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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’m just pointing out that it’s a sudden and extreme change in commentary with no ramp up. The kind of thing that in other contexts, like politics, often comes from something like a coordinated attack or disinformation scheme.

Real world testing of a new propaganda campaign system on a topic most users don’t give a shit about (Windows vs Linux), in a niche corner of the internet (Lemmy), isn’t exactly an unlikely scenario.

Yeah, but don’t get in the way of the Windows evil, Linux savior movement here on lemmy or you’ll get downvoted to oblivion. Pointing out simple facts apparently means you’re a shill.

At least that’s what I’ve seen in all the Windows posts over the last couple months. Not sure what changed from before that, but something definitely did.

Wikipedia often uses Internet Archive links for references so they don’t disappear as sites change or remove content.

Surprisingly fast for a government organization to react to something new.

Put the newest intern in charge for a year. They couldn’t do much worse than the last 4 CEOs, and would be much cheaper.

Sounds like they’re too large and need to be broken up via the existing anti-trust laws actually being enforced.

It should also show icons for the OS as well. Since games can have dramatically different issues and performance depending on the OS sometimes. Having an icon showing a review is from a Linux machine compared to Windows for instance can help figure out if your system might be affected by reviews mentioning something that all seems to be from one type of OS.

Heck, I’d even take it a step further and have it include basic system specs for each review since Steam already gets that info.

It’s also common to re-evaluate business deals after major acquisitions. Musk buying Twitter dramatically changes the business perception, and that’s what matters to advertisers. Twitter can’t even begin to try and claim it doesn’t, just look at Musk’s tweets leading into it and directly after. The entire purpose of his purchase was to fundamentally change it, he said so himself.

Sort of. It’s there if you already had it. Otherwise it’s gone on new vehicles.

My model 3 still has it listed.

“The MRAP that was reutilized through the 1033 program was declared excess by the Defense Department, it was not purchased using taxpayer funds. It was transferred to Prosper Police Department as a conditional loan, and it will be returned to the DOD when Prosper PD no longer requires it,” according to the Defense Logistics Agency.

So the taxpayers did pay for it, just not only local taxpayers. It was taxpayers nationwide through the DoD budget, proving they don’t actually need everything we’re paying for. So the rest of the country is paying for some bumblefuck police department to get an MRAP.

What is the supposed justification for this department “requiring” this MRAP be “loaned” to them? DOD equipment and functionality should NEVER be utilized by police. The two are different groups for a reason. If the police need assistance at that level, they can call in the National Guard for that help. That’s why they exist. There is no reason a local police department ever needs an MRAP.

Like the other responses, the battery chemistry and design voltage are the major reasons for cell sizes, but also, smaller cells means they can be isolated if necessary.

In a Tesla battery pack for instance, each cell is connected by a single small wire that also doubles as a fuse. If there is an issue with the cell the wire will heat up and break. opening the circuit and separating that battery cell from the rest of the pack. This also means that a failed cell doesn’t take out a significant portion of battery capacity. Other manufacturers do this as well, but not all, and some implement similar capability in other ways. This method functions as a sort of “passive” option since it doesn’t require the BMS to make a decision to remove those bad batteries from the pack, physics just does it and the BMS adjusts to compensate when the cell no longer is connected.

Good battery management systems that handle things like charge leveling individual cells, can mean the difference between batteries degrading noticeably in a few years and the pack as a whole lasting a decade before that noticeable degradation. There are a lot of poor battery management systems on the market, EVs are no exception and if anything they make this issue more noticeable because of the increased usage.

Bitwarden currently only supports storing and using Passkeys via the browser extension. You cannot use them on mobile.

Paid ads should not only need to be marked, but noticeably different in a timeline. Something obvious like a different post color.

Twitter fits ads in the middle of content and just puts a little tiny “Ad” in the upper corner (on mobile at least) and at a glance scrolling through you can’t tell it’s an ad, other than all of their ads now being for some shady mobile game that lies about how it looks or crypto in various forms. Those should be required to have a different color background than actual user posts, not just a size 8 font “Ad” in the corner of the post on a 3.5" screen.

In fact, let’s make it impossible to implement well, let’s take a page out of the NHTSA handbook and require the “Ad” text to be a specific real world size like they do with the car warning lights. Make them figure out what size it needs to be for various screen sizes and display DPI if they want to shove ads in the middle of content like it was user posts.

Also, do IP addresses really change that often anymore, even if you aren’t paying for a static one?

For most ISPS, every time you restart your modem it will be assigned a new IP. Some ISPs may reassign the same IP within a small time period, but most will just assign a new IP for every new connection.

Nearly every ISP assigns IP addresses dynamically. So unless they’re using IPs from very close timespans, the raw IP addresses are effectively useless to identify repeat offenders.

If you put Gas in it to drive, it’s not an electric.

I agree, but it is a bit more complicated depending on model and drivetrain as well in certain situations.

Some hybrids the electric is an assist that’s always there. Other models operate using electric only at lower speeds, then switch to gas for higher speeds and distance driving. In some cities with severe stop and go traffic congestion, that may effectively be an electric vehicle most of the time.

Either way though, for a comparison like this hybrids should be considered their own category, or be included in ICE if just trying to compare EV sales versus traditional sales.

You can’t use it above 80%, the reason you can’t doesn’t make a difference for your ability to drive the car.

Ah yes… Making the cancellation process easier for consumers means it must inherently become a worse service.

Those are rookie numbers. Need to start getting entire TV shows in 4k and things you’ve seen previously but may want to watch again in the future quickly and easily.

If only we knew what the real costs of treatment are, not the bullshit prices the industry decides they’ll say it is and then negotiate a barely more realistic real cost with insurance companies.

Guess we’ll have to wait until this is approved in other countries for a real answer.

They sell based on name recognition and history. Their father, grandfather, and great grandfather all bought a Ford so they will too. They have tens of decades of repair shops with experience, cheap third party parts replacements, and because many people just keep buying the same thing without ever doing any comparison or thinking about it.

Or… Get this… You can just not buy the fucking car if you don’t like the terms. You’re not forced to buy a Cybertruck at launch.

Once production increases I’m sure this restriction will be removed just like most other vehicle resale restrictions from other manufacturers. Not all though, Ferrari has limitations even on things like paint color and wraps, Deadmau5 completely got rid of his wrapped Purrari because of that bullshit once Ferrari started trying to enforce it.

But none of you people will be in comments talking about the resale restrictions being removed once production is ramped, just complaining now about hypotheticals for a vehicle you never intend on purchasing to begin with because you either don’t like Tesla or Musk specifically.

Like with other manufacturers with similar limitations, the limitation for resale is only for the first year. It literally is just to try and prevent people buying and flipping the car for a profit. If you don’t like the vehicle you can sell it back to Tesla outside the normal return window. Or wait a year and sell it to someone else.

Advertisers should be held partially responsible for the ads they agree to serve. As it is they just hide behind the curtain saying they are just serving the ads, that they don’t control them.

Maybe they should be held responsible for incidents like this and malware ads sent via their system. They are the only reason that ad is being seen by the public.