• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I’ll wait and see what comes of it. Valve have been singlehandedly responsible for evolving Linux gaming by leaps and bounds, to the point where the only real hurdle right now is anti-cheat compatibility.

Their direct collaboration with Arch is massive for that reason alone

I’m thinking the API protests would have been more effective if y’all just stopped moderating entirely instead of locking down subreddits.

Let the site turn into an absolute cesspool.

I used to work for a major business outsourcer. One of their contingency plans in case an office burned down or had to be evacuated was literally to make everybody work in another office 50 miles away.

It was so bad that they weren’t even willing to reimburse travel costs. It was either get there or be fired.

Facebook listening in on your microphone is one of those things that I actually believe to be true. Ever had conversations with people to then realize that you’re being served targeted ads based on these conversations? Seems very coincidental.

Genuine question, is Bluesky worth using in its current state? Can it hold a candle to pre-Musk Twitter?

I’m asking because I feel incredibly burned by the barebones state of Threads and I don’t really want to commit to another platform that doesn’t have its shit together. Threads still doesn’t have trending topics and functional hashtags over a year into its launch, and this is is shit that Mastodon had for years, despite Meta expecting to piggyback off of the ActivityPub protocol and be welcomed into the Fediverse with open arms.

I don’t work in IT, and a lot of bigger companies (my employer included) have restrictions on what employees can install on their work machines. It’s basic security measures to prevent malware infections.

Google and YouTube are pretty fucking bad without an ad-blocker installed. From someone who has worked in jobs where I may as well have called myself a ‘Professional Googler’ and where I do not have permissions to install an ad-blocker on my work computer, the amount of ads I get buried with really sours the experience.

Also, a lot of news sites (particularly anything owned by Reach PLC such as the Mirror) are now flipping the middle-finger at GDPR by forcing users to pay to reject tracking cookies. Here’s a screengrab from the Daily Mirror website…

At this point filing a multi-million dollar lawsuit against OceanGate will be like trying to extract blood from a stone.

What tangible assets do OceanGate really have left to pay Nargeolet’s estate? Their CEO (the maverick aerospace engineer who thought he was ‘revolutionizing’ the submarine industry by cutting corners) is dead, their only active submersible imploded, their reputation has been tainted by the fact that they’ve been selling billionaires what is effectively a carbon fiber coffin waiting to implode, and any angel investors have probably pulled out harder than a porn star on the verge of climax.

Even then, they may not even have a case. IANAL but in an age where every single tech and gaming company has been pushing through class action waivers and forced arbitration clauses in their Terms of Service, I get the feeling that any attempts at suing OceanGate will be thrown out of court by the waivers each passenger had to sign.

There is a sense of irony in people celebrating this disaster on social media because it means “five less billionaires in the world.” No, this is potentially a massive L for us commoners, because it shows just how much corporate greed can destroy lives. If the rich can be screwed this badly by an unregulated corporation, imagine what corporate giants can do to people who can’t afford lawyers.

After how horribly they handled the whole hardware defect scandal with their 13th and 14th gen i Series processors, this is 100% deserved.

Intel is a cautionary tale of what happens when you allow bean counters who care more about EBITDA than their customers and staff to run the show.

I’m actually worried about the next few years.

All it takes is for a deep learning algorithm to learn and perform menial tasks better than humans and that is it. Suddenly whole industries of workers could be made redundant, which would spike unemployment rates. We are not ready for that.

And before you say Universal Basic Income will save us, UBI is little more than a leftist pipe dream that would bankrupt any nation that tries to pursue it as an actual policy.

Jokes on them, I already have Game Pass.

(They’re gonna make me switch to Linux, aren’t they?)

Is this why they made people waive their right to sue them?

Yeah… Fuck Roku.

This may actually be a net improvement to the Google Search experience, since the engine is borderline unusable without uBlock Origin. But also it feels weird that Google would make an AI generated prompt the focal point and not the entire rows of sponsored ads that litter all search results.

How did the big tech industry get this terminally stupid?

Databases also make the list, and again nothing from Western devs made the cut. But Alibaba Cloud’s PolarDB is mentioned, as is Tencent’s TDSQL and a handful of other made-in-China efforts.

That’s a big one.

Unless Chinese firms have been straight-up stealing trade secrets and code from the likes of Oracle and have produced such a blatant knock-off of their software that in any other country, they would have been sued out of existence, I can see a five week transition being messy-as-fuck.

