• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Capitalism hates a memory. Hates/fears anything it can’t update, whitewash or otherwise directly control or obscure after the fact.

If humanity had any hope, we’d surround this thing with torches to defend it tooth and nail.

Former CEO, current inhumane grifter chud, Eric Schmidt, who has been featured in a recent series of “saying the quiet silicon valley executive thought out loud”

What’s the last “bombshell scandal that would ruin a company” that actually ruined a company?

You wouldn’t download a collection of all the art and knowledge ever documented in the entire history of the known universe…

So funny that all the musk brigaders on here, in full force, can only collectively muster 4 downvotes…

You are the wet farts of humanity.

Yes to fuck musk, but also…

“Commanding lead” equals other manufacturers also didn’t have a functioning feature (and still don’t now).

Starbucks just can’t stop shooting itself in the foot. Just when it had given some concessions to the union. Fuck Starbucks.

Next test of the cult… are you fucking people actually about to line up to trust your financial future to dumb dumb eric trump and sniff sniff don Jr?

"If you’re starving, we’ll use an API with your bank to charge you $10 more than your entire net worth. In that moment we’ll offer you a credit card with a 37% adjustable interest rate that only adjusts up to cover the overage (but credit card takes 6-8 business days to process, so you will go over). We’ll then be left with no choice but to also process an overdraft fee on your bank account with daily penalties for the overage since you are being irresponsible.

And we’ll use AI to generate a picture of everyone you love in a room laughing at you, because fuck you. By overdrafting, you triggered a clause in our user agreement (that you agreed to) which states that we can charge you whatever we think it’s fair for that picture. The picture will then regenerate each month, indefinitely, on an auto subscription, unless you cancel by hand delivering a paper cancellation form to our cancellation office in Guam."

I have a still very capable for my needs “once flagship” stock Samsung phone that is now about 7 years old. I still have a good 2-5 years use with this thing based on hardware performance alone. Google and others have started to conspire to make “1000 cuts” with artificial app compatibility “issues” and the like that try to force my hand to upgrade HW. Most would buy a new phone, but this will inspire me to dig back into the custom Rom flashing of my youth, to get the next 2-5 years I’m deserved from this hardware.

Thank you to all the hardworking people that drive the ROM community to this day.

Looking for a distraction from something specific, elon?


Looks like you should instead be focusing on how these 70% draw the conclusions that lead to their “beliefs”

“Hey Google, please write a letter from my family, addressed to me, that pretends that they love me deeply, and approve of me wholly, even though I am a soulless, emotionless ghoul that longs for the day we’ll have truly functional AR glasses, so that I can superimpose stock tickers over the top of their worthless smiles.”

Okay… I’ll bite… So what’s wrong with your weird genitalia that makes you like you?

"Continue to use of all the numbers you love!*

Starting August 1st, numbers 9, 7 3, 2 and 0 will only be available to members subscribed to our premium Calc+ tier.

I think this is a valuable app… Not the app itself, but an API that other dating apps could link to to allow you to filter out anyone with poor enough judgement to have sent photos of their crotch to his company.

So that they can fully control the fate of digital media for “normal” people. Better not lapse on that subscription or fail to upgrade to the latest Sony TV… “Your” media library might not like that, be a shame if you lost access to those pretty titles you love…

“My company’s corporate account covers it” - Yeah, while fucking the accessibility of any kind of reasonable taxi service for the rest of us. Eat shit, parasite.

Also, that “zero wait” would mean that those drivers would have to sit around constantly, not being paid, all to uber’s profit/benefit so that you can feel like a special little person when you walk up and give Uber the credit - Some parasitic POV you have there on multiple fronts… Maybe take a bit of time to look inward on that (ooh, or just raise VC capital to found a new startup that burns houseless people’s bodies for private jet fuel - win for everyone, corporate account bro!!!"

Saying this as a millennial, everything I don’t like is a “boomer” is a lazy scapegoat. Boomers suck in the many areas where they actually, specifically suck. But in fact here, you seem to actually have a lot more personally in common with the boomers with your pseudo-reaganite, “My company’s corporate account covers it” BS POV.

“Just a taxi” I mean, can a taxi actually regular charge me MORE than a taxi used to cost from the airport to my home PLUS the magic bonus of surge increases in that also higher cost when I’m most vulnerable… I think not - check mate assholes, Uber for the win!"

-a tesla owner while his broken tesla is in the shop waiting months for parts

Nobody gives a shit, you’re not doing enough to punish trump for his obvious, literally filmed and recorded crimes.

This is the equivalent of the cops celebrating after beating peaceful college protesters while pissing their pants and freezing while the uvalde kids were slaughtered and psychologically tortured.

You’re focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

I will say, had a chuckle when I saw these two posts in succession in your post feed

So to your own point, as long as there is at least one person with a credit card ready to go, probably no tipping point.

“Okay… You win. We heard you loud and clear on pricing, so the new AFFORDABLE (I mean as far as we know - what’s a gallon of milk cost these days anyways? Like $27?) Apple iPod VR is only $2000!! Wow. What a real savings. You’re welcome. Brave. Also, minor thing, it doesn’t come with internal or external screens. But of course, you can purchase an additional subscription to unlock the ability to consume the audio of select limited content at 50% audio volume compared to original model!”

Made your daddy proud… Proud.

This is a ridiculous take. You can change any of that in Android easily, Apple locks you into BS without extreme measures

What is the too small for road safety thing? That’s pure bullshit, right? Smart cars are legal, how can these not be?

Give us cheap EVs and small trucks god damnit!!!

Fucking good, everyone that still supports that wannabe fascist tool wears it as a badge of stupidity, at best.

It actually won’t, it will incorrectly attempt to identify and exclude people, but it won’t work, because this is all snake oil horseshit perpetrated by attention seeking grifters.

Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?
I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and speaking clearly in modern workplace meetings. Do "anonymous" callers need to start using voice modulation software for these kinds of calls in the modern world?

Is it known that some of the streaming services with advertising artificially reduce their ad length after the holidays?
Assuming to artificially secure people with new memberships through their first 4-6 weeks to establish a habit through the first billing cycle. Is this a known thing?

Can’t remember name of an old Android app… help!
Hey all, I used to use a to do app and can't remember name, it was very distinct though, please help! * visual aesthetic was of an IRL open paper journal (distinct touch: out had a coffee stain on upper corner of the paper) * extremely simple, text input on lines and a checkbox to complete (animation of pen crossing by hand would play IIRC) * only option besides complete/delete was to move to "tomorrow". Then when you flipped the page (animation) you'd see the next day's tasks. * only looked at today and tomorrow in favor of simplicity * For some reason, I want to think it was just called "today" or "tomorrow". Any ideas?