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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Feb 12, 2024


Or…and hear me out…maybe instead we blast AI data centers with these Jewish space lasers I keep hearing about and leave the land to return to nature? Just spitballin’.

I smoke absolutely nothing, take no drugs at all (apart from caffeine), and forget to take my meds every other day…just basically raw-doggin’ reality. But I need to dig into why I do the things I do that lead to my relationships not lasting, because human connection is the one drug I am feening for the most.

Yeah, I know. When I had to get a marketplace plan in Texas during the pandemic, I had to search through page after page on Psychology Today…nearly 300 providers in, I found an acceptable one. But I’m in Portland now with insurance starting in nine days, and I’m told I’ll have a much easier go of things here.

Up against a ‘ghost network’ for mental health care? Here’s what you can do.
Is in network with your insurance plan. Treats the condition you are concerned with. Has good reviews. Pick 2. I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (Level 1), Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Panic Attacks, and Major Depressive Disorder in Partial Remission. Ghost networks are the bane of my fuuuuucking existence. You know what's monumentally hard to do when you are a depressed autist with high anxiety? Endlessly and fruitlessly search for care related to those conditions. FUCK insurance companies, and FUCK Republicans for propping them up.

I forgot my ANOVA when I moved this summer. Now, I’m not that sorry I did.

Yyyyyyeah…I don’t think this community is about what you think it’s about.

I’d imagine they were meaning to refer to the practice of foster “parents” signing up to take in kids in order to receive money money every month that they use mostly as personal income for themselves while neglecting the kid. Cuz yeah, adoption is very different.

Yeah, those wealthy bastards really are just a fucking rounding error, aren’t they? Pushing policies that take away the rights and safety of American women, BIPOC, the disabled, people of different sexual orientations, non-Christians, trans people…all of whom have a much higher representation among the general populace than they do. Hmm…make ya wonder doesn’t it? (taps chin, sharpens guillotine blade)

39% of Americans worry they can’t pay the bills.

The other 61% just disassociate like it’s going out of style.

They are just promising not to share with the government or any private entity that you are the idiot who had to use a calculator to find half of 17, just in case you were worried about someone finding out.

Believe me when I say that it is not to help Trump win Texas. I’ve lived here for over 40 years, and for the last 25, I have kept hearing how this is a “purple state” and “it’s gonna be a swing state soon”.

It’s not.

It’s not, it never has been, it never will be, and it’s never been worse here. Which is why I’m leaving this hellhole once and for all next week with my cat, and I ain’t never looking back.

I’m making a huge change next week. Moving from the Deep South to the PNW. Project 2025 be fucking damned. I’m finding community, engaging in mutual aid, drinking good coffee, getting fresh air, and I’m going to be exceedingly happy until the day I die, god fucking damnit.

“It’s kind of nice for they [sic] because they feel like they feel like they’re giving back to the communities,” said Overseer Eddie Gilbert. “It gives them a sense of accomplishment and I enjoy it also. It kind of gets me out and about with my whip.”

Easiest block ever. If you choose to remain willfully ignorant of the prison industrial complex and how they operate to make unscrupulous profit by filling cells with the help of a racist justice system and backed by the fascist Republican party, then there is no help for you.

Pack it up, boys…this sublemmy is done. This is peak aboringdystopia. Nothing else could possibly compete with this.

Or a disc golf course. I have played golf before and, yes, it is nice to get out into nature, and yes a squarely-hit golf ball feels nice. But it’s no more satisfying a feeling than bowling a strike or spiking a volleyball. There are so many ways to get the feelgoods that don’t require flagrant water waste the way golf courses do.

