• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Oh man you just took me back. I was dirt poor as a kid and my mom always busted her ass to get us the latest Nintendo, but we usually only got a couple games. We rented and borrowed the rest.


I went with my step brother to his grandpa’s house one day. He said nothing to prepare me for the glory I was about to see. When we came through the door his grandpa greeted us and said, “Jason, take your brother to the game room.”

We walked down into the basement and there in the coolest, most badass, teen movie room, was this giant rear projection TV. There on the floor sat a console I had never seen before. The original PlayStation with the original controllers and Nascar Racing. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I swear to god I said, “OH MY GOD IT LOOKS REAL!” We played Tomb Raider. I just kept jumping into the pool. Mortal Kombat Trilogy, man what a game.

That Christmas two of my closest friends got the N64. One showed me Doom, the other Mario 64.

I ended up with the N64, my best friend got the PlayStation.

I’d love to go back for a day just to hang out with him. I wish he’d lived to see the graphics of today. Shit, if he’d made it long enough to see The Last of Us I’d be stoked.

When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose bud. That’s where I’m at in this moment. If I lose every penny I have I’m still poor. If I don’t, maybe I can get a start on a damn house or something.

I mean, you do you. I personally love video games and I’ve loved them all of my life. It’s something I can do with my kids that allows us to connect. I didn’t grow up in a world with access to anything else. There’s no beach trip in a world where your shoes have holes in them and you’re living on brown beans. My mom always found a way to scrounge up an old video game console for us and we’d borrow games from friends who had it better or had stopped playing their older games. Hell, when we stayed in a women’s shelter once for weeks, all the kids who were stuck there got by on the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo in the tv room. We were able to bond and make friends in that horrible place with that shared horrible experience because of video games.

I had adventures that wouldn’t have been available to me without video games. I had fun that wouldn’t have been available to me without video games. It’s hard for me to understand why you feel the way you do, but I guess we’ve had very different experiences and you feel the same way on the opposite side of it.

My grandmother just passed away, and when I stood there at her casket I remembered very fondly sitting in the floor with her and beating all of the Donkey Kong Country games. She wasn’t physically able to do much and video games brought us together and made us connect and enjoy life together. I remember the weeks leading up to Christmas in 1998 when my mother and I would sneak and open the only present I had under the tree (Zelda, Ocarina of Time) when my dad would go to sleep.

I’m happy that what you do with your kid makes you happy. I don’t understand why you’ve had such an extreme reaction to what we do though when it really doesn’t matter. People like what they like.

Part of me agrees and part of me doesn’t.

I don’t know a kid who doesn’t have at least a Quest 2. I have four brother in laws aged 11-16 and every time I go over there at least two of them are in the basement rocking the headset. My neighbor is on his every day. My daughter has the Quest 2, full body trackers, and a beefy gaming PC almost exclusively dedicated to VR. The kids are all in, seriously.

I’m 38. I have a Quest 2 but I also have two toddlers and an infant (in a couple weeks anyway). I haven’t turned my Quest on in about a year. I got pretty heavy into Pavlov for a while, but here’s where the failure comes in for VR being mainstream and widely adopted. I can’t play and watch my children. I have to ask my wife to take on all of the responsibility just so I can play, and I don’t feel good about that so I just don’t play.

It isn’t the same as something like a Steam Deck. I can put it down and get back into it easily while also keeping an eye on the world around me. I can put my kids on my lap and they can watch me play if they want to. You just can’t do that in VR. It completely disengages you from your surroundings. It isn’t easy to jump in and out of it because you have to be trapped to a dedicated space with your eyes turned off to the world.

I love VR, but not enough to pull myself entirely out of my life to play. I think most people face that issue.

It’s a nonissue when you’re a teenager on summer break with no responsibilities. There’s just no room in a busy life for VR.

I’d like to see it succeed. I’d like to see it come to a point where you can somehow keep your real space visible, if only on a monitor in the corner of a high res display. I love it, I just can’t use it.

I exist because my mother told my father that she was taking birth control. My father hasn’t been a part of my life except on a few occasions where he wanted to be here and there, and I don’t hold a grudge. My mom proudly told me this when I was about 9. I don’t blame her either, she raised herself from the time she was 4 years old when her mother committed suicide. She did the best she could with what she had as a person with no education and no parents to guide her.

My father came for the birth of my oldest biological child. He came for a few Christmases. He showed up when I was going through a divorce and helped me fix a car for my now ex. He didn’t have to do any of that. I barely know him at all, and even though it bums me out from time to time, it is what it is.

