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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


VOLTE is a hard requirement. Continuing to support them would require entire installations all over the country to be repaired, maintained, and installed in support of hardware that was mostly 7-12 years old long past expected lifespan. It’s like the opposite of the Windows 11 thing.

There are a few fundamental differences here.

One: the existing hardware isn’t lacking anything functional that the user requires. While it may be more secure implemented with TPM 2.0 its far from a hard requirement. After all bitlocker works on 10. The fact that you can presently work around it suggests the limitation is imposed from on high not a hardware requirement.

Two: The hardware isn’t all that old. General duty cycle on a phone is around 3 years, about 6 years on a PC. Apple has dropped support for 6 year old phones and 10 year old PC. Especially because intel continues to manufacturer a given CPU long after launch and OEMs continue to integrate them people are going to find machines that they bought new off the shelf within the last 3 years unsupported which unlike a 10 year old Mac feels like a rug pull.

Actually if you read the article ChatGPT is horrible at math a modified version where chatGPT was fed the correct answers with the problem didn’t make the kids stupider but it didn’t make them any better either because they mostly just asked it for the answers.

TLDR: ChatGPT is terrible at math and most students just ask it the answer. Giving students the ability to ask something that doesn’t know math the answer makes them less capable. An enhanced chatBOT which was pre-fed with questions and correct answers didn’t screw up the learning process in the same fashion but also didn’t help them perform any better on the test because again they just asked it to spoon feed them the answer.


ChatGPT’s errors also may have been a contributing factor. The chatbot only answered the math problems correctly half of the time. Its arithmetic computations were wrong 8 percent of the time, but the bigger problem was that its step-by-step approach for how to solve a problem was wrong 42 percent of the time.

The tutoring version of ChatGPT was directly fed the correct solutions and these errors were minimized.

The researchers believe the problem is that students are using the chatbot as a “crutch.” When they analyzed the questions that students typed into ChatGPT, students often simply asked for the answer.

People think this. However the people who actually cost 1/10th are absolute garbage. The people who you might want to hire cost 1/2 as much and work for a company that also want to get paid. By the time you get done you’ve paid 80% as much for worse work and are dealing with people in a different time zone, with a language and cultural barrier, and misaligned incentives.

Whereas your people want to get as much done as is reasonable so they can stay employed, move up, get raises, improve their cv yada yada the offshoring firm wants to bill you as much as possible without losing your business.

I want to say as an employee of an ISP I literally dealt with users who essentially couldn’t get high speed internet anymore at their address because we were the only option and their grandkids downloaded movies. This put the entire household at a grave disadvantage educationally compared to other households. It shouldn’t be a thing.

How about just firewall France and discover if legislators find cause to pass new laws.

I would instantly discount it based purely on not having third party verification or enough details for a third party to replicate.

When my mother in law came to live with us she had no current ID so we had to send away to multiple states for her birth certificate, marriage, and divorce decrees to substantiate who she was. It ended up if I recall correctly costing about $300 to get all the documents and required an internet connection, address, and credit card, several weeks, and a car to get back and forth to government offices. During this time it would have been impossible had she been on her own to get any benefits of any kind, get an id, rent, use a library computer, work or really do anything. In the place where we lived at that time—a red state—if she didn’t have a place to stay she could have been harassed or arrested for vagrancy.

You can’t use those for 8 hours a day. You are supposed to use those for like 1 hour per day. Its enforced by the computer which will log you out. You also can’t use them without a library card. In order to get a library card you need an ID. To get an ID you need around $80, ride to a government office, and your other paperwork.

If you don’t have your other paperwork and you are lucky enough to be a dude living in the state you were born you just need a ride to a bigger government office and an an entire day to wait in line.

If you were born in a different state you will need an internet connection, a credit card, and an address to get the documents shipped to. If you are a woman you will also need documents for every wedding and divorce in addition to your birth certificate. This could easily run you a few hundred bucks and 6 weeks. Remember you also can’t rent a mailbox without the ID or get a job to earn the money you need.

