• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Taking lessons from Elon.

Maybe they need to charge users a monthly fee and add blue check marks. Lol

That’s assuming they actually use a Star Trek style warp drive when we ALL know they are actually using Navigators to jump into the Immaterium.

That was it! The controller I was using needed a firmware update. I tried that and when I took it back to my SteamDeck, voila!

I haven’t tried Forbidden West but can load it up later and see if it works compared to some of the others.

Thanks for the link I will dig into this tonight and see what all it says.

PS5 controller use with Steamdeck
Hello all - new Steamdeck owner here. I also own a PS5 and had been wanting to stream to my deck. I learned about Chiaki4deck and did the install this weekend and was up and running playing games within a few minutes. However, I am still having a few issues getting the Touchpad on my PS5 controller to work right. The controller works fine with that one exception. I have a few games that really utilize the pad - is there something that can be done on the