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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


See: Kaizo Mario directly inspiring Mario Maker.

See: LttP Randomizer, along with literally any other randomizer.

See: speedrunning streams literally making the market that Nintendo then sold the Nintendo World Championships cart into.

Nintendo absolutely benefits from this. They just want to crack the whip and take over. Fuck them.

Also, still can’t buy Mother 3. Double fuck them. Tons of titles play better on emulation. I shouldn’t have to justify it.

Nope. I quit their Google bullshit ages ago. Moto 360 was a brutal betrayal.

Get a withings scanwatch or something that is “dumb” enough to be an excellent and nice looking watch, hugely long battery life, and has all the health features that matter.

It looks sharply professional, I charge it once a month, and the updates for it don’t constantly make it run worse to push features in a different part of their product line…

I think LTT did a video on this recently actually.

The truth is there are some inflection points, but your chosen gaming resolution is going to affect things the most. If you are playing in 1080p, then you are leaving true performance on the table to not upgrade the rest. But if you are gaming at 4k, the GPU carries 95% of the biggest burden, so you are seeing only 5-10% improvements from changing your whole damn motherboard and cpu.

As time goes on this will change. But especially since 4k high end gaming is so intensive, the gains on cpu aren’t massive. 1440p you get some moderate improvements from cpu / memory, etc, but 1080p is where you can see huge uplift.

I will learn how to make an orbital rocket just to fuck this things day up.

No, night is already too bright. You are not ruining this for me further.

Its cool well just message the maintainers of Android to improve it, I’m sure it’s a mistake. Lemme go check who who’s behind it… /s

Bro this isn’t AI this is a fucking basic sorting table. I hate how fucking every computer science is “AI” now.

The only novel aspect might be trying to run facial recognition on you, which still isnt AI.

What you’re describing is a more socialist/communist view on means based price adjustment.

This is real-time price gouging, which is good old-fashioned capitalism.

Looing forward to WIC and SNAP benefits being erased by price gouging on the needy.

I am going to go to Kroger, speak with the manager, and scream loud enough while complaining for the entire store to hear, and never return the first time this happens.

I’m lucky enough to have options. A lot of small towns aren’t. This idea needs to die fast, and it won’t unless we are loud and borderline violent in pushing back against it. Tank their sales and reputations as quickly as possible.

Edit: because people think I hate th manager, changed wording. And yea, it sucks that I can’t scream directly at the CEO, but if you’ve silent, this gets implemented with no friction at all, and they declare it a success.

Chrome is the existential threat to FireFox.

Chrome is… Also Google.

Break up Google, make chrome competitive, and then we’ll stop seeing advertisers own the web standards and implement things like AVIF and ManifestV3, and instead embrace open solutions that favor users.

The JPEG XL vs AVIF thing still makes me mad.

Man, as someone who’s cross discipline in my former companies, the way people treat It, and the way the company considers IT as an afterthought is just insane. The technical debt is piled high.

Said to another commenter as well, but listen I’m not going to respond to a woman saying an ad is gross and off putting by telling her to lighten up.

“Playstation is a drug”

It’s edgy marketing. You’re not wrong it’s also clearly sexualizing her, but they’re pushing a console like a party drug.

On the one hand, it’s a very dated ad, on the other I really wish marketing companies would do weird shit like this more. Just maybe with a bit less sex appeal?

Communities can eventually become insular and crappy, that isn’t anything new. I haven’t ever used/heard of metafilter , but I believe you.

Not a problem unique to lefties or hardcore MAGA folks. It’s just community management for free by volunteers eventually means you have some echo chambering. The site/community manager can steer the mod policies, but without leadership you get fiefdoms. Look at some subreddits that speed run this process.

I advocate for two things, oddly things I never would have in earlier internet:

  • Paid forums. A one time payment for registration.

  • Strict rules and quick bans. But allow offenders to buy back in. Permaban for serious offenses. .

Why? Because if it costs you $10 or 15 to re-activate after screwing around, you’re much more likely to read the room and not fuck around too much with others. It encourages users to point out bad behavior, and mods to act decisively. If the mods or management totally suck, then it can go sour, but that’s true of any community.

In this case though it can at least partially help to offset costs from shitty users, and keep bots at bay by making them cost a registration fee.

