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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Feb 18, 2024


… But maybe you are cheating on Lemmy with that old bitch

True, the fediverse is poor. But Reddit is the bottom of the barrel in its current state.

Best to waste time watching paint dry to be honest

I think they realize it but know these mods are addicted to the fake power so they won’t go anywhere no matter what

I just want to be able to preview docs from my proton drive on my android app

I’m ok editing in browser only but I have my recipes there and can’t preview them from my phone so I’m forced to keep them in Google drive instead

Developers are usually not bad at naming. Marketing on the other hand…

I bought an umidigi Bison Pro 3, years ago. It’s still going strong with no noticeable issues

I tried to get a custom ROM but they don’t seem to exist, people call this a garbage brand (it may be, I don’t know) but it has served me well and I’m happy to have paid $250 for a fast phone so I can constantly chat with my wife and browse Lemmy… Why would I pay $1000 for a “flagship” phone to do those 2 same, completely non critical, tasks?

I had discarded the idea of buying anything Ford a long time ago… this just tells me I had been right all along and there is zero reason to reconsider

Side note: is it me or the worst enshitification news always seem to come from Ford (out of the American car manufacturers)?

5 year minimum and the are forced to open source every abandoned project

Humans can replicate anything found in the wild with minor variations, so AI should have the same access

But that’s not what OpenAI is asking though. They want free access for the type of content you or I need to pay for. And they want it so they can then sell the resulting “variation” they produce

hmmm what you explained sounds exactly like the headline but in legalese…

It basically says “yes, we can train LLMs on free data but they would suck so much nobody would pay for them… unless we are able to train them for free on copyright data, nobody will pay us for the resulting LLM”. It is exactly what the headline summarizes

You are correct, copyright law is a bit of a mess; but giving the exception to the millionaires looking to become billionaires by replacing people with an LLM based on said people’s work, does not really seem a step forward

Or, how about a small fine. Maybe 5% of the extra profit they made in this scam and they don’t even have to stop or admit wrong doing

^ this is what will likely happen

The audacity we have to put this TiTAn oF iNdUStrY in a position he had to issue a promise

but don’t worry!, there will not be any negative consequences for him or his company!

The message also ends with a specifically worded call to action: “If possible, please use legal paid services. It’s something we should do to show our respect for creators and content producers.”

LOL… they have fucked EVERY artist with the “streaming is a new medium and you get no royalties from it”. Even Black Widow herself had to fight Disney in court to get paid for her very own movie.

Studios can go fuck themselves hard… they won stop piracy and they know it, this is why the always make such a big deal out of whatever little gain they make

Tesla’s Full Self Driving does not exist. If it did, it would be used in the ridiculous loop they built in Vegas which is literally like 10% of the complexity of driving in a real road… yet it is not even good enough to be piloted there.

Same reason poor people defend billionaires… the poor people somehow think they may get there. Tim fights Apple because it is an impediment for him to get to his own walled garden

Wasn’t it the rabbit 1 scammer who said programmers would be gone in 5 years, like 3 years ago?

By all means kind person… thanks for all the links

They were all evil shit back then… You were just innocent and information didn’t travel as fast

Also, Jobs “pretty decent”? That asshole was Narciso reborn

Remind me to check in 6 months, we’ll see headlines that “Nothing’s” valuation is going to be doing honours to its name

They have it in writing (leaked months ago) that some ridiculous number like over 1000 Palestinian civilian casualties were acceptable if they got to kill a terrorist.

Also, anyone in colors or in proximity to Hamas members or known gathering areas in the last 2 years, is automatically labeled a terrorist by Israel

Basically they pretend to have a formula to regulate civilian casualties but they have twisted its variables so far that any scenario can be solved by bombing no matter the collateral damage

I found ecosia faster and better results. Just letting you know in case you want to try

They are literally no going to make the dongles any more

This is why I’d never invest in anything Google.

It’s already rolling the dice to see if they enshitify things fast enough to ruin it for me, but now you know they will just kill whatever you have been using on a whim

AI for IT companies is looking more and more like 3D was for movie industry

All fanfare and overhype, a small handful of examples that do seem a solid step forward with millions others that are just a polished turd. Massive investment for something the market has not demanded

With the terrible demographic distribution, the absolute sewage social media is and the bots that make more than half the content. If you want to know what the general public thinks, you could not chose any worse source

Just signed up today for the family plan in my ongoing degoogling process

It’s a bit pricey but so far loving it. Specially Proton Pass, coming from bitwarden (which I liked), it’s nicer and faster, much faster

PP is short for Pierre Poilievre who is the head of the Conservative Party (our version of USA’s Republicans) and likely to win the next election in 2025

The closest we get here is the NDP (New Democratic Party) who are left leaning… but they are in shambles here

I don’t believe there is a single politician out there who mean more than 2% of what they say.

I definitely lean left in almost any category… the problem is that even if a politician or party directly promise, word for word, exactly what I want. There is zero chance they will even try to implement it when they get to power; worse, there is not even a way to keep them accountable except “not voting for them again”.

I live in Canada and I voted for Trudeau in great part for electoral reform which was directly promised and then completely 180d. Trudeau did a couple of OK things but for the most part has been mediocre (not the cause of all our problems as the opposition claims). However, I find myself now in the spot where I either vote for Trudeau again to keep on the mediocrity train, or vote for PP who stands for nothing, has accomplished nothing in over 20 years of being a public employee leech and has all but promised he will run the country off a cliff to own the libs

Honestly, I agree… I am certain they are not actually working. It is likely a glorified tour or the kitchen (which they actually may not be able to do since I doubt a bunch of kids can just walk around a working commercial food assembly facility kitchen

Pretty sure it takes place when the restaurant is closed

are these rest usually closed 9 am to 12 pm?