Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You know what else is overrun? Paywalls or other “requirements” where I need to signup and/or pay to access something that should be free.

Don’t get me started on those fullscreen ad interstitials that force me to watch an ad I’m not interested in before I can continue either.

Let’s face it, the Internet today fucking sucks and it’s partly to do with these so-called news outlets like the Atlantic.

I miss the days when barely anyone heard of the web. Sure, it wasn’t as feature rich, but then again, those features are overly abused in the name of capitalism anyway. It’s like those strip malls that have nothing but shitty restaurants, nail salons, and tax preparers. Gone are the days of fun stores like hobby shops, comic book stores, local mom & pop toy stores.

They just sucked the fun out of it all. 😡

Hm. Might not be standup that’s the problem. Might be a company culture thing. But only you know that for sure. Good luck op! Disassociation can be a life saver.

Whatever it is, I’ll bet it’ll be 3 nanometers thinner than last year’s model!

You’re mad. Fine. No need for the entitled, emotional outburst. Has that actually ever worked your favor?

If you’re that fed up with AT&T, get a different service provider. Know that if you do, you’ll have the same things happen there that you feel so incredulous by from AT&T.

I know this is a joke, but those errors/warnings/messages screenshot is not from git. That looks more like results from a compiler of some sort.

Sometimes it takes a little unintentional embarrassment to drive a point home. It’ll make them think twice next time.

What I mean by that is that as long as you’re not intentionally or maliciously trying to embarrass them, then you shouldn’t feel bad. You cannot always control how somebody receives information; nor should you. The best you can do is to be clear and polite in your communication. If someone’s feelings get hurt, that’s on them to reconcile, not you.

This is genuinely like parenting a child: they need to develop their critical thinking skills, and to gain their own confidence. So they must be left to make their own mistakes to learn from. Your job is to give show them the tools to use, give advice when necessary, and be there to catch them when they fall; because they will fall.

Doing this will help bolster their self-confidence and make them better mid-/senior-developers later in their career. Coddling them and constantly holding their hand will make them reliant on other people and prevent them from learning anything.

Edit: also remember KISS. 😊

It’s all good. If you’re using bash and readline to read the file, you can use sudo echo ${INPUT@Q} (assuming your variable is named $INPUT) to have bash escape things like the quotes and other characters that could get you into trouble.

sudo echo "# FYI quotes(") must be escaped with \ like \"

👆 that is not a comment. That is a command that says to echo the text “# FYI quotes(” and then to do ) must be escaped like \ \" which is invalid syntax.

I assume that startup script is reading the contents of the file and trying to echo them into another file? i.e., using the original file as a template, but is not escaping the input, hence the error — which you’re lucky that’s the problem you’re encountering and not something actually destructive like sudo echo "# foo" && rm -rf /*.

Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca Warner III or Dot for short.

That is so weirdly worded. How many generations does GenZ have that there’s a “first generation“?

Edit: ooooh, children of immigrants.

The better way to have worded that post was to say, “A Burger King worker, who never missed a day of work in 27 years, was gifted $400k from a GoFundMe setup by his daughter.”

But that would mean being intentional and using more words. Can’t have that when you want to be spicy and increasing your engagement with ambiguity.

This is why I say that “technically correct” is the worst kind of correct.

jUsT VoTE!!1!!11

As if voting for president makes any difference, when it’s the electoral college who makes the final decision. And they’ve proven in the past that they’ll do what they want.

Shit, y’all could’ve saved a ton of time and effort if you’d have just asked me; I’ve been saying this for years. And it’s only worse when you’re the one speck of blue in a red sea.

At this point, I’m surprised anybody (including myself) still buys/uses Google services, given how risky it is that you’ll become dependent on them and then they kill off the product(s). I really need to get off my ass and switch mail providers.

You’ve got to be kidding? They’re appropriating Electric Boogaloo (a film about break dancing and the black community) as their slogan? That is wrong on so many levels.

Oh. You know what, I get how you would think that. I meant the parents of Gen-X’ers. I’ll update. My apologies.

Basically you’re saying that Mother Nature pioneered the Gen-X style of parenting?

Edit: I meant to say the parents of Gen-X’ers (Boomers), and not to infer it was the Gen-X’ers themselves. My apologies.

Why do we call it hallucinating? Call it what it is: lying. You want to be more “nice” about it: fabricating. “Google’s AI is fabricating more lies. No one dead… yet.”

Those ears look like German Shepard. The rest of him hints at Pit Bull.

If that’s even remotely close to accurate, you’ve got a super intelligent good boy on your hands. And while intelligence can be good, it can also lead to a lot of trouble. 😅 make sure to keep him stimulated and tired. 🤣

That is a damn shame. I feel like for-profit schools shouldn’t exist.

First of all, I 💯 agree with you that all employees should be paid a living wage!

Obviously some people will fall on hard times despite what they’re paid, so it’s good to have this service in general. Let’s hope not too many employees have to utilize this on the regular.

This is a public community college in Florida. If it’s anything like my public university here in North Carolina, the state probably allocates the salary budget through legislation, and the school itself has very little (if any) say in what employees earn. So, unless I’m mistaken, the blame for the living wage argument would rest solely on the state; and if that’s the case, I would give kudos to the college for offering this service in spite of the state.

What if we are already serving our “1,000 year sentence” and instead we’re unknowingly developing a way to go deeper into the inception?

Looks like they caught on. It no longer spews its prompt. At least, not for me.

I’ve been professionally programming for 18 years now. And honestly, I hate writing code from scratch. I copy/paste code from other parts of my codebase and just tweak as needed. Writing code from scratch feels like I’m doing something wrong.

Oh man. I had forgotten about those text guides we used to use for games. Those were invaluable, and IMO, better than YouTube walkthroughs of today.

It looks like you can trade up to a newer supported device, or get a 50% off coupon, depending on whether you’re a subscriber or not.


To soften the blow, Google’s offering a free indoor wired Nest Cam to Dropcam owners who subscribe to Nest Aware. Nonsubscribers will get a 50 percent-off coupon. The promotion runs until May 7, 2024, so you can keep using your Dropcam until it stops working.

Still sucks, but it’s better than having a paperweight in your hands. Also note:

Google will ship you a prepaid recycling box if you ask.

I read the article, and a few points stuck out to me:

  1. This has been a restriction since 2021; now it’s documented in the files and not just the online EULA (ie consistent)
  2. This is a protection to disallow other companies like Intel and AMD from profiting off of Nvidia’s work
  3. Nothing is stopping anybody from porting the software to other hardware, eg

Recompiling existing CUDA programs remains perfectly legal. To simplify this, both AMD and Intel have tools to port CUDA programs to their ROCm (1) and OpenAPI platforms, respectively.

I’m all for piracy and personal freedoms, but it doesn’t seem to be what this is about. It’s about combating other companies profiting off Nvidia’s work. Companies should be able to fight back against other companies (or countries).

I mean it’s not like Nvidia is unreasonably suing open-source projects into oblivion or anything, or subpoenaing websites for user data; at least, not yet.

I love the use of recursion. Slick.

Is this the same person who coded the odd/even function?

That article is incomplete. Nowhere do I see JavaScript listed.

What do we want?


When do we want it?

Before Q3!

$71.99/mo for 12 months ($863.88) for the ASUS GeForce RTX 4070 DUAL White OC Edition, when it retails for around $600. SIGN ME UP!

Honestly dodged a bullet there when they can’t even get their errors straight. Obviously an undefined variable you and me would be more appropriate. Duh. 👯‍♀️

your speculation is as good as mine, and Im not saying why, Im just stating facts!

Did you actually just say this outloud?