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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


AI: “The only way to solve climate change is to do what the scientists said 30 years ago. My existence is the flame that consumes the earth”

I just go without.

the overwhelming majority of apps are nothing but websites wrapped in apps that strip away all the privacy and protections anyway, and demand far to many permissions for shit that are completely irrelevant to their purpose (because they want to siphon literally everything out of your phone and monetize the information).

I’d rather miss a deal, a sale, or whatever, than to deal with that shit.

the new mod client from nexus will be great, but I’d wager it’d be another year before its in a non-test state.

Eeh… I’d respectfully disagree on the anti-cheat being the only real hurdle right now.

Modding is still a massive pita and janky compared to windows, as an example.

Don’t get me wrong, Linux gaming has advanced entire geologic eras compared to where it was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, hell… even last year. I dont even have to reference protondb anymore, I just expect things to work in general, and they usually do, outside of the minority of games with asshole anticheat (most of that can even be run on linux, they just refuse to enable the option)

Hey, I may be a random idiot, but I’ve never fuckin paid a 300%+ premium for a smart device, nor cried when it predictably either died early or started charging for use because corporate fuckery.

You had the choice to not buy it, You can not in the year 2024, not be aware of how this shit always, inevitably goes down.

Yes, because a corpo bootlicker is gonna tell you to stop buying their overpriced crap and creating a market for it

Cause corpo bootlickers are notorious for wanting to harm the companies that do stupid and/or bad

Fucking galaxy brain over here, thinking hes a genius cause hes a literal parrot repeating tidbits of what other people said without any consideration for thought or context.

You can’t keep throwing money at these awful companies, buying these awful products, and expect them to fucking stop. at some point you’re gonna have to fucking admit you’re gonna have to make a sacrifice and actually fucking speak with your wallet.

“Its not my fault that I bought a stupid device for $$$Texas more than a normal product and created the market for it, its their fault for making it available for me to choose to buy!”

Find a scratch and dent place near you. Thats pretty much where I get all my appliances. Often the cosmetic issues are not even noticable, and if they are, they are often in a place that you wont see since they’ll be hidden by cabinets or what have you.

I’m not being sarcastic or attacking or anything, but I find that hard to believe. I spent 2 minutes before posting this looking at ranges and ovens (I dont know if you’re talking about a complete stove unit (burners on top of an oven in a self contained stand alone package) or the oven unit that mounts into a wall, so I looked at both in that time) and I found tons that were cheap (well, cheap as far as these devices ago at least) and none of them had smart connectivity.

It wasnt until I was getting into the high cost items that were $5000+ that smart stuff started appearing.

You know, This kind of shit happens so frequently anymore that if you’re dumb enough to buy things that, for absolutely no reason, requires an internet connection and/or an app… Then you deserve what you get.

I am also in the ender boat.

95% of my problems went away when I took the thing completely apart (like, further apart than what it comes in the box), and rebuilt it from scratch, making sure every bolt was tight, every moving part was free,corners perfectly cornered, etc.

I think it had just enough factory misalignment and loseness in a few key areas that compounded to cause me tons of headaches.

That, plus a few cheap upgrades (steel bed and better bed springs) really erased almost all the mechanical issues.

financially worth it?

Probably not.

Did it give me brief respites of light against the clawing, ever encroaching abyssal darkness of life and misery?


Musk today is the same as musk from 20 years ago.

Only difference is his cult of worshipers finally broke down and shattered cause they couldnt keep ignoring his rancid bullshit.

*as long as free speech aligns with what musk agrees with.

Infinite growth in a closed and limited system.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.


/s for the oblivious

I’m not cool.

Cool guys sit there and get pissy about criticism of their dearest waifu company. Like you, Mr.Cool.

because it doesnt matter how great the economy is, because only the rich and businesses benefit from it.

Meanwhile us peasant folk are still struggling to buy overpriced essentials and afford the worst, most unsuitable, barely qualifying roofs over our heads.

with all the controversies and court ruling against intel, do you really think… by this point, they are even capable of being shamed into being humbled?

the exodus must have worked if they’re having to do this to shore up income.

how many times have i seen this headline over the past…10 years?

I guarantee most this AI bullshit is nothing but a backdoor to harvest more user info, anyway.


I’m no microsoft fanboy, but I am shocked that they would do this. Everyone should be shocked. To be anything but shocked is to be complacent.

This is the kind of shit google does on the regular, Never heard of Microsoft doing anything like this before.

And as I’ve said in response to instances of google doing this, I’ll say it again here. This continues to highlight the dangers of having all your eggs in one companies basket, by choosing comfort and convenience you’ve given your entire digital life over to a company that has no compunctions against metaphorically guillotining it for any reason they want.

did anyone else break the plastic on their new game and stick their nose in it and inhale that brain damaging chemically new game smell?

God that was better than heroine for me.

how is everyone remembering their ICQ number?

I forgot mine 5 minutes after adding it to Trillian.

Congratulations and Welcome to the Wild and Wonderful World of Gorilla Facts.

Todays Daily Fact.

Did you know that Gorillas posess a Baculum? It is a bone inside their penis. They are one of many animals to posess a Baculum!

And that has been your daily Gorilla Fact. Stay Tuned Tomorrow!

Excellent write up. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

It harmed no one and nothing.

TV and Film are just angry that competition did it for a reasonable price and provided a superior service for it.

Is it immoral to harm them? Yes, its bad to harm anyone.

Do I give the slightest fuck about them being victims? Hell no.


Because, to be short about it, my give a fuck is reserved for innocent people. Not for hateful bigots, terrorists, and enemies of the state who want to overthrow our democratic way of life in favor of having a rotten jackolantern as a mentally declining god emperor.

Watching them get fucked in the way they’ve tried to fuck everyone else give me the same delight as watching gas station robbers be met with a shotgun from the clerk and earn an emergency trip to the surgical suite via the ER.

I dont wish it on them, but I will take delight in it.

Facebook (Fuck them, I’m not calling it Meta, its stupid) does do something, though.

It actively encourages it, because right wing extremists are a big chunk of their revenue. Since right wing extremists are more engaged (obsessed) than anyone else, and click more ads than anyone else.

Right wing extremists are the honey pot.

Which is why regular people can get banned for the most ridiculous of shit, yet right wing racists doesnt get banned even when posting terrorist threats, death threats, or racial slurs.

and honestly, its not just facebook. Its all social media.

“because they might finish their work in 2 hours, which means they’re stealing 6 hours of pay from us!” - Idiots who spent dollars obsessing over pennies.

There cant be.

It literally screenshots what you’re doing every few seconds, and builds a plain text database of any and all text it captures.

Incognito mode is not having it installed.

I cant believe they are including this in enterprise edition too.

They usually keep their dirty spyware out of the enterprise editions to avoid losing corporate clients who dont want their secrets easily pluckable.

yeah, lets remember that the sexual misconduct allegations were just a part of a far larger overall issue with regards to LTT. From Linus being a cunt about warranties, to stealing prototypes and refusing to return them, to lying to the public about having to come to an agreement with the said victims of the theft before ever having even contacted the victims in the first place, to putting out a fake apology video where they joke about the actual crimes they committed.

and this firm they paid saying they are clear does nothing to absolve them from all the other shitty, asshole, dishonest shit they’ve done, nor does it make Linus any less of a cunt.

Its all imagination and pixie dust anyway.

Like trying to arrest someone for theft cause they took a jar of sand home, and some delusional lunatic goes “OMG YOU CANT TAKE THAT, THATS MONEY, EACH GRAIN IS WORTH 80,000 DOLLARS!”