Life is a mess for everybody haha.

Could be your time filter. They’re still showing up on my end.

Thank you for the comment. :)

Look back through my posts to see her sleeping like this since she was a fresh baby.

I would imagine that behind closed doors, men in positions of power have had conversations about the potential recruits the military is losing with easy access to abortion, but I agree with you.

For the most part there is no grand conspiracy, just passionate nuts who believe they’re going to live forever who found a shortcut to what they imagine is God’s approval. Like that nut who climbs buildings to raise awareness or whatever it is he’s doing. They believe when they die, they’ll wake up on a cloud and hear “Jesus Loves the Little Children” playing in the background. Their lord will walk up to them and embrace them, tell them what a good job they did shouting about saving babies as he pets their hair.

I grew up in that world. So glad I don’t still live in it.

I had a friend as a kid who made straight A’s the first semester in school every year, then straight F’s to the last semester where he’d pick it up just enough to pass. I remember a teacher laughing at him because his cousin blacked his eye while he was fighting his mother, “Oh, you mean a girl did that?”

Once he got to high school he couldn’t pass the 9th grade because the strategy of passing the first and last semester didn’t work anymore. He dropped out and got his GED. He took the test one time, scored 90% higher than average.

He slept in class every day because he spent his nights prepared to fight his dad when his dad attacked his mom.

I remember in middle school when the regular teacher was out long term for surgery, he handed a test to the substitute and she cried and apologized for not paying closer attention to him. She worked with him after that and he passed her class.

The last time I seen him, he was strung out on heroin and doing nothing. We went to school together from the 3rd grade until he dropped out and I only ever seen two teachers really try to help him. Police came to the school one time to photograph his bruise covered body and nothing ever came of it.

He used to write stories and give them to me on the bus. I asked him if he kept writing. He told me he hadn’t since his early 20s.

I can’t stand to think about how many kids out there have so much potential, only they’re stranded on an island with nowhere to put it.

It’s pretty awesome that I got nearly a decade out of my last phone. I didn’t upgrade because it wasn’t meeting my needs either, I upgraded because I had been through 10 screens in that time and the connectors were in bad shape. I’d have to smack it to get the screen on sometimes, or pop the screen up and push on the connectors.

My boomerang lasted many years though, I’ll give it that.

I just upgraded from the 6 Plus to the 12 Max like a year ago.

I know Lemmy hates Apple, but I love iOS. Probably because I started on it. My son almost has me convinced though. I might let him pick my next phone and put LineageOS on it.

I’m on voyager now. Thank you. :)

My shortcut is still called wefwef but I know what I’m using haha, I’m just lazy.

I love the app and you made my transition from Apollo so easy. I would probably be wandering around in the dark with no content if you hadn’t pulled this off. So again, thank you.

I was under the impression they were dead and gone for about 20 years.

The tv I had 20 years ago was garbage and I assumed they were just some shitty knockoff brand. Surprises me that they own GE.

I have personally never met anyone who would admit to using something just to show off to their friends. I’m a hillbilly though so maybe it’s a bit different here. That type of talk is almost universally despised in hillbilly honor culture.

I use an iPhone because I like it. Plain and simple. They’re easy enough for me to do basic repairs (screen and battery replacement), and I have no interest in tinkering with it or anything like that.

I transitioned from the iPod to the iPod touch and the phone was a no brainer for me. I have photos going back over a decade and everything transfers easily.

Oh I’m sure they would be if I had ever played them.

I’ll give them a go.

Oh, they weren’t all sunshine and rainbows.

My parents were a nightmare haha.

I’m gonna break the rules and name more than one.

Super Metroid

Link to the Past I beat it with my mom as a kid. I’d love to go back and just be a kid who loves his mom playing that game again.

Ocarina of Time My mom and I snuck and opened the Christmas present every evening after my dad went to bed. We were at the forest temple when I actually opened it for Christmas and pretended to be surprised.

Wind Waker I was so disappointed over the cartoon graphics I almost didn’t play it. Once the game won me over I fell in love with everything about it.

Twilight Princess My first Zelda as an adult living on my own. I bought it on GameCube and played it with my ex. We had no cable, no internet, no phone. It was the only entertainment we had (video games) and it was an experience that made us closer.

Symphony of the Night I just fucking love that game.

