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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


It’s 100% worth it. Not only does it get rid of the pollution, it tastes a lot better too.

… different strokes for different folks.

According to her videos, she has mastered several different strokes.

Don’t forget for some of the spells and skills. How can I forget late nights full of “Indiguneishon! Indiguneishon!”?

I looked up the page and it gets worse.

You will need to shop for a car inverter. Find one that is at least 1,500 watts, and it will help you power your refrigerator for up to five hours—usually without damaging your car battery. Considering how much food we keep in our refrigerators, a $200 car inverter is a bargain!

Sorry to play armchair doctor, but has she tried budesonide? I ask because a friend of mine has/had very similar symptoms. He was diagnosed with microscopic colitis but it was actually mast cell related. Doctors are still trying to figure out what mast cell disorder it is, but the leading theory is the other medication was causing his mast cells to degranulate, whereas budesonide inhibits degranulation.

As someone who also has a mystery mast cell issue (go MCAS!), my mast cells going pop makes me really loopy, sometimes to the point of incoherence.

Don’t forget well-meaning advice from someone incompetent who failed upwards but still lacks the self-awareness to see it. I’ve had a few of those.

I had the same happen with TrustPilot. They asked me to substantiate my negative review, which I did. The vendor then claimed I wasn’t even a customer so TrustPilot removed my review, despite receiving copies of my invoice and correspondence. These review websites seem to frequently be fraudulent at their core.

Leave a factually incorrect, unprompted whataboutism about socialism or communism in a thread criticizing capitalism and I bet you could rival this comment count.

I haven’t used Evernote in at least a decade, I didn’t even think they were still around.

It’s considered by many, myself included, to be one of the best horror games ever made. The fact that a sequel or even a remastered version has never been made is incredibly disappointing.

But when has a large company like Meta cared about its employees?

You pretty much nailed it. A company like Meta would never fail to maximize their profit, even if the result is detrimental to employees and/or users. Facebook is demonstrably detrimental to society in general, yet they don’t care - gotta profit more and more for the stockholders, consequences be damned.

I do want to note that you can still seed if your port isn’t forwarded. For every seed connection, only one person out of the pair needs a forwarded port.

They mean sensitization. It’s where you react more strongly to exposure the more you’re exposed. It’s a problem for a couple of reasons. The scary one is some people move along the reaction continuum from “mildly annoying” to “oh shit call an ambulance” pretty fast. It’s not common but it happens. I actually have a condition that predisposes me to that so I always carry an epi-pen. Good times.

The more mundane one is, even with controls to remove fumes and PPE to avoid them, it’s not uncommon to still be exposed to a small degree, especially in a hobbyist setting. Let’s imagine you’re lax on avoiding exposure and become sensitized due to prolonged and/or heavy exposure, so you set up proper controls to try to avoid it. Now the small amount of remaining exposure which may have never been a problem with proper controls may actually become a problem. Now you can’t work with that material at all without having some sort of reaction.