It opened in 1931 and underwent a major renovation in 1997. Apparently, the water usage is sustainable (see below), but it still doesn't excuse the fact, in my mind, that continuing to support the upkeep of a green-ass golf course at the edge of Death Valley shows how out-of-whack its patrons are with the changing climate. "In an area as hot and dry as Death Valley, balancing water usage with conservation requires significant planning. Furnace Creek and its namesake resort exist in their location because natural spring water flows from nearby mountain ranges to create an oasis. By routing the water from one point to others, the resort’s goal is to use the same molecules of water for several purposes. The spring-fed water is first used at the Inn to irrigate gardens and supply the swimming pool which was designed with a flow-through system that minimizes chemical use. That water then continues downhill to the Ranch where it fills the ponds on the golf course, providing habitat for local and migratory wildlife. The water in the ponds then irrigates the golf course." - How Xanterra’s Furnace Creek Resort is Sustainable, [greenlodgingnews.com](https://www.greenlodgingnews.com/how-xanterras-furnace-creek-resort-is-sustainable/) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/44405ba7-3a51-4925-9fc3-862eea544cc0.png)

They struggle to make ends meet during periods of economic downturn because 1) they are “wealthy”, but not “filthy fuckin’ rich”, and 2) they live almost beyond their means and…when they have to “cut” back…it involves downsizing the Beamer 7 Series to a Volvo S90 and spending two weeks in Hawaii on vacation instead of a month in Europe.

For most of the working class who are well off enough to be able to afford a roof and know where our next meal is coming from, they are one bad month away from couch surfing.

To the “wealthy” in this scenario, I say to you tighten up those bootstraps…quit eating avocado toast and all that.

To the “filthy fuckin’ rich”, I say this: Guillotines exist for a reason.

You don’t want to play this game with me, son. Whatever you hurl at me about Oregon, I’ll lob back at you something twice as bad about Texas.

I get that Oregon has its hard right people. Hell, most states do. But at least my trans kids gender identity is protected by state law, and my having a trans kid won’t result in me being on the governor’s fucking hit list.

You think that’s bad, get this. In most US states (47), public school students are required by law to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States once per school day, though…for most of those states…students may opt themselves out.

However, in four states (Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Utah), students may not opt themselves out. The school must receive a written statement from a parent or guardian in order to be exempt.

I have taught in Texas public schools since 2005, and I brought this up with an attorney for the teacher organization I joined (not a union as Texas bans collective bargaining for state employees, so our dues are really not much more than lawsuit insurance). He told me that, in the eyes of the state courts, children under the age of eighteen not being yet adults do not enjoy the same right to freedom of speech that adults do. Hence, in the eyes of the courts, a school district would be within their rights to fire a teacher who does not do their part to ensure all students under their purview recite the Pledge during the time it is spoken over the school’s PA system (and the Pledge to the Texas state flag, also mandatory), 1st Amendment be damned.

Thankfully, I got a gig teaching in Oregon next year, so I am heading northwest (through the also miserable states of Utah and Idaho unfortunately) and never looking back.

Ah, Big Stupid enabling the Scammer Class: a tale as old as time.

has unusual relationships with

That’s a funny way to spell commits sexual harassment against.

The unofficial motto of polyamory is “Monogamy? In THIS economy?!?”.

I’ve shared a home once with a partner and her girlfriend, but it didn’t go well; my partner was a deadbeat and not only never found a job the entire 10 months I lived with her, she never even tried to find one as far as I can tell. She didn’t even get child support from her kids’ dad. Her girlfriend and I each worked full-time to support her and her kids with a roof, utilities, food, fucking doctor’s visits…I had to pressure this woman into applying for food stamps ffs. I finally had had enough and told her to go move back in with her mother because I wasnt going to be paying for her any more. And then she and her girlfriend moved out together and got a place. Good riddance, and holy fuck was her girlfriend an enabler.

I’m not against sharing a home with partners and metamours again in the future, mind you. I just intend to get to know everyone a lot better than I did in that circumstance.

Sweet. Now go after every property organization cartel that offers “market pricing” where the price of a unit changes on a day-to-day basis.

Hustle Nap: The three hours of sleep you get every day in-between your poly-employment.

