• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


When Twitch this I rented a VPS in Russia that costs me $3 a month. I now route all my traffic through it and have no ads in Twitch (and im assuming YT too now?)

Nothing says “We’re confident in the software we’re selling” like willing to work for exposure in hopes that somebody shills $20 for a subscription.

The whataboutism doesn’t help. It’s a wrong practice regardless of nationality. But since the house and senate is bought by the corporations, at the very least ban those who you can.

It’s a scare tactic. You as a customer won’t care if the business gets a new owner but if they threaten to shut down all the kids they have will start kicking and screaming to make the government dial back the decision.

Only a 3.50€ VPS on OVH. Gets the job done. For music I just use firehawk52’s Deezer ARLs to download the music. For TV shows/movies the obvious is piracy. The whole subscription model drives me away from services.

I read a while back they started charging a monthly subscription for ad-free experience. That’s likely the case.

How will that work? Firefox is gonna maintain two different builds?

Because piracy isn’t a pricing issue, it’s a service issue. If people can get a better service for free, then that’s what they’re going to do. It’s the same reason people go to McDonalds, everyone can make a mid burger at home, but McDs has already done it and will sell it at a price some people will find reasonable. If I could go to Netflix, pay them whatever it costs right now and actually watch the content at a resolution I actually paid for and download to keep myself a copy for later (because again, I bought it) then I’d pay for Netflix. Seeing as that’s not the case and likely won’t be because people keep paying for Netflix, we’re stuck with the status quo.

If everyone learned to use the internet then those companies would have to adapt in order to survive.

When the day will come, and once I pay for something I have the ability to just hit download and it will fetch an .mkv/.mp4 from a CDN, that’s when I’ll pay for it. Sadly that day isn’t even remotely close, so torrenting it is. Oh and fuck you WideVine.

I quit Spotify the other day too. I pay for tidal nowadays. I don’t like running widevine on my machine so I rip flacs with tidal-dl. Honestly, great stuff. Would recommend.

He is the manufacturer of the hardware LLMs are trained on, he’ll say anything that will increase sales.

No, it is your right to choose what code is executed in your browser and which isn’t. There’s a case to be made about accepting the EULA but if you never registered a Google account, then you never accepted any EULA. This is not the case with modded android/iOS apps as in those cases you are violating DMCA 1201.

KeePass is a password manager, Okta is a single sign on provider. They are not the same

Mail likely isn’t going anywhere. A lot of corporations rely on Google workspace.

I actually never thought of it like that, if you’re not partaking in the trade of fossil fuels, you are removing yourself from a lot of potential conflicts and “who support who” ordeals.

It also ends up in Russia… there are vendors who in Russia who sell M3 MacBooks like it’s not even under an embargo

Just because you’re paying $10 a month does not mean that Meta will stop farming your data. Sure, they won’t shove you any ads, but they will stockpile data for the day you decide that $10 (it’s not really $10… they will increase this price 2-3 years down the line once they feel they had gathered enough users, the Silicon Valley way) and then pump you with ads that cater you.

Sweden doesn’t fuck around when it comes to their Unions. They obliterated toys r us they’ll obliterate Tesla too

I think Twitter is just the start. Big tech had always placed user growth as the highest priority to accelerate growth. They assumed that once they monopolize the market, they will be free to do with said market whatever they want due to alternatives being nonexistent but are quickly learning that is not the case. Ads and sale of user data can only earn you so much.

Meta will follow suit within a year, I’ll set a reminder right now to see if my prediction was right.

I set aside a weekend for it and used open media vault. Highly recommended.

Meh, I don’t mind using self-checkout when it’s actually self-checkout. I hate standing in lines and my anxiety doesn’t do me any favors so I’m all in favor if the system actually works.

The definition is wrong. There’s nothing “self” about them if an employee has to hold your hand throughout the entire process.

Musk is about to learn why getting rid of the content moderation department wasn’t very cost-saving to the operation of his platform.

I genuinely want to but I hate subscriptions simply because I’m poor at managing them which is why I’ve stuck with Google all this time.

I’m genuinely interested in trying out Kagi, it seems like a much better experience than whatever Google has to offer. With SEO being implemented everywhere it has gotten quite annoying that every time I search for something the first 5 results are some AI generated website that copies information from other sites.

That’s you and me. That doesn’t apply to most people. I have rss feeds to follow what interests me. But Twitter for a lot of people is just that, a glorified rss reader. They follow some people, some news outlets and that’s it. The number of people who visit NYT organically is, in my assumption, less than 100k. I genuinely believe that services like Google News, Meta & Twitter is where NYT gets most of their clicks from.

from AliExpress…


something tells me that this is just a handheld pc with pcsx2 on the backend

Non-cloud vacuum meta for 2023
As the title suggests, I'm in the market for a vacuum that doesn't phone home, not even for initial setup (if possible). This is my first time stepping into home automation so I'm not familiar with the various FOSS projects in the space. I'm comfortable with modding/rooting the vacuum so throw your suggestions, I'll research them.