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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jan 07, 2024


And they are right. This company is full of shit. Show me any proof the tech from the deleted advert actually existed.

Because if a poor person living in the projects dies of starvation? Oh, that’s fine. That’s a feature, not a bug.

What’s “the projects” in this context? I’m not a native English speaker and have seen this used in similar contexts but I don’t know what it means. Translation fails me, I know what the word means but it clearly has some different usage here.

Nope, though the clickbait title would make you believe so. Nothing is discontinued.

(They are just changing the name)

I don’t see the black square bottom right? There is one bottom left.

True. But this Google’s app so they don’t need to do anything.

They sell anime on recordable Blu-rays? Surely they use normal Blu-rays?

I love VR. So I use it for gaming maybe once a week, for 1-2 hours, usually as an activity with my SO so we can switch who’s playing each “round” depending on the game. That’s the maximum I find fun instead of tiring. I can’t see using it for long periods or for work, that sounds like a nightmare.

If you have a Steam family with 4 members each owning a copy of a game, and the 5th member that doesn’t gets banned. Which of the 4 accounts gets banned?

Since the game copies are “pooled” in the family, you are not sharing from anyone in particular, you have all games in the family available. So who gets banned?

I don’t think it does. It allows 3 members to play if there are 3 copies in the family, but each account can still only have 1 copy. You can’t buy 3 copies for your account.