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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Make sure you are applying it to the 1.0 unheadered version of the ROM.

If I’m reading that right, the decision was reversed by the 9th circuit.

The District Court originally dismissed the case, ruling that the security checks were made after the regular work shift and therefore not “an integral and indispensable part” of the job. The Ninth Circuit disagreed, ruling that the checks were necessary to the principal work of the job.[2][3]

I saw a cyber truck in person for the first time this week. One thing I can say with certainty is that they are definitely NOT a truck company.

LLM based AI was a fun toy when it first broke. Everyone was curious and wanted to play with it, which made it seem super popular. Now that the novelty has worn off, most people are bored and unimpressed with it. The problem is that the tech bros invested so much money in it and they are unwilling to take the loss. They are trying to force it so that they can say they didn’t waste their money.

And If they label the pedal “stop” and it doesn’t actually stop the car?

Does Apple have actual instructions and documentation that explains this? I honestly didn’t know, as I’ve never used iMessage.

I know how you feel I used to love watching all the SpaceX launches, but I just can’t bring myself to care anymore about anything Musk is involved in.

i like how the answers are the exact same generic unhelpful drivel you hear 20k times a month if you’re depressed as well.

It makes sense though. It was trained on that drivel.

I am altering the meme. Pray I do not alter it any further.

As a software developer / network admin, all of these are almost always “I fucked up configuring the web server”.

The post literally tells you that the option to turn it off is in the settings menu at: Settings > Personalization > Start Menu > “Show recommendations for tips, app promotions, and more "

It’s not good, but it’s way better than you are making it out to be.

As bad as that is, it’s still better than the billionaires hoarding it.

It’s the Windows Defender component. Blocking things that interfere with your computer is literally what it was designed and intended to do.

I don’t buy things because they are investments. I buy things because I believe they will bring me joy in some way.

Because some people don’t want to screw around with bash commands that look like Cthulhu incantations, and they can’t afford a Mac.

And this is why I can’t take Linux seriously.

It could work the same way the padlock icon worked for SSL sites in browsers back in the day. The video player checks the signature and displays the trusted icon.

These things somehow look even dumber than Google Glass, but Apple made them, so I guess they are the height of fashion now…

I thought the general assumption was that incognito mode was designed to stop websites from tracking you, not the browser.

My household still subscribes to most streaming services at the moment, but I’ve often considered “alternative means of acquisition” just because it’s now such a pain in the ass to figure out which service has the content I want to watch. Things move around way too much and sometimes disappear completely. It’s just easier to go to one site, download, and watch.

Closed loop steppers exist with the benefits of both worlds.

Google is a search engine, it shows stuff hosted on the Internet. If these AI generated images are hosted on the Internet, Google should show them.

Umm, ok. You were not making them any money before, when you were blocking their ads, why would they care if you left?

The point of saying that something is a social construct isn’t to say that it doesn’t matter, it is to show that it isn’t some immutable requirement of nature. It’s something we decided to do, and most importantly, could decide to do differently if we all just pulled our heads out of our asses. It’s the reply to people who say “it’s always been that way” and look at you like you are crazy for suggesting we do something different.

More importantly, what’s your superior moral alternative when a force breaches borders, murders hundreds, and takes and holds hundreds more as hostages, and then retreats to the cover of hospitals and schools in a dense city?

Let’s do a little thought experiment here. Say that everything happened exactly as before except this time they retreated and hid inside Israeli hospitals and schools, on the Israeli side of the border, full of Israeli citizens. Do you think Israel would attack those terrorists in the same way?