• 14 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


i hate how this “best performers” rhetoric always comes out in WFH discussion. everyone should be able to work from home if it’s better for them regardless of if they’re The Best at their dunder-mifflin ass job

i try to put in the disc, hit play, and just walk away so i miss all the garbage and the paragraphs warning me about prison time. kinda kills the mood

i love getting scolded about voting when even if I personally managed to pull off a miracle and convert one thousand people to vote for biden, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.

yeah no fucking shit, can we stop pretending this system is effective or worth defending?

A Congressman is a hog! You must take a stick and hit him on the snout!

- Henry Adams, 1906

imagine showing this post to someone in 1995

shit has gotten too bloated these days. i mean even in my head 8GB still sounds like ‘a lot’ of RAM and 16GB feels extravagant

by that i mean, those are intangible, effervescent parts of a human being that should not be quantized down to a fucking amazon star system. the 'anything less than 5 stars is actually bad' thing is disgusting as well - all modern companies do this.

lmao copyright isn’t important

if copyright were abolished worldwide today, we’d be in a happier place. people who buy things generally want to buy from the official source anyway, those official sources might even have to cut prices or (god forbid!) have to make their services better to compete in the market

employees spend an equal amount of time working (76% of a 9-to-5 shift).

that seems high. 6 hrs of pure work every day isn’t even sustainable

This stuff about the price reductions after 4 years of blatant gouging is really freaking me out
I mean, that’s 4 years of our lives taken! 4 years of opportunities that were more challenging because they wanted a number on a computer to go up! 4 years of feeling worse than necessary about my finances and management of them and general personhood because i felt like i couldn’t afford anything because everything was priced egregiously! And now they’re saying ‘oh well we fixed it now’. Fuck you!!! Get over yourselves! Holy shit, I can’t wait to happily be friends with the giant corporations again!! Just the arrogance that we’re happy to once again be at their beck and call because they changed the numbers they could’ve always changed. Sickening. And I feel like I have a brain disease because i’ve been worrying and posting for years about how disgusting it is that they’re just cranking the numbers up to see what’ll happen and obviously no one will stop them because this is an oligarchy — and i kept getting well-ackshullyied into the ground by esteemed logical posters explaining how supply chains work. [Well look at this shit you motherfuckers!](https://www.vox.com/money/352116/whats-really-happening-to-grocery-prices-right-now) Just the amount of incredibly deep and sophisticated social engineering is so disgusting: >It’s a savvy play for shifting perceptions of value, crucial for consumers in the decision-making process of where to shop for bread and eggs. Customers benefit by saving some money; retailers possibly benefit even more by being known as the company that magnanimously trimmed prices.    Go to hell, stop shifting my value perception. I should be able to decide what I feel about milk or zucchini. When I think about a croissant I should be thinking about France, not *Target pricing strategies*. >Most importantly, the theater of making grand pronouncements about lower prices is great for retailers’ reputations. Forget about all the price hikes grocery retailers and food brands implemented in the last few years — now companies would like consumers to focus on the savings they’re offering. “They’re all leaning into this inflation-oriented messaging,” says Stambor, which he notes is interesting because food inflation isn’t high at the moment. It’s the accumulation of past inflation that we’re still feeling the sting of; the prices just didn’t come down. And we’re meant to thank them for this! I hope to god they can’t put the genie back in the bottle with this. I won’t forget 2020, I’ll hate these bloodsuckers til the day I die.

>For the most part, Bowlero doesn’t build its own centers. Instead, it purchases existing ones and makes them over in the Bowlero style: dim lights, loud music, expensive cocktails. At Bowleros, bowling isn’t bowling. It’s “upscale entertainment.” >But for serious bowlers, the lived experience of Bowlero’s rise has come with a marked deterioration in conditions. Someone in Big Mike’s crew warns that lane 26 tonight is sticky right where you step up to bowl: “The approach! The actual approach!” Someone else says it’s no surprise: “They spend a couple million dollars putting in screens but can’t clean the place.” >In its initial acquisition wave, Bowlero bought up prominent centers in large population areas from New York to Los Angeles. As it continues to expand, it has promised to hoover up centers everywhere else in the country. There are roughly 3,500 independent bowling centers left in America. For Bowlero, that’s 3,500 potential acquisition targets. “This industry,” Bowlero executive Brett Parker has said, “is fragmented and ripe for roll-ups.” >“A lot of guys are worried that in five years, seven years, you’re only gonna have a Bowlero,” Big Mike says. “And when that happens, what happens?” i love how everything is getting shittier in the same awful belittling way