I don’t love it as a “solution”, but when Facebook was small, people behaved better. But now people post the most unhinged shit ever under their full legal name, so no amount of daylight is going to put the proverbial trolls back in their cages. Just gotta lock them out of civil spaces.

You wanna talk about Honda engine tuning here with us? Don’t be a fucking asshole, or get banned.

You wanna chat with fans of 50s cinema and the rise of modern camera film technique? Do it without brining up woke/trump/biden/Covid or get out.

I like that we have free stuff like lemmy and reddit for now, but bots are getting far, far worse.

Congrats in building stalking software right into the OS.

A bunch of abusive relationships about to get a whole lot worse when the other party can track literally everything they do.

So, a charity should fund it?

Because the acuser cannot afford it. And you take issue with the company doing it. An unrelated 3rd party thst gains nothing wod literally just be losing money for no gain at all. So a non-profit or charity.

So you advocate for charities underwriting corporate sexual assault investigations instead of the companies involved?

Port it then, you coward, lol.

Winamp hasn’t seen real development in 20 years, and was exclusively a windows app at that time. What’re you expecting?

Go back with a decent pay bump (obviously he needs them) and with a plan to bolt ASAP. Continue your job search while you collect a higher temporary salary.

Terrible move from Elon as it shows he has no negotiating power.

At any company worth its salt, a promotion laterally to a new role could at least come with a nominal adjustment. 0% is absurd, but something nominal like 2% as a “performance incentive” towards new responsibilities would be reasonable.

First time I accidentally click on one of these I’m going to shit thst post up so hard.

This is not only a good way to handle media, it’s one of the best.

It blows my goddamn mind that TV manufacturers didn’t develop a streaming portal “endpoint” player and band together to require content from Netflix/Hulu/etc meet that standard for delivery. It’s made TVs just app boxes.

Can you just imagine being able to see what is available on all services from one interface, all at once, and then start a stream of it seamlessly from whichever you movie profile page you have access to?

Instead we have half-assed lookup apps in some TVs that even when they find it a film then just launch a separate app.

Build a good Plex library and never look back. Buy Blurays and DVDs and lookup how to automate good handbrake encoding. Once you know how, you can honest to god automate most of it, and in my case, I have it auto-launch and rip any disc if it detects a Blu-ray film or DVD film and drop the resulting file in my NAS storage to be sorted. Blurays drives are cheap too now, so you can buy 2-3 and dump a whole library in just a few days.

It’s official: note taking app with 0 advantages over just plain ass notes synced via cloud signs death warrant.

For real, FOSS software that saves to a file folder and does all of this exists. They are just chasing us into their arms.

Going forward, BMW says it will continue to offer subscription-based services but only for software options, like driver assistance and digital assistant services, which is completely understandable.

The fuck it is. You offer car features at time of sale. And if you want me to like your brand, at best you offer OTA or wifi updating for free to enhance the experience, and make me want to buy your next car.

You try and nickel and dime me for shit technology that has been around for 20 years, and I could give two fucks. I’ll plug in my phone, ignore your entire. Infotainment and actively campaign for it to fail and blow up in your face.

The article is clickbait. The margins of range for “near miss” is enormous to ensure such things don’t happen. A “near miss” is usually still miles and miles apart, and only registers because two flights may be at the same altitude to avoid weather.

So it was patched literally 2 days ago.

You think everyone updates their kernel off source that quickly? This vulnerability is absolutely still out in the wild.

Firefox posts similar performance to chrome in every way that matters.


How retro. Mine went into an attic shoebox already. /s

RP2+ and RP3+ here, along with a strong interest in the RG405M. Love a solid 4:3 device.

Shredder’s Revenge has entered the chat.

For real though many modern pixel art titles use these same color techniques, and while they do not depend on crt blending them at all, they can often see slight visual benefits from the pixel blending that is possible with a modern shader adding that effect.

Fight n’ Rage has a built in set of shaders that do just this and it is beautiful. It is on by default, but still optional.

Running shredders revenge with a very mild crt effect also looks really good on a lot of the blended colors.

This is the definition of late stage capitalism. Growth cannot be infinite, but capitalism demands infinite growth unless restrained or check put in place. Ergo, workers are resources to be exploited to the utmost limits of what is possible. Not moral, possible.

If they have to live on foodstamps good that means you are not overpaying. Clearly the model works because they haven’t gone elsewhere yet. /s