Transitions to new database systems take months or even years to implement, not the 5 weeks mandated by the Chinese Communist Party. This is especially the case when you’re dealing with important stakeholder data, huge data volumes and/or statutory requirements like financial reporting.

Bobby Kotick and TikTok are so carcinogenic to society that their union would be like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.

Isn’t Java known for spitting out random errors?

I work in financial reporting, so I have a decent idea of what makes up things like operating profit/loss and Adjusted EBITDA.

This does not look good for Reddit and if the company only managed a $90.8m loss after jacking up API costs, nuking virtually every third-party client, backstabbing every power mod, giving alternatives like Lemmy and Kbin an actual user base and selling off user data to Google, then I fully expect things to get a lot worse on the site.

I got an invite. Couldn’t invest even if I wanted to because I’m not a US resident.

This is about more than just cars. Anything that uses RFID, NFC, etc, such as an employee badge or even contactless credit/debit card payments, are vulnerable to such an attack.

Jason Thor Hall (ex-Blizzard employee) explains how such things can be used in social engineering attacks. A Proxmark is a similar device to the Flipper Zero.

Regardless of whether it’s open source hardware/technology, should we be authorising sales of such prebuilt devices for $170 which can allow the average Joe to break into an office or steal a car?

And with the unrelated rumours of Microsoft potentially leaving the console business and going multiplatform, it begs serious questions.

Do you really want Sony to have a monopoly on console gaming when they can’t even respect ownership rights for digital goods?

Shkreli legit looks like Emo Peter Parker from Spider-Man 3, and is somehow even more of a dick. Good riddance.

The decision to push Vanguard upon League players is a baffling one, especially since hacking, scripting and botting are nowhere near as prominent in MOBA games.

I can only see one potential upside to this and that is Riot being able to more effectively hardware ban serious rule breakers.

My problem with Riot is that their Customer Support is almost Blizzard levels of shit.

Work experience at school is legitimately a thing though here in the UK.

This may be a shocker to many of you but it costs money to produce TV shows.

Cable was lucrative because of the subscription fees and the fact that channels could still run ads. People are now expecting to pay $10 a month for access to everything ad-free when previously they’d have to pay multiple times this amount to watch shows at scheduled times, and still sit through ad breaks. There was no such thing as an online on-demand catalogue just fifteen years ago.

Now imagine that networks are making far less money per viewer, have to pump out shitloads of original content to keep people subscribed (and in the case of Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and others, mitigate the risk of copyright holders jacking up fees for third party content), can’t run ads to supplement their income and have to deal with huge levels of inflation because governments had to print a fucktonne of money to bail us out of a financial crisis and a global pandemic.

Piracy has raised a generation of entitled cheapskates that refuse to pay for content, and these are the people who are most likely going to break a lot of studios and publishers.

The only real saving grace here is that this could be the downfall of Disney, which would be a net boon for copyright reform. Disney are the core reason why US copyright law is so fucked and why we’re only now close to seeing Steamboat Willie (first Mickey Mouse cartoon from 1924) enter the public domain.

I wouldn’t be too worried about Threads joining the fediverse.

They had the perfect opportunity to dethrone X with a superior app but have given users the most barebones piece of shit that doesn’t even have support for hashtags or trending topics.

Mastodon has this functionality.

Last time I booted up Threads, my feed was flooded with e-girls posting twerking videos. I don’t follow any such accounts on Threads nor Instagram and I don’t like it when my social media feels like a softcore porn platform.

Until the Republicans shoot it down and instead use that budget to give their rich chums more tax breaks

No, actually I don’t. Everytime it cracks me the fuck up, almost like Elon Musk’s clown act.

Is Elon Musk finally in the ‘find out’ stage of this whole fiasco?

There’s still no official word or reports yet on whether XIM or Cronus controller-spoofing mouse and keyboard adapters will be banned as a result of these policy changes, but manufacturers like Brook Gaming who build unlicensed, but fair adapters for fighting game sticks seem to be caught in the dragnet. We’ll be sure to update you on further changes.

I think XIM and Cronus are the reason they’re doing this, especially since the main games on Xbox are shooters.

Cronus allows you to run scripts which give you an unfair competitive advantage, from using exploits and humanly impossible controller inputs to fire weapons ultra fast, to removing weapon recoil, to going auto-prone when you fire your weapon, to quickscoping, to other things.

XIM on the other hand lets you plug in a mouse and keyboard. While this allows you to play games on console that otherwise don’t support M&K controls, it also gives you serious unfair competitive advantages by making the console think you’re a gamepad player whilst giving you superior M&K controls and aim assist at the same time. With a XIM device you can go seal clubbing in console-only lobbies.