Why Is There an AI Hype? | The Luddite
>Companies are training LLMs on all the data that they can find, but this data is not the world, but discourse about the world. The rank-and-file developers at these companies, in their naivete, do not see that distinction....So, as these LLMs become increasingly but asymptotically fluent, tantalizingly close to accuracy but ultimately incomplete, developers complain that they are short on data. They have their general purpose computer program, and if they only had the entire world in data form to shove into it, then it would be complete.

i like how the answers are the exact same generic unhelpful drivel you hear 20k times a month if you’re depressed as well. real improvement there. when people google that they want immediate relief, not fucking oh go for a walk every day, no shit. the triviality of the suggestion makes the depression worse because you know it’s going to do nothing the first week besides make you feel sweaty and looked at and alone. like if i’m feeling recovered enough to go walk every day then i’m already feeling good enough that i don’t need to be googling about depression tips. this shit drives me insane.

disgusting. it’s like early TV where people thought it was low-rent crap and not worth saving.

it always seems impractical to store this stuff but then it goes away and you realize how much you’re missing.

honestly every single headline about how shitty streaming is getting, wantonly, willfully, feels like a hit of crack. nothing better than owning your own library.

hey there fellow posters i've recently posted the "Not only is this not how anyone writes, I do not understand why anyone would want to read anything that sounds anything like this" post to my lemmy, reddit, or twitter, and let me tell you, it's been a total game-changer i know this isn't particularly novel but it's just so depressing we have to read this dogshit everywhere now

the most insulting part of this is ‘people’ suddenly pretending like we love and always loved the office, when it’s been a fundamental symbol of stagnation and boredom and misery in culture ever since they became widespread. NO ONE would voluntary want to spend 5 days in a shitty building after a commute wearing clothes they don’t want to with bosses sniffing around their necks all day leaving maybe 4 hrs a day to yourself in your home. ‘top talent’ or not, everyone deserves to be able to work where they feel most comfortable.

even the name is too much imo, when i delivered pizza some places had their system like this, i don't like strangers knowing that. it's too personal. the picture is really, really too far. only the most utter HOA boomer could even potentially spin needing to know that. and you can of course imagine the issues with it.

People get addicted to delivery apps cause it lets you pretend you’re on vacation all the time
it feels similar in egregious price to getting room service, and you don't even have to talk to the guy, and you can convince yourself it's nice to treat yourself you've been working hard etc etc. you don't have to do any dishes or think about all the rotten shit in the fridge. it can feel like a legitimate mental break, horribly i've worked too too many years doing delivery and honestly on good days it feels like being on vacation , just out there driving around somewhere peaceful without a boss over my shoulder but whenever i actually order the garbage myself too much it can lead to a crazy period of overspending. i already spent $30 on a burrito that sucked why not spend $20 on a film i know is good, etc etc

i started using tree style tabs which was absolutely life changing. best computer memory i’ve had in years, it’s a far more logical and space-friendly way to keep lots of tabs open and still be able to read the titles. i feel like specifically grouping adds too much overhead - i have to think about which group to put each into, and think (even a little bit) about where to find it later

as creepy as this is i would honestly feel way more comfortable getting screened by a robot than humans

this shit is so obnoxious. it’s not sTeaLiNg to use a website somewhere else. that’s how the internet works

i had one of the cheapest versions of this plan; it seems nice, but the cheap ones have such low limits that you’re always a bit paranoid to print too freely or joyfully. plus the bullshit how they software lock the ink if you don’t pay and would rather pay shipping / recycling back just so you can’t have it for ‘free’

almost you shouldn’t place cheeky little bets on if a company will succeed or not. bet on sports like a normal person. shareholders ruin every single company

so fucking sad. he got rung up on a bullshit technicality. broke my heart when i read about how his lawyers were begging the prosecution to tone down the bombast rhetoric and shock-and-awe proposed sentences because it was severely affecting his mental health. and yeah

whoever thinks this is a good idea really shouldn’t be working in education. objectively worse than the grinch. christmas is still christmas but there’s nothing like the feeling of getting a surprise day off AND a beautiful snowstorm

no-snow-day policy

why are people like this? surely teachers and admin appreciate the day off too? even if you have to add an extra day, getting out of bed for school sucks way less in the summer. my district prided itself on trying to call as few snow days as possible for some insane reason, even when plenty of other schools would be off.

