• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


3x as powerful also means, 3 times the emissions from 3x fuel consumption. Meanwhile, car drivers are bullied into saving fuel and emissions because, uh, the environment.

Thanks a lot for the inspiration. Now I wanna hack into all IOT devices that have a camera and microphone. Maybe even speakers, so I can blackmail the owners immediately after filming their intercourse. 👹

Great idea! If you cannot do any productive at work, play D&D with your colleagues! 👍

The A8 is quite decent after getting rid of all the original parts and rebuilding it from scratch. I see.

Good job! 👍 You learned a lot from the original design and from your improvements. That’s what the hobby of 3d printing is all about, if you ask me. I went through similar efforts with my Ender 2.

Sponsor Block Addon does it fine.

However I have bigger complains for my Firefox cannot handle most videos anymore. Affected are those with many ads. It starts with a still image and if I don’t quit the video within 10 seconds, my desktop environment crashes, bouncing me back to the login screen. 💩

Xiaomi are listening to their customers!

Literally. 😅

Let me express my huge distrust in McAfee.

Thanks for your attention.

My old Car is capable of this fully self driving, too. Just put a brick on the accelerator, release the clutch and run!

I would more think of the fungus from The Last Of Us. This fungus really exists (maybe not to this scale pictured) and it controls ants after infecting them. It directly controls their muscles, while growing a fruit body out of the ant’s head.

The fungus senses light and humidity. Therefor it climbs plants up and down. The ant is just a vehicle, like a robot body.

This is still a good practice to find out who is actually working and who is thinking Zero-effort copy&paste will do.

Now you have all right to motivate your mate fixing their code. HF with the stick!

.Net sucks, compared to mono. The compiler is slower, filesize after optimization is still higher and the character set in cli is far more limited when I compile an app with .Net.

This would only make sense to me if the Linux machine was emulated on an 8 Bit micro controller.

Logitech already offers a forever mouse for many years: G502. There is noting more to add to a perfect and lasting mouse.

And now they want to reinvent the wheel? Sounds like this is already going wrong.

Sovereignity by ditching open source software for a proprietary solution made by a US company? How depraved is our dear Bundeskanzler?! The source code of each software update will be made available to the German service provider. Does Scholz really expect someone checking it thoroughly, each time?

“You wouldn’t download a car.”

Sounds like it’s time to turn my phone into a car already.

This whole post is a joke about Moon Nazis! Is it?

A recovery environment is overrated under Windows. Just backup your files and reinstall from scratch.

I predict a huge demand of workforce in five years, when they finally realized AI doesn’t drive innovation, but recycles old ideas over and over.

That moment when you wake up, still drunk from last night, and it’s slowly becoming clear what you have done during blackout.

Do you folks wash your cars with concentrated acid?

You did some decent engineering on a cheap disposable pen. I hope it was worth the effort.

Agreed. I’m not a V2 owner, but I built a Trident. The V2 is a little overhyped, IMHO.

In the end, it’s just a matter of your own personal taste though. If you want a highly aesthetic printer with complex mechanics, go for the V2. If you like to keep it simpler without sacrificing much, go with the Trident.

If you are fine with a smaller device, the V0 may be the right choice. You could reinforce the frame and do a few other mods to achieve insane (yet experimental) print speeds. 1500 mm/s is doable.

In theory, the V2 can print a little faster, due to the low center of gravity on the first layers.

However, the fixed gantry height on the Trident makes it possible to install a fixed part cooling, a lighter print head and go even faster.

Sounds like a job for me. I would sleep on the production line 8h a day if they pay me for that.

That’s straight the opposite of my experience. 🤭

And that’s why I prefer KVM, even in corporate environments: I don’t need to care about licensing and dropped support.

I bet, we don’t find a single Windows 8 user who uses Steam on that system. Similar applies to Win7.

This reads pretty much misleading to me.

They say the flipper could bomb phones within 30 ft range. Via NFC! I would even doubt them stating a range of 30 mm.

Judging by the heading, most people driving at night must be blind and speeding. Just keeps your eyes open and drive responsibly!

It’s all about pleasing the inverstors, shareholders and advertisers. The users are just the product that is being sold.

Nice! It they start getting rid of all the other clutter / bloatware, I may change my mind and I will keep one Windows installation.

Why is this even called optimization tool? Wouldn’t Russian Roulette game fo PC be a better fit?

The kit costs 160 bucks. An old XBOX costs 60. You must really mean it seriously when applying this mod.

You can try ghostscript. No guarantee it will work in your case, but it does with basic password protection.

AFAIK, Xiaomi chargers offer more current over voltage (which is locked to 5V). Other Android phones may charge even faster than Xiaomis and iPhones, provided the charger implements modern standards with variable voltage.