My other hypothesis is that they want to safeguard their console from firmware exploits that could bust the security of their console wide-open and allow for software piracy.

Coming from somebody in their early thirties who has had nothing but atrocious luck with women in general, I’ve mentally checked out of dating.

Every dating app is now a carbon-copy of Tinder where you can’t pull a lady unless you look like a fucking Chippendale, are above 5’11" tall, have your own property and are sufficiently wealthy. It also doesn’t help that Match Group hold a virtual monopoly over the market, with Bumble as their only credible competition. They literally profiteer from making the experience as miserable as possible so they can sucker you into paying a £40/month subscription.

Match also put the bare minimum into moderating and policing their apps. The sheer volume of love scammers, fake users and spammers shilling OnlyFans pages is massive, and it feels like they really couldn’t give a shit about enforcing their own rules.

Online dating really is that soul-destroying, and the longer I spend trying to use any app, the less it surprises me that the incel, MGTOW and red pill communities are growing, and that people like Andrew Tate and Sneako have such a huge following despite being such garbage human beings.

At the same time I wish there was a better alternative.

It’s not just streaming services that have turned to shit. Society as a whole has been enshittified because shareholders and directors are chasing the dollar.

Reddit started charging out of their butt for API access, and had killed off 95% of third party apps in the process.

YouTube is downright unusable without a Premium subscription or uBlock Origin. Every content creator meanwhile risks demonetization if their videos are too kid-friendly or too inappropriate, and now have to fill half their videos with endorsements for shitty mobile games like Raid: Shadow Legends if they want to break even.

Porn sites are now astroturfed by e-girls shilling their $20/month OnlyFans pages.

Online dating apps are now a carbon copy of one another, are owned by an oligopoly of big corporations and charge you the same price of four WoW subscriptions for basic features like unlimited swipes, seeing who liked you, etc.

Even real life sucks now. Enjoy paying 70% of your monthly income to pay off some filthy rich landlord’s mortgage while the rich continue to snap up properties, all while the wealthy continue to brainwash sheep into voting against their best interests.

Brave to me is like an online advertising racket. They push ad-blocking software by default in their browser, then extort companies into using their own ad network to advertise to their users. Brave Ads are of course opt-in and the main incentive of enabling them is to earn BAT (Basic Attention Token) which is their cryptocurrency. In terms of their intrusiveness, they’re like push notifications you get up to six times an hour, and from my experience using the browser, it was all mainly crypto marketplaces and VPN’s advertising.

Compared to 2020, when you could earn hundreds of dollars in a year from frequently being served Brave Ads, BAT isn’t really worth shit anymore thanks to the crypto crash, so the main financial incentive to use Brave is gone.

If you want privacy, Firefox is that way. Or if you absolutely need to use something based on Chromium, everyone and their fucking mother has forked that browser.

Dragon Ball Z Abridged: Episode 61 - Closing Chapters 1
For the record, this is not Team Four Star but rather another group called ~~Team Clone Star~~ Kame Dubz looking to finish what TFS started by doing an abridged fan dub of the post-Cell arcs of Dragon Ball Z. Sharing it here because I am getting old-TFS vibes from this video.

Microsoft would be as stupid as your typical League of Legends player for going down that route. Doing this would be an own-goal and would give Linux market share instantly.

But it is. It may not be Communist or Socialist but it’s a radical idea to redistribute wealth to the masses and effectively create a literal welfare state. Pretty much every party that supports UBI is left wing.

If 50% of the young people in the country aren’t working, you’re either going to see a massive prison complex or a militant revolt. Probably both.

I think we’ll see a full societal collapse in the next few decades, whether that’s a descent into lawless anarchy or civil wars.

Reddit may be violating the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
A TL;DW summary for those who don't want to watch the video (it's only two mins long.) The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is similar to the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is currently in force across 26 EU member states and the United Kingdom, which has its own form of GDPR enshrined in UK law. It includes the right to access and request the deletion of personal data. Thomas Hunter II (the video's author) attempts to delete his comment and post history on his Reddit account (nucleocide), only for Reddit to restore it hours later. He formally makes a request to Reddit's legal team to have his content deleted under the CCPA and they give him a boilerplate response which essentially asks him to use the account deletion form, and after manually deleting all of the posts and comments he made. Nucleocide manually deletes all of his comments again, this time providing video proof of him manually deleting each of his posts and comments. Reddit (unsurprisingly) restores it again. Upon raising his request with Reddit's legal team again, he gets no reply.