Hey, thanks for reading my bio. You know, you’re pretty cool. I’m glad we got to share this moment together.

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Feb 15, 2024


I have no sympathy for those who attack and deface our libraries, whether they be physical or digital

This is so stupid. God forbid they actually police their ads for malware. No, instead let’s push the responsibility onto the individual, by adding get another “Papers, Please”-esque stamp that very few people will know about and even less will actually use.

Hard pass. The day I saw them promoting malware above legitimate search results is the day I turned on ad blocking for my entire org, and a stupid little pay-to-verify badge isn’t going to change that.

/end rant

Matrix does not have seamless desktop sharing or voice chat, and has a drastically higher executive cost. It also does not solve the information silo issue.

The fediverse as a whole is promising but likely needs to mature a bit longer. Theres a lot of potential issues that have yet to be worked through.

Yeah, this is a big part of why I stopped using discord recently. Not yet sure of any alternatives but leaving is step one.

This is just the game “Hypnospace Outlaw”

I’ve been getting very close to ditching YouTube. This change showed up a few weeks ago for me and pushed me a bit further.

If they succeed in inserting ads into the video stream I’ll bail alltogether. I can fit a subscription to Brilliant, Dropout, and several creator Patreons into the cost of a YouTube Red subscription, and I won’t have to deal with these attention-optimizing UI changes.

Stopped using Discord a few months ago. Not for any specific reason, just felt like I wasn’t using my time effectively. Anyone important added me on Signal, and then I deleted the apps from my phone and computer.

I can’t put words to how much better my mental health has gotten.

This doesn’t really relate to your comment, I guess, but just thought I would mention it in case anyone else is considering taking a break from the platform.

Holy shit. I do a fair bit of small electronics repair on the side, the cost of a decent heat pad is about half that of a 3d printer… This may be what finally inspires me to get a 3d printer.

This needs at least one flash game to be accurate