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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 12, 2023


wow I never would’ve thought Germany to be in favor of genocide. I guess there’s a first for everything.

I think when they bought Bethesda they also let Todd Howard take over their statements.

what… how is this a dystopic thing. put aside the fact that knowing brands helps me make decisions all the time and knowing plants wouldn’t help me at all since I’m not a forager… you could get rid of all corporations today and make us live in a perfect, moneyless, classless utopia and 20 years later I could still name maybe 4 different flowers because I don’t give a shit what they’re called.

my favorite feature of copilot is that on top of being extremely stupid, it’s very easily offended. literally the only thing they made sure it would consistently get right is being fucking touchy.

I used copilot like four times to test what it can do. it is so fucking bad. every “conversation” inevitably ends with me saying “you’re useless” and copilot getting offended and immediately ending the conversation with a passive aggressive message basically implying “I’m done with this. you can try again if you’re gonna be nicer next time”

lol fucking dumb useless piece of code, can’t even ask it the simplest questions without it spitting some absolute nonsense, but also can’t take shit because it’s too precious and self respecting. fuck you, Microsoft.

dude’s paid $10k a year just to do what we can do for free. I don’t think that’s “pretty good”. if I pay $100k on anything it better work for life

fuck Nintendo and fuck fanboys who defend them at every turn. breath of the wild was a 7/10 game

i think people may have missed that you’re not serious

oh no are we gonna have to appreciate the art of human beings? ew. what if they want compensation‽

it’s rich cunts asking for handouts again. hey, we call this feasibility, you should have thought about it before, not now. your business is not feasible. fuck off forever. thanks.

oh good. then fuck off. who knew copyright law would eventually be the good guy in a story.

it’s only fully legal in the US and NZ. all other countries either outright ban it out have restrictions.

it’s wild to me that just advertising drugs is legal in the first place.

just call it twitter. literally everyone knows what it is, and twitter.com still redirects there so who gives a shit what he’s calling it. don’t show his site the courtesy he doesn’t show to his own daughter.

of course. the prison is for people who steal hundreds, not millions.

this will keep happening if you don’t put people in prison for it.

why are comments full of AI shilling? are these bot accounts or are there still real people actually defending “AI” ““art””?

yeah, I’ve always gone for Logitech and they have had great customer support. i guess I’ll have to look for something else next time i replace a peripheral.

you’re misremembering the time. ad blockers aren’t new and they were invented for a reason. people forget pop up ads could literally cover your entire screen and they were so bad that blocking them was a browser feature. popups are blocked by default even today.

we decided to slow plans to retire something no one wants to support something else that no one wants.

I’m glad they named it after an animal known for its spitting. That’s what so-called AI does.

if you think it doesn’t work on you, it’s more likely to work on you. if it didn’t work the world would be a much better place, but unfortunately they definitely work.

but i agree it’s stupid especially as a business model and it shouldn’t exist.

6751 6686 here… I’m glad it’s finally getting a burial since it died like 20 years ago.

this isn’t marketing to adults. it’s marketing to teenage boys.

they have these notifications where they send you an article or sometimes video you might be interested in… it’s a notification ad, basically, or at least functions as one.

95% of the time it’s clickbait or AI drivel anyway but at least when you tapped on it, it would open a somewhat related Google search and the first “result” you would see would be the article you clicked on. unnecessary step but i got why they do it.

well now you don’t see it. because ads cover at least one entire screen’s worth of space, if not more, so you have to scroll way down to see the thing you clicked on. unbelievable that they essentially show ads in front of ads.

to be fair, you need to point out sarcasm because some people lost the plot so hard that there are genuine comments that go beyond your wildest sarcastic ones.

just like how Don’t Look Up was supposed to be an over the top satire of climate/science deniers but by the time that movie came out that side already went way beyond the level of crazy they could even satirically depict.

musk fans who had a terrible time with the cybertruck still acting like it’s the best thing ever is another example. satire is dead because real people are crazier.

I’m sorry to go against the echo chamber but it’s clearly user error in this case. they were probably looking for results relevant to what they put into the search field when they’re supposed be looking for ads.

maybe someone left their Tesla there