Note: Not to be confused with Hustle Coma, which is when you sleep through your entire one day off every other Wednesday.

So the Cybertruck is not that fast and the CEO of the company that makes it is a jamoke, big deal. At least it looks stupid.

I won five grand from an online casino in 2001, and they not only paid me my winnings, they also included an extra $262 in comps for having bet aggregately over a quarter of a million dollars. That money went a long way for my early-20s ass. Paid off a credit card and bought a new mattress for me and my new wife.

When Full Tilt Poker got shut down by the DOJ, though, I was sort of okay with it. There were waaaaay too many action flops for those hands to have been truly randomized.

Lone Skum deadnames his child, you deadname his company. Fuck Skum, and fuck Twatter.

It’s absolutely true. I’m polyamorous, and various women I’ve dated over the years have shared their dating app situations with me. Not one of them didn’t have 999+ likes and/or a dozen messages from new men on that day alone (depending upon the app).

I prefer apps like Hinge and OKCupid. They allow me to tell more about what I’m about, and I get to learn more about them as well before I attempt to reach out. I’ve had fairly good success with both.

I saw my first one in the wild this morning in Dallas. Holy fuck is that a fugly-ass vehicle, and the dude driving it looked like a pretentious twunt.

UT-Austin’s slogan is “What starts here changes the world.” Having graduated from there and seeing now what they stand for in 2024, all I have to say is “My fucking ass, it does.”

Listening to this interview and hearing this man describe the ultracapitalistic moronicity and unyielding corporate fealty that led to him being subpoenaed made me want to put my head through a fucking wall.

tl;dr - House Republicans are targeting socially responsible investing, including investments that take into account environmental concerns like **climate change**. >And that’s a threat to them, because what they’re trying to do is to basically stop people from looking at the climate risk from the oil companies. And they’re saying, “Don’t look up.” They’re saying, “Put your head in the ground.” And what we’re saying is, “We need the freedom to invest.” Like, they’re trying to suppress our freedom to be able to make logical, good business choices. And in doing so, at the state level, their harming their own citizens. - Andrew Behar, CEO of non-profit group As You Sow which promotes corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, speaking to Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! - March 29, 2024

Or…and this is just a thought…maybe she uses some of that million dollars on a wrongful termination suit against the company that fired her, and then she’ll not only do whatever the fuck she wants with her own god damned body, she’ll do the same with the money as well.

Had to supplement her $42,000 per year teacher salary with OF and made nearly $1 million in six months (almost 50 times as her salary) before the school caught wind of it and forced her to resign. Got a new job out of education and was fired five days later when they discovered news articles about her. Edit: To those basically saying she had it coming because she made her OF account public... 1) Sex work is real, valid work. 2) There is nothing wrong with sex work. Sex-shaming is Puritanical horseshit. 3) "But her students could find her OF!" is a problem their parents should have to solve. It is not her responsibility to use an alias, because of points 1 and 2. 4) Every other argument criticizing her for her sex work during her non-teaching hours is fucking **moot**.

There’s a new game out from one of the creators of Pandemic, called Daybreak. It is a cooperative game in which you and up to three others all play countries and work together to combat climate change. You don’t have to completely reverse the elevated temperature that occurs throughout the game, only to reach Drawdown in which you reverse the flow of carbon emissions, thereby starting the process of reducing the effects of increased climate.

I haven’t had a chance yet to play it with others, but I am excited to. The artwork is beautiful and is contributed by artists across the globe. None of the materials are plastic; cardboard boxes, cards on cardstock, wooden tokens, containers made from wood pulp…there wasn’t even plastic wrap around the box, just paper stickers.

My favorite part, though, is the QR codes. Each of the project and crisis cards (of which there are 230) has a QR code that links to an individual page on the game’s website that gives an overview of the concept that card, why it is a problem, and what can be done to fix it. There are also links to articles and studies for more details, and there are links to groups one can join to become an advocate for/against causes related to that concept.