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Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


IMO it’s even worse than that. At least from what I gather from the AI/Singularity communities I follow. For them, AGI is the end goal - a creative thinking AI capable of deduction far greater than humanity. The company that owns that suddenly has the capability to solve all manner of problems that are slowing down technological advancement. Obviously owning that would be worth trillions.

However it’s really hard to see through the smoke that the Altmans etc. are putting up - how much of it is actual genuine prediction and how much is fairy tales they’re telling to get more investment?

And I’d have a hard time believing it isn’t mostly the latter because while LLMs have made some pretty impressive advancements, they still can’t have specialized discussions about pretty much anything without hallucinating answers. I have a test I use for each new generation of LLMs where I interview them about a book I’m relatively familiar with and even with the newest ChatGPT model, it still makes up a ton of shit, even often contradicting its own answers in that thread, all the while absolutely confident that it’s familiar with the source material.

Honestly, I’ll believe they’re capable of advancing AI when we get an AI that can say ‘I actually am not sure about that, let me do a search…’ or something like that.

I thought the larger point was that they’re using plenty of sources that do not lie in the public domain. Like if I download a textbook to read for a class instead of buying it - I could be proscecuted for stealing. And they’ve downloaded and read millions of books without paying for them.

I feel like I saw somewhere that men message dozens of times more women than vice versa. I get their non-nuanced temptation but you can hardly call a system that encourages one gender to incessantly spam the other ‘engagement’.

There are a lot of problems keeping VR from going big and I think Meta’s strategy of cornering the market is one of them. They think if they get all the exclusives they’ll be the next iPhone but I think instead they’re fragmenting an already tiny market which really needs a bunch of impressive experiences (and there still aren’t a ton right now, even after years of VR development). I feel like the reverse would win them more users - they should win on hardware AND software but make their software available for any VR headset to use. Because right now they need to help create a market for VR because there really isn’t one worth cornering yet.

Especially Google who is famous for randomly getting bored of developing and then suddenly cancelling services

Ugh I see what you mean - no I mean unlicensed as in ‘they didn’t bother to license copyrighted works’ and public as in ‘stuff they scraped from Reddit, Twitter, and etc. without permission from anyone’.

Unfortunately true, and the long arm of the law, at least in the business world, isn’t really that long. Would love to see some monopoly busting to scare a few of these big companies into shape.

By unlicensed I mean works that haven’t been licensed IE anything being used without permission or some other right

I always say this when this comes up because I really believe it’s the right solution - any generative AI built with unlicensed and/or public works should then be free for the public to use.

If they want to charge for access that’s fine but they should have to go about securing legal rights first. If that’s impossible, they should worry about profits some other way like maybe add-ons such as internet connected AI and so forth.

I am also 100% sure it can’t be trusted yet to make important decisions.

However with a couple reminders from me about how the rules work, I have used ChatGPT 4 to solve Wordle.

They should honestly stop screwing around and break up this obvious monopoly. That’s the reason they get away with all of the stuff they get away with. Should have been clear at the merger it was an anticompetitive move and never should have been allowed to get to where it is in the first place.

One of my proudest moments as a child was beating this game. Incidentally, fighting the end boss was the first time my parents caught me swearing.

I’m in the same boat and often wonder what right these billboard companies have to put their messages in my face

Does it really matter what internal effort there is to battle hate when the celebrity owner is publically boosting it himself?

SMH do we really have to do this god-emperor thing with every single dude who gets a little bit of fame in the business world

It will always be more and more important to know the source of the info and how trustworthy it is. This is, of course, why authoritarians like Trump are always going on, trying to discredit the media, especially those with some scruples left.

I will never be totally happy with this situation until they’re required to offer a free version of all the models that were created with unlicensed content.

Thanks for pointing me to LibreWolf. I like to use separate browsers as information silos and have been using Brave as my secondary. Been looking forward to switching it out for a long time, LibreWolf sounds like just the ticket.

And injected in the most halfassed points of the video. Surely they have the technology to figure out a better way to time the ads.

Yea, this is in addition to the ads that the podcast themselves bake in to their recording, IE dynamically added. Really blatant disregard for their paying customers.

I really got tired of them adding ads to podcasts - just felt like a real insult to paying users. So I hopped ship. There are apps that make it relatively simple to export your data to a new service.

The problem for Adobe is that the AI work is being done on their computers, not yours, so it could be argued that they are liable for generated content. ‘Could’ because it’s far from established but you can imagine how nervous this all must make their lawyers.