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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


It’s built to be decentralized though, from what I read.

I’ll give it a shot. Seems interesting to have something USB powered that can solder.

You guys just now figured out the conservative element has gone astray from it’s original meaning? Which part did it? The big coal rolling trucks? The absolute denial that there’s a problem with the environment? Ohhhhh, it was the orange moron giving Elon the hover-hand because even American-made EVs are yucky?

You don’t have Gen Z to be considering it. The supreme court ruling on immunity has me strongly weighing options.

I mean, Boeing hasn’t killed them in a fireball of death, hurtling at 18 thousand kph to the earth. The media has this totally wrong, for now. Everything is totally fine, at this time.

That is one dashing fellow. Pip pip!

But see, the truly smart scammer would have a potentially decent coin and name it maga-coin. They’re looking for anything except government currency…the super scam, or is it?

“Microsoft is pivoting its company culture to make security a top priority…”

The fact that this had to be stated is a testament to garbage leadership. Notice it’s not even the top priority, just a top priority. These guys will still get bonuses of course.

They filled the truck beds with a bunch of fish. It’s actually cod racing.

If the Fed was doing anything, they’d see this as a signal and try to do something about it instead of just worrying about the wealthy. Redefining what a recession is will not keep it from happening.

AI gives creative license to anyone who can communicate their desires well enough. Every great advancement in the media age has been pushed in one way or another with porn, so why would this be different?

I think if a person wants visual “material,” so be it. They’re doing it with their imagination anyway.

Now, generating fake media of someone for profit or malice, that should get punishment. There’s going to be a lot of news cycles with some creative perversion and horrible outcomes intertwined.

I’m just hoping I can communicate the danger of some of the social media platforms to my children well enough. That’s where the most damage is done with the kind of stuff.

That company is generating a huge amount of hate in the industry. It’ll be way too late by the time the captains of that ship realize the size of the iceberg they have intentionally hit.

If Benjamin Buttons was a cat…

So you have all users sign a new TOS to force a password change? I’m not seeing the connection.

First Roku did a quick force TOS change before a beach disclosure, now Blizzard is mysteriously forcing a change to their TOS. I have no idea what’s coming next. Seems like it’s going to become part of the breach playbook to minimize financial loss. Maybe there will be a law against it in… oh…15 years?

It’s this to organize cabling?

I would like to inform Suzy Welch that an imbalance has developed in the amount of greed that corporations are pushing. The drive to “do more with less” has become untenable and unrealistic, and people are suffering over it. Oh, and also, Suzy can go fuck herself with a rusty bollard.

There was an app that could discern between a fart and flashlight? Man, unbelievable!

Thank goodness those lobbyists are looking out for us and our easily confused little brains. Perhaps if we’re so easily confused, they should lobby to get rid of the fine print and simplify those contracts while they’re at it. Oh… Wait… Not that.

Dude, did fucking Josh Allen have a season, or what? Week after week, he just kept it steady and helped me win my league!

Perhaps the management changes at Boeing weren’t the best idea.

“Business” focused management will always cut to the bone to maximize profit. They know no other way because the shareholder is king.

While they may have “streamlined the business” by cutting staff and going 3rd party on a lot of stuff, there are always consequences.

This will not be the last incident and it won’t end until the business is run like it was previously. An engineer should be at the head.

I think the speed is more in regard to the capability to go into space. From what I remember, the SR71 was easily fast enough to go, but the limit was atmosphere (engines). If they could get something into space that could come back as a single unit (needing just a refuel), it could change a lot. Total speculation though, it’s probably just super fast so it can go destroy other humans super good, because that’s super important.

From what I saw elsewhere, the cost of the CRISPR treatment is roughly 2 million dollars and another way to implement the cure is via a modified flu virus. That version is roughly 3 million.

You mean men envision women naked? And now there’s an app that’s just as perverted? Huh

I wonder how much they’d pay me for my 40k karma…five bucks? Six?

Buncha horseshit

Oh, so now we have to see the mysterious new “opposing party tweets” that have started showing up no matter what, huh? That should really make the destruction complete.

What a brilliant use of 44 billion. There could not have been anything better done with that money…