• 15 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Aww, she sounds precious! And I agree with your theory 100% 🥰

Aww, what an adorable nuisance! 😄🥰

Probably surprisingly few! I use my TV as a computer monitor and Charlotte will sometimes “hunt” the mouse cursor, but all her pawing at it has left exactly zero marks on my screen!

To be fair, your wall mileage may vary… Which is a very weird sentence.

Original video on YouTube with tons of similar adorableness on the same account 🥰

The fact that you’re impressed is the most dystopian part of it all 😄

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/20276590

First, in 2019, Ms Sage says a user reached out asking for her to record dozens of generic sounding test radio scripts.

Test recordings are often used in film and television for focus groups, internal meetings, or as placeholders for works in progress. Because they won’t be shared broadly, these recordings cost much less than audio meant for broadcast.

Ms Sage says she completed the job, delivered the files, and was paid $400 (£303).

About six months later, Mr Lehrman says he got a similar request to record dozens of generic sounding radio ads.

So yeah, seems like it very much sounds like them because it IS them, stolen from other recordings

Those machines didn’t steal any intrinsic part of people and then sell it on. Your analogy doesn’t work.

You can’t stop technology and even if you could, you shouldn’t. You CAN and MUST work to limit ABUSE of technology like this, though.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/28090788 > In June 2023, Paul Skye Lehrman and his partner Linnea Sage were driving near their home in New York City, listening to a podcast about the ongoing strikes in Hollywood and how artificial intelligence (AI) could affect the industry. > > The episode was of interest because the couple are voice-over performers and - like many other creatives - fear that human-sounding voice generators could soon be used to replace them. > > This particular podcast had a unique hook – they interviewed an AI-powered chat bot, equipped with text-to-speech software, to ask how it thought the use of AI would affect jobs in Hollywood. > > But, when it spoke, it sounded just like Mr Lehrman. > > That night they spent hours online, searching for clues until they came across the site of text-to-speech platform Lovo. Once there, Ms Sage said she found a copy of her voice as well. > > They have now filed a lawsuit against Lovo. The firm has not yet responded to that or the BBC's requests for comment.

What has happened since shows the delicate servile relationship Google has kept with its advertising client, the fascist apartheid state Israel

Fixed it for them.

This same thing, amongst other excellent recent pro-consumer rulings?

Protectionism is a valid reason to deny it

No it isn’t. Protectionism is jingoist bullshit. Always has been, always will be.

I wonder if denying Chinese tech under the guise of national security a last ditch attempt from big oil lobbyists?

Definitely. The leadership of both major US parties are pretty much owned by the fossil fuel industries.

Even progressives advocating for the Green New Deal won’t say the part about gradually eliminating fossil fuel use out loud out of fear of fossil fuel industry lobbyists and the politicians they own doing an AIPAC.

Or is that too far fetched

Not at all.

He looks slightly different to the Walther I know, but both look very comfy…

Aww, that’s wonderful! As the human of two cats who behave exactly like you’d expect cats to behave at the vet, I’m not jealous at all, nuh-uh! 😄

Yeah, he’s Lemmy’s resident dapper good boy ❤️

Sure, Lloyd Christmas 😄

Always nice when Bowie comes to visit! Hi, Bowie! 👋

I’m 99.99% certain that you’re mistaken 😄

That upholstery is living on borrowed time for sure 😄

I feel the same way looking at my cats and my mom’s dog:

To be fair, alternatives like Tiny11 are much more user friendly for someone used to Windows than going all the way to Linux.

Especially if gaming is a big part of what you use your computer for and you prefer to do as much as possible with just the mouse rather than typing in various complex commands, both of which is the case with me.

Windows 11 is too bloated and otherwise enshittified and making Linux do what I want it to is too much of a hassle.

Tiny11 is better for my personal use case on both accounts and, like with Linux, I’m not rewarding Microsoft’s sleazy behavior by using it.

I’m testing out Tiny11, which is basically Windows 11 without the bloat, and so far the experience is great!

My secondhand laptop from 2019 went from taking two minutes or more each to boot and to shut down in the full Microsoft monstrosity to less than 10 seconds for either in Tiny11 and the general performance is also dramatically improved!

Keeping lists has not really worked for me to the point that I’m actively averse to them, especially in paper form.

In stead I make do with alarms and making sure that my days are hardly ever busy so that I and my very basic system don’t get overwhelmed lol

I had absolutely no trouble until a slight delay on the iPod but had to give up a little later as my elder millennial ass forgot how to type on an old school Nokia 😄

I’m seriously considering making Tiny11 my daily driver on my gaming desktop.

I’m about to start a prolonged test run on my new to me secondhand laptop as soon as my ADHD brain lets me remember at an opportune time to actually do it 😄

The video stresses that “content credentials” will “always make transparent whether AI was used”

Should absolutely be legally required for all commercial and political usage in these hyper-propagandized times IMO…

267 treats should last em a long time tbh 😄

My point is that it’s empty posturing based in xenophobia. Most of Congress don’t give a shit about the data privacy and safety of Tiktok users. They just want to be able to tell voters that they bravely took on the Big Bad Chinese Government Company

Other than the cheap political points, they hope that it’ll distract those same voters from the fact that they’re doing nothing about the much bigger problem of many times bigger American companies who cooperate with the same government and other geopolitical adversaries while doing the same as Tiktok on a much larger scale.

I partially agree: you’re right that the Chinese government spying on American users is unacceptable, but you’re wrong about it being any worse than the US government doing it.

Only case would be if you work in government, but even then, it’d only be a problem if you’re using an unsecured device that also has Tiktok on it to do secret government stuff on, which would probably get you super-fired and possibly prosecuted in itself…

ByteDance could spy on its users and share information with the Chinese Government.

Whereas it’s a well-known fact that Facebook, Twitter, and everything Google spy on their users and share information with the US government.

That’s fine, though, because the US government has NEVER been known to violate the rights of its own people and people from pretty much every other country in the world as well, nuh-uh! 🙄

He donated $100,000 to the recall campaign against District Attorney Chesa Boudin

Least surprising donation ever…

I think she's glad I'm home again 😁🥰

In case you don't get it, "every now and then I fall apart" is a quote from the classic Bonnie Tyler song Total Eclipse of the Heart and tacos are notorious for falling apart easily.

Having a grand time 😁 ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/0250efc0-fd2f-485b-9555-382ed6802596.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/80010955-a0ee-4494-8d1e-1aa05005ef6b.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/aba9a27a-f9c3-4439-8b82-03f22c9f60ee.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/45ec8267-5dab-4e25-99ab-ccca18fc9663.jpeg)