Spotify is creating fake music to save on royalties
https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/what-is-the-deal-with-all-the-fake-artists-on-spotify/ imagine having so sick and warped a mind that you come up with an idea like this. oh what if i open a gas station but we water down all the gas

i’d rather complain than be complacent at least

pretty sure the benefits people feel are simply from a) being hornier and b) positive self-reinforcement for setting a goal and sticking to it

if we weren’t meant to jerk off why does it feel good

i mean yeah duh. that doesn’t mean it’s right or good to do mass layoffs

definitely. it’s a uniquely bad and insidious platform, but at the same time there’s still good and important content on there you’d never see anywhere else. people are too quick to dismiss it because they haven’t tried to tailor the algorithm to what they want properly and assume it’s all shitty dance videos

this is everything awful about the modern internet. i hate that they can just go and retroactively destroy creations like this. imagine if someone lost the rights to a song and they forced you to send the cassette back

RTO itself is poor management. it’s 2024, what the fuck are you doing. office work isn’t some peak utopian concept, it’s only really been a thing for around a century, and it’s grown increasingly miserable as productivity skyrockets while wages don’t. any honest person hates it, and it is objectively archaic now that we have the internet

yeah, zoom meetings do suck, talking is more awkward, collaboration is harder, vibes are harder to maintain. but in no universe should that take precedent over the massive quality of life improvements WFH offers for the worker. internal work dynamics mean fuck all versus not having to leave your home/family/pets for 8+ hours every day

surely it costs more to fight this dogshit legal battle, both in money and PR, than to simply let enthusiasts watch your films. they’re already handsomely profiting, why do these fucking pigheaded hogs think it is their right, it is their duty to wring out every cent they can? fuck off.

‘went rogue’ is a bit of an alarmist way to say ‘typed scary text’

i’d love to see an AI that could legitimately scare me

what a fucking dogshit state. not that social media is good for anyone, but restricting kids from one of their main forms of communication / news / outlet to the world is just designed to be obnoxious.

even best case scenario, active malice aside, these people somehow have zero memory of what it was like to be a kid; having to wake up for school at 6am and do endless homework for no material benefit, and now this

what a literal fucking psychopath. i mean literally imagine waking up and thinking these things. imagine trying to actively make the world worse like this.

oh yeah i’m trying to make bathrooms a subscription

i’m trying to make food a subscription

i’m trying to make tv a subscription

i’m trying to make clothes a subscription

i cannot wait to live in paradise

investors should be taken to a remote island and left to fend for themselves

why? why not let people just retreat into fantasy? it’s probably healthier than many common coping mechanisms. i mean, it’s a chatbot, how much can you do with it?

let people have their temporary salve to get them thru whatever they were going thru such that they were resorting to this. and if it’s not temporary, ok, fine? better to have some outlet than be even more mentally isolated. maybe in 50 years this will be common, who knows.

i’m so excited for the fucking subscription fad to die. people have gotta get sick of it at some point right? what could be enticing enough to replace it for both corps and users?

I’ve switched to collecting discs, it feels more viscerally satisfying, like vinyl, plus not having to deal with shitty rips, or ISP tracking (i forgot to turn my VPN on once and they literally suspended my service and made me call and grovel to the guy on the phone), or worrying about drives failing (my biggest fear which seems somewhat inevitable for everyone). having a case and art in your hands feels nicer than clicking on a file. plus used blu rays are very cheap.

there really needs to be some legislative support for WFH, or to at least prevent companies from retracting it so wantonly. it’s good for the environment, it’s incredible for quality of life (for those who chose it)… brenden pls

it’s really insane how many people have this stockholm syndrome for the office, for putting on a shirt and fulfilling the social ideal of being an Adult with a Place To Be from 9-5. it’s arbitrary, it’s unnecessary, it’s archaic