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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 17, 2023


I don’t get why you’re getting dowvoted. I guess there are a lot of Americans over here. But your statement is absolutely true. The US attempts at restricting China’s access to various technologies only make sense if they feel threatened by them.

I wonder if it could do it faster than Chrome manages.

It would probably be the same time, Edge is just Microsoft Chrome after all.

writing software that does things for us is the only purpose of computers. LLMs are far from “true” AI but still they are useful for a bunch of tasks.

ban their use in creative works, of course nobody wants to read a book written by an AI. but let me have a LLM to use as a tool.

everyone got your “sarcasm”. you’re the one being dense here. Nitter was a useful tool for those who have left twitter but needed to access information posted there. It didn’t benefit Twitter in anyway, so there was 0 downsides in using it.

the fact that you make fun of a useful community tool shutting down is why you’re deservedly being downvoted to hell

you aren’t making any sense. people did fanarts and memes of the joker movie like crazy, they were all over the internet. there are tons and tons of fan arts of copyrighted material.

they fall under fair use and no one losses money because fan arts can’t be used for commercial purposes, that would fall outside fair use and copyright holders will sue, of course.

how is that different from the AI generating an image containing copyrighted material? if someone started generating images of the joker and then selling them, yeah, sue the fuck out of them. but generating it without any commercial purpose is not illegal at all.

nah, they are just slightly less corrupt. And they like to mess with American megacorps too.

Rich people engaging in charity are just washing their own image. Under the current system, there’s no way to be rich without exploiting the poor. That’s just how the system works. No amount of charity will change that.

I’m a stone-cold atheist. Seen a couple of Popes come and go. This guy is as good a man as I’ve seen on the throne. I’ll allow it.

I couldn’t care less if this man is good. He’s the head of the institution who has been oppressing the people for centuries. And when he says we should fear a “technology dictatorship” I can’t avoid to laugh thinking how many dictatorships they’ve held and or supported in the past.

I haven’t heard of voice-changers that can replicate other people’s voices that aren’t made with machine learning.

The issue is impersonation. An AI voice generator that does not imitate anyone in specific and has a “unique” voice, I have no issue with that.

And obviously, a human voice imitator that uses it for impersonating others is also an issue. But that’s far less common and accessible than a computer powered option.

Should there be an expectation of privacy in public?

No, but there should be an expectation of not being recorded by every car you come across.

because it is. Every time I see one of this guy’s videos posted it ends up being a clickbait video to promote his business.

I think they saw it as an opportunity to wash their image. “Look, we’re the good guys” kind of thing.

This is like the third different new battery technology I’ve seen today.

I’ll believe it when it’s available for purchase.

Don’t you all have a business or economics community to post this?

If I subscribe to technology, I want tech news. Not how this month one tech giant is valued slightly higher than another.

why not remap existing keys? the Copilot key is probably replacing the right control key, which I use it for multiple keybindings that use control + a letter on the left side of the keyboard.

We already have a ton of modifier keys: Meta or Super, Alt, Shift and Control. And you can also remap Caps Lock to be another one if you don’t use it.

Personally, I like to remap Caps Lock to Super, for easier and quicker access to keybindings. I find the privileged position of Caps Lock in the keyboard absurd and rather useless.

It sounds like a good feature to assign a certain key to an option in GRUB. Maybe GRUB has this feature already, it has been a while since I’ve looked into it’s config options.

No need for a dedicated key in the physical keyboard tho, just let the user choose, Alt or Space are good options.

you’re right. apparently the article was referring to the sustainability of the interior materials. that makes the title misleading.

the top comment on so many news thread

the problem is not the comment or the joke but the news articles with low quality or obvious stories.

most “tech” journalism is, generally, garbage.

in this case, the fact that 1000 CSAM photos were found in a 5 billion photos database scrapped from the internet is not surprising in anyway. These photos, unfortunately, are spammed all over the internet.

removing these images from the open web has been a headache of webmasters and admins for years in sites which host user uploaded images.

if the millions of images in the training data were automatically scraped from the internet, I don’t find it surprising that there was CSAM there.

the bot is a mod itself, so yeah.

it’s been posting low quality content for months now

The no jack part is absolutely true and a disappointment. But you have to give credit to it’s reparability. I know it has a lot of limitations, you can’t swap the CPU if needed, but it’s much better than any other phone.

there is a ton of propaganda in TV too. And even on videogames, to a lesser extent. An example, the other day my niece was playing FarCry 6 and when I read about the story it was clearly American anti-Cuba propaganda, appropriating “revolutionary fighters” that fight to make Cuba a capitalist democracy.

