine them seeing much growth

Big chunk of New Zealands banks apparently run it, cos 3 of the big ones can’t do credit card transactions right now

Having tried similar things, I cannot stress enough how much you want to be printing molds like this in TPU unless you really really want your mold to be permanently embedded in the concrete


Trying to extort the federal government like that seems like a really quick way to end up with your face, phone number and home address in a press release, along with a note from the NSA that basically says “this guy has $33 million in Bitcoin, would be a shame if someone kicked in his door and beat him with a bat until he gave up the keys :)”

Especially when “tmpfiles” is an existing term of art with a very specific meaning

Jia Tan probably wasn’t one person - most likely the identity was operated by a team of people at an intelligence agency, probably Russian or Chinese

I think the conclusion is that as a population of people grows the average behaviour stays pretty much fine, but the extremes of the bell curve become more apparent

Yeah, not even slightly true. Know a few people who work support for a major piece of financials software. Company has a written procedure for dealing with death threats that gets exercised multiple times per year


The thing about shipping internationally is that you generally need a logistics partner to actually physically move the packages for you, and they also have a legal responsibility to ensure that what they are carrying is legal. I don’t know what number of packages you need to have seized by customs before they stop doing business with you, but I’d doubt it’s much more than 1.

As a bonus, there are only a handful of logistics companies in NZ that do international outbound, and they are the major domestic delivery companies as well, so if you fuck around enough you could end up finding out that no one will deliver your packages locally either

Oh man that brings back some memories.

A guy I went to primary school with was super obsessed with it. He was kinda weird (not that surprising given his parents were super chill with their 10 year old playing this) but lived pretty close by so I’d hang out at his house after school sometimes.

If I’m the chatbot vendor, why would I agree to those terms?

I wonder if this will turn into a new attack vector against companies; talk their LLM chat bots into promising a big discount, take the company to a small claims court to cash out

I think that would be a defensible position if you weren’t selling the files. The distinction between “purchased a physical product that someone manufactured” and “purchased the designs and fabricated a physical product to the designers spec” is pretty semantic.

A safety disclaimer is a good step, but (in my opinion) once money changes hands you become a manufacturer and take on the responsibility to ensure the product you are selling is safe

Design looks slick and I’m glad it’s solving a problem that you have, but as someone who works in medtech I have to say - actually selling this as a product would probably be classed as a “Bold Move”.

The product you are marketing is controlling the dispensing of a drug, so is pretty unambiguously a Medical Device. The details vary by country and exactly which category this ends up in, but you are almost certainly required by law to seek approval from the regulators for any jurisdiction that you are marketing this product in. I’m not totally clear if “selling designs to produce a Device” would attract the same level of scrutiny as “selling a Device”, but generally I’d recommend not screwing with the FDA.

WFH until the printer is moved. Even if the fumes weren’t toxic (they are) you shouldn’t be expected to work in an environment like that

Yeah, similar thoughts. People fuck up, make terrible mistakes through stupidity or bad luck or whatever and end up killing people and the best thing for society as a whole is rehabilitation and forgiveness.

That said, if it was one of my family, I’d be campaigning for the driver to have “my negligence killed two people” tattooed on their forehead so they never, ever get to forget the damage they have done

Not money as such, but being able to talk about printing made it easier to hang out with one of the production engineering teams at work - their Friday drinks are pretty fun, and the manager has a pretty liberal understanding of what “business expense” means

Yup, I’ve got a 3 pro - stupid easy to get set up and get pretty good results

Yeah, 3d printing suffers from the same problem a lot of hardware-heavy hobbies suffer, where there is an entire tier of “entry level” models that are absolutely trash and only exist to disappoint and frustrate beginners until they upgrade or give up.

Fish keeping is also chronic for this as well - small, cheap “beginner” tanks are harder to maintain than larger ones

It Depends - is a higher speed printer going to solve a problem you have?