World of Warcraft I want to go back and play with my son. We did arenas and we were an unstoppable team. Some of the best nights of my life were spent side by side playing WotLK and Cata.

I could go on but someone is standing here bugging me now. Take care folks.

I don’t know how I got lost really. I remember this big machine and not long after that I was stuck. After I finish RDR2 I’ll probably load it back up.

I just played them back to back (again) starting with AM2R.

I definitely prefer AM2R, but some of the mechanics of SR are just absolutely amazing.

I loved them both so much, and even though they had the same story it really didn’t matter much. They were different enough that the experiences felt separate somehow.

My lady bought Dread for me when it first came out and I got lost and quit, but I can’t wait to start over. I was super busy at work and it kind of messed me up on it.

If you haven’t played it yet, get Axiom Verge. Hands down my favorite Metroidvania (that isn’t Metroid or Castlevania). It is a truly amazing experience. And of course if you haven’t played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night you are TRULY cheating yourself. Hands down one of the most spectacular games I’ve ever played. If I play it again (and I will) it will probably be the 9th or 10th time. Last time I beat it on PSP. Holy shit! What a game. Its the game that put “vania” in Metroidvania. It took everything Super Metroid did right and expanded on it. A different feel, but absolutely the same kind of game all the way to its core.

I’m sure I would love the rog ally, and like a dolt I paid for the 512gb Steam deck.

Ultimately though, the deck does everything I want. I don’t care for Windows so I’m happy it runs on Linux. I love the trackpads.

Still though, I’ve seen the videos that compare performance and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t love the boost. I’m not sad about my choice, but I wish I had enough money to rock both of them.

Exciting times for handheld gaming, that’s for sure.

I just got done burning myself out playing all the Metroid games in order. I’m gonna jump back in where I left off, but I got bored at Prime 2. I’ve never finished that one and I’ve never played 3, but all the side scrollers are perfect games if you ask me. I loved the original Prime too. That dark world, light world shit in 2 frustrates me, but I’m sure I’ll love it when I look back on it.

I’m a Metroid fanatic. I’ve played Super Metroid over and over again since I was 11. I still have my original copy. AM2R is also one of my favorite games of all time.

I’ve also beat Cuphead twice and got all achievements and S ranked every boss. I prefer it on my OLED Switch for the pretty screen (where I’ve done this 3 times), but the load times on the Deck outweigh the value of the pretty screen I guess. I might hit it again on the Switch though. That game is absolutely the greatest game of all time for someone with ADHD. Might just be me, but damn I love it.

I’m in the same place on Fallout 4 that I ended up on the Xbox. I have to betray one group or another to beat it. I can’t make myself do it. I was so sure I could.

What I’ve really been hung on is Red Dead Redemption 2. I never dreamed I would love this game as much as I do. It is absolutely one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I am so attached to Arthur Morgan it’s unreal. I never played the first one and it breaks my heart that it wasn’t released on PC. I’m gonna find a way to play it on the deck if I have to emulate the Switch version (I’ll buy it on Switch if I have to, even if it’s the inferior version. I don’t have time for gaming that isn’t portable).

The only game I’ve ever played that had my heart like RDR2 is The Last of Us, which, despite the complaints, I fully intend to play again on the Deck eventually.

Like, holy shit! What a game! RDR2 might end up being my favorite game ever made. If you haven’t played it because riding horses and shooting revolvers doesn’t appeal to you, it didn’t appeal to me either. This game literally has me pining to be a part of that time and thinking about watching every western I can get my hands on. I literally never want to leave that world. I couldn’t stand the thought of it before I played it. I cannot praise it enough. If you haven’t played it, get it. Like, right now.

That might be true for some.

I genuinely just love iOS.

I got the 2nd iPhone, then the 5, got a 6 plus used, then got an SE2, gave that to my daughter, now I’m rocking a 12. This 12 was a gift from a friend or I wouldn’t be using it.

I won’t upgrade until I absolutely have to.

I honestly just genuinely prefer iOS to android.

And then their computers. If you were using a Mac with system 7, you can use a Mac today. Old folks suffer with change. Every new windows they move stuff around and make it impossible for old people (like my poor uncle who is still looking for “my computer” constantly).

My daily driver is Linux, but I love MacOS as well. I still use my 2012 power mac to record music because it’s what I know and love. If I needed to do more I’d get a newer used Mac.

Some people just like how it works and the fact that it’s been consistent for decades.

Oh yeah, I’m with you all the way. Just felt the need to butt in and be a part of the conversation.