Edit: just for clarification, I do not support the Cuban government, but neither I do support the US and how historically they’ve wanted to make Cuba one of their satellite countries.

isn’t developing light speed spacecrafts a far more direct concern?

why even concern about communications when travelling such distances isn’t even possible.

I don’t see the point of the article.

what makes you think that Apple is any better than Meta? their “privacy” marketing? I wouldn’t believe a single word of it.

Both iMessage and WhatsApp are trash. At least WhatsApp is cross platform.

Can we stop posting about OpenAI’s internal dramas? You’re welcome to post about their new models or research. But the business drama is not something I want to see in technology.

I’m guessing they are talking about accidentally hitting someone with the car. At lower speeds, collisions shouldn’t be lethal at least with a regular car (there are a lot of other factors too, but anyway). I can imagine that if you hit a thick steel panel it’s going to cause you more damage than the regular aluminum car.

why not both?

Although being fair, the other day just out of curiosity I was taking a look at electric cars in my country and almost every single one of them was a needlessly huge SUV.

There were a few exceptions, but I was not expecting that maybe 25 out of 30 cars were in the bigger size.

PassKeys - a major browser feature that works in every browser except FireFox

So… Chrome and Safari? Because the rest of browsers are just rebranded Chrome.

I’m not particularly a fan of passkeys, because I’m fairly happy with my password manager, but personal opinions apart, just because Google and Apple decided to implement a feature, that doesn’t make it an standard.

This is why Chrome having the web engine monopoly is such a big problem. They can implement whatever they want and because it will also be adopted by Edge, Opera and others, it seems to automatically be considered a web standard and websites will start using it even when the other major independent browser (Firefox) hasn’t implemented it.

why the Freenet logo and not I2P? Freenet is not designed with privacy in mind, unlike I2P which literally stands for the Invisible Internet Project.

It’s certainly not impossible. But this content is actively removed when detected. So that person must have found something very recently posted before it could have been removed.

Twitter has a high interest in removing CSAM, even if Musk now allows pro nazi tweets. CSAM is illegal and they would have to shutdown if they didn’t immediately delete such content.

but saying “shot on an iPhone” and not giving the context of the expensive equipment they are using is misleading marketing.

Not like I’m a Qualcomm fan, but this sounds great. If Linux support is good (and I’m guessing it’ll be), my next laptop may be Qualcomm inside.

I’m specially interested in seeing if these laptops will be able to have Coreboot, that would be fantastic.

Why do you hate Microsoft?
I'm helping a friend of mine writing a long essay exposing the abusive, monopolistic and anti-consumer practices of Microsoft. First, we've created some sort of table of contents with the different topics we want to cover and now we're gathering sources for each of these topics. Microsoft is a huge corporation with a big influence on media and although if you dig enough you can find useful sources, they've also made an extremely good job at hiding bad press from search engines. We've scrolled through Hacker News, other links aggregators and sites like TechRights and we've found a good amount of articles against Microsoft. But we're sure there has to be more. So that's kinda why we're asking. Bullet points for the sections we've thought of (suggestions are welcome too): ``` * The Microsoft Monopoly * Microsoft and the web * Internet Explorer * Microsoft Edge * Microsoft Windows Monopoly * Microsoft and the Governments * Education * Healthcare * Microsoft Gaming Empire * Windows Backdoors (not sure where this section belongs) * Work with the NSA * Microsoft loves Open Source (microsoft infiltration in foss) * Microsoft and the OSI * Github * Github Copilot * VSCode * War on GPL * Microsoft loves Linux and BSD? * Embrace, extend, extinguish * Our lord, Bill Gates * The media empire * Twitter censorship * Bill Gates the philanthropist * Big Pharma * Bill and Jeffrey Epstein ``` Edit: typos and removed the pun "Kill Bill Gates" because it seemed inappropriate.