Basically even getting a library card may be a multistep process that takes months.

All things considered he did pretty good. $64,000 is a lot more than most people make in a year and he did it in 10 months when he was homeless.

The median household in the US makes about $75,000 many with one income earner.

Homeless people don’t have a resume that allows them to work as a social media manager nor the know how from the start to run a business.

This isn’t useful or sufficient. You have to consider how many bots get banned and cost to determine efficacy. If you want 10,000 fake people to manipulate real people $10,000 doesn’t seem a high price if you make the fake people act organic enough that they largely aren’t banned.

It would be more useful if a singular service verified sufficient credentials to prove you were an authentic human and allowed you to auth to various sites. This in turn creates the problem that verifiers now know a LOT about your online life.

If the verification involved site -> verifier -> government held public key I think you could arrange so that none of the parties had enough info to identify users.

In a few years my computer will be able to run an acceptable but obviously not chatGPT4 level AI that will among other things pre filter this crap from my feed as part of normal ad blocking. Buckle up bitches.

It’s actually 20c per page for about 4 bucks. Then there is tax for another 40c then 35c of gas and possibly 15 minutes of your time over and over and over again.

The right answer is a black and white laser. spend $199 once in the next 10-15 years

Ultimately they value money. Losing good talent doesn’t hurt short term in the short term you are selling the work of the people you just got rid of. It will become apparent when you start falling behind on projections or at worst when you make less money on your next round of games so watch TTWO in 3-5 years

When you layoff you have the option to lay off what you perceive as your least valuable talent. When you make the workplace less desirable you lose your best talent.

Its actually more like 2.x% and its a lot higher in some segments like developer. The fact that the most popular phone OS on the planet is based on Linux is trivial proof that you can make an experience that is desirable and usable by the majority of people based on the same technology.

That said android isn’t really that simple if you come to it there is actually plenty of complexity both in terms of interfaces that vary between manufacturer and features. If we were to consider for instance Linux Mint running cinnamon I wouldn’t say the complexity of Mint/Cinnamon is higher than android.

If they are specifically dissatisfied with the way Windows is working and will always work and feel up to try to modify it to work less shitty they are probably exactly the group that should switch to Linux or pony up the money for a Mac.

If you used Linux your OS wouldn’t be trying to subvert your well being by casually manipulating you while you are just trying to get shit done.

Couldn’t you trivially differentiate local files from a query like if you type f…i…r it’s probably firefox if you type something that isn’t a recent document name or the name of an app its a query?

How about I just get food from one of the 15 places in easy walking distance as I’m in a city.

Multi use plastic bags are a moronic half measure agreed. What some places are doing is using paper for disposable bags and selling actually long term re-usable bags for a little more like a 2-5 bucks a bag mostly.

Could you just not follow the math. Do you not believe I was an illustrious supervisor of cashiers, or do you just not believe microplastics are bad for you?

Like a lot of the crap in your body that is hurting you its not obvious until you get a health issue or cancer later and then noticeable statistically not individually EG you look at two populations and one had more folks with a much higher incidence of cancer or auto immune diseases or what have you. The fact that its not obvious doesn’t make it any less real. Those free bags were closer to free cigarettes.

I used to manage cashiers and handled 10 of thousands of transactions and observed more. Like any human beings they do occasionally make mistakes. If you haven’t noticed anyone EVER making a mistake ringing you up it means you don’t pay attention.

I don’t tell cashiers how they should bag things because that’s obnoxious but I do know that I do a better job of not putting fresh things with meat or things that are liable to be squished with canned food or all the non-food items together.

If you avoid 4 minutes waiting once per week and 2 minutes putting away things over your life you will save over 300 hours. You aren’t liable to be awake for much more than 100 hours a week so that is like 3 weeks of your life.

Those free plastic bags deteriorate into toxic materials that are presently all over the inside of your body. You had to wait in a slow line for people to bag the wrong things together and sometimes scan the same thing twice. Now I have my own canvas bags that last forever, I never scan my things twice, and my shit is bagged with the right things together based on where they go in my home.