Take care bud.

Some of these dudes doing this stuff use it as content so that they can come up with more money to do even more. Maaaaybe. I’d like to believe that.

I’ve only seen like one piece of a Mr Beast video so I can’t say much about him, but I’ve seen a lot of other folks who do that kind of stuff.

I watch one dude who started off making prank videos. He only got about 5 videos out before someone left a comment telling him to do some silly thing and give a person money. He did that silly thing (I can’t remember what) and then the dude hit him with a story about why that money was going to change his life. Dude cried, then stopped the prank stuff altogether. He went out looking for people to help after that. He’s raised 10s of thousands to get homeless people off the streets, helped people with debt and medical issues, etc.

His videos weren’t that special before, but he’s ridiculously handsome so I legit believe that’s why people were watching in the first place.

Now, the cynic in me says, “Well he got a lot of views and that’s the reason for the shift.”

Still though, he doesn’t do anything mean to anyone. No cruel pranks or anything like that. Even when he was making prank content it was silly and harmless. He’s legitimately changing lives big time and he just kind of fell into it.

I watch this other dude who is a Christian and he does really good things for people too.

I don’t know. The system isn’t working or people couldn’t make a living doing shit like this. That bums me out, but I’m happy to see things get better for people.

I may or may not have acquired exactly the acid in those pics.

I definitely did not.

Or did I?

It looks identical actually and I’m willing to bet it came from the same place.

If I actually had it that is.

Learn the TRUTH about this thing you’re already primed for by your bias!


Holy crap! He’s a alien! U cud tell frum the eyez! 👁️👁️👀👽

I don’t know why, but I started hhwackin’ it when I was about 3 years old.

I didn’t have anything in mind really. I just remember it felt good and for some reason (probably something my mom said) I just thought of the word “nasty” and that’s what got me going. Like, the word was my OG porn.

Well, I had this giant Clifford the Big Red Dog plush. It was huge. I was hiding behind it one day hwackin’ when my mom went looking for me to show her friend how cute I was. Well, her friend seen me hwackin’. She was embarrassed as hell. They wanted to put a stop to it, so my father decided he knew what would work.

“Son, you keep playing with that thing and it’s gonna fall off and you’ll turn into a girl.”

I thought, “Wait, girls don’t have a wee wee? Ohhhhhh!”

So now I had an image in mind that worked me up. It was girls, naked, nothing down there, walking without bending their knees. Kind of like walking a pair of scissors. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know.

So while I’m ranting. My mom got a new house. My aunt and my twin cousins came down with us to look at the place. The one said “mommy, I gotta pee.” The other chimed in, she had to pee too. I had a theory about how girls peed, but I really really wanted to know. I turned to my little brother, “littleseal, this is our chance. We can see how girls pee.”

So we snuck around the corner. My aunt was holding them up in the air, one hanging from one arm, one hanging from the other. We seen them from behind, and it appeared that the pee was coming from the butt. I grabbed my little brother by the shoulders. “LITTLESEAL! GIRLS PEE FROM THEIR BUTTS! I knew it!” We giggled about it for awhile. Like, way too long.

Fast forward a few years and I was living in a new neighborhood. Me and the girl next door were playing fetch with her dog. I had to pee. She said, “Can I watch? I want to know how boys do it.” I said, “Sure. We do it with our wieners. We don’t have to sit down so we can pee anywhere. I’m glad I don’t pee out of my butt.” She said, “Who pees from their butt?” She was laughing at me like I was crazy. I said, “Girls do! I seen it.” “Well I don’t know what girl you seen, but I pee from my vagina, I poop from my butt.”

She said, “come on. I’ll show you.”

I was blown away. Later on it hit me. “Oh my god! It makes sense. That’s why I have a wiener. It’s for sex!”

Sorry to go on. Your comment made me remember being afraid my wee wee would fall off and then took me down memory lane.

Get off my lawn. See you next time.

At my house I get 500mbps. My store (40 miles away) gets 15mbps. I pay significantly less at home.

Not just that but you have to pay extra to avoid a data cap on the 15mbps line.

I have found myself using my Steam Deck for everything. I sit at that old desk and play Counter-Strike when I’ve got time. I use it for paperwork as well. Truly an amazing machine.

You tell him if he digs my trash out one more time he will be sentenced to death.

I had a pet raccoon when I was younger. He was a complete and total nightmare.

I just realized I titled them both “and finally”.

I’m a big fat liar is what I am. :p