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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


How do you get the letters to show up without English above? I’ve been trying to get mine to do that.

Yeah we’re baffled about how kids get sucked into worshipping Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, but I remember a brief time in my life when I thought Steve Jobs was the greatest and that he singlehandedly invented the iPhone with a rusty pair of pliers and gumption.

Yeah, kinda. It’s WAY less of a high than anything like salvia or DMT of course. Definitely a little psychedelic but mostly just nice so it’s easier to abuse, no bad trips or anything.

The 20 second head buzz is a huge under exaggeration. Seriously, whippets are a common party drug. It’s short lived for sure you probably do get only maybe 30 seconds to a minute of being completely zooted, but you absolutely are acting dumb for like 10-20 minutes after that. It’s not like a “high” high but it’s like being stoned.

Why would you post this, my phone exploded and took a shit. I didnt know it could do that.

An issue with this tweet is that we already have the capacity to do a lot. We have the technology to provide healthy and diverse diets for the entire planet and fit a cities worth of farming inside a few city blocks (vertical hydroponics/aeroponics). We have the ability to create electricity in a dozen different renewable ways. We have the ability to desalinate water creating nearly infinite fresh water, we have enough square footage in the world to easily house everyone. We have stellar education systems that we could hand out to the entire world.

Why don’t we do it? Well, all these things cost money. But the issue is, there also exists staggering amounts of money across the world. The panama papers revealed just a fraction of the wealth being hoarded by just a fraction of the wealthiest people in the world (and most implicated in the panema papers weren’t even too crazy, like soccer stars and business owners). There’s exists tens to hundreds of trillions of dollars of wealth created by the world just floating around in billionaires bank accounts and in the coffers of world powers.

So it’s not an issue of abundance coming in the near future, we have it here on earth right now.

Unfortunately if you want to keep the pieces separate, the best bet might be to sketch it in the assembly and measure the relevant parts in the assebly to change the cuts in each piece.

I’m not sure which car you have. I’m still a student so I get AutoCAD as part of my tuition. I believe in AutoCAD you can make cuts in the assembly. Another option might be to save the assembly as one part which I think you can do and edit it from there but then you can’t go back to editing each part.

Yeah not only that but the obvious conclusion is “well yeah, but why should we hold our standards to the 50s?” Sure we have needs we didn’t then for things like TVs and computers but those same computers have made everything about that 50s lifestyle exponentially cheaper and easier to accomplish. It should be nearly free to live like the 50s but for some reason prices have kept rising.

The argument I’ve seen “against” this is to point out that if you want to live like they did in the 50s it’s pretty cheap. It’s a lot of canned food. A lot of stuff you might pay for now are DIY projects (such as clothes repair, house repair, car repair etc.) there’s no such thing as your fancy TV, your Internet or any modern kitchen amenities. Medical assistance is garbage so no wonder you paid less for it. The way you live today is like a king compared to the 50s.

Now it’s still an idiotic argument. Before anyone replies, I don’t agree with it. But it’s what people who can’t handle the OP tell themselves.

Disclaimer: I don’t really watch Mr. Beast all that much.

Mr. Beast’s origin story (apparently) is that he went all in on Bitcoin really early, like so early that when it blew up he became a multi-millionaire (we don’t actually know exactly how much money he got, it could be a lot, it seems like a fuck ton).

By some grace of God he had a really good influence and decided to use that money for charity, creating a YouTube channel to film that charity and make some money back on his endeavors. He talks a lot now about how he makes so much off of YouTube videos that he can often just break even on the crazy prizes he gives out based on the views he gets.

Now based on this it seems pretty chill. Mr. Beast made a fuckload of money and is working within the system of capitalism to give it back to some of the most needy (I mean he’s done stuff like traveled to Africa to help install water wells in tiny remote villages, say whatever you want but that’s good charity.)

The problem is, as other people in this thread pointed out Mr. Beast has done a ton of podcasts talking about his work and it’s pretty clear that he actually thinks that this is how the system is supposed to work, that the only issue is that more rich people aren’t giving away their money like he is and if that happened the system would be working perfectly. That’s a stupid take, and as I mentioned before, I think he only became this charitable as a fluke, he’s an exception to the rule.

Now I’ll defend him: I think that Mr. Beast gets a lot more hate than he deserves. He’s one of the very few rich people who is truly giving away most of his money to other people (sure, lots of his videos are him giving away money to middle-american white people but that doesn’t even matter that much) he gets hate because he places himself in the spotlight the “controversy around every video” that you point to is a product of this. It’s part of the production and only makes him more famous. Mr. Beast is only a symptom of a disease and directing hate towards him is only done because it’s easy.

Like I said earlier, he’s an exception to the rule, and the rule is that people this rich don’t engage in any charity nearly this much. It’s bizarre that people focus on the one rich person doing that. Oh wait, it’s not, it’s just a bunch of lugheads falling for the American celebrity worship/attention culture but in reverse.

But how is that anti-intellectual? Maybe it’s literally saying most people aren’t intellects? But taking the literal interpretation of this joke misses the joke as the other guy pointed out.

Palestine has a right to defend itself.

Christ, a good litmus test is that anyone who says "I’m afraid of AI because…’ and then describes the end of modern civilization/the world can be dismissed.

This man’s argument is literally “you could ask AI how to turn off all the electricity in Britain and then it would do it.” Goddam.

One day the Pentagon will just drop warp drives and energy 2 out of nowhere and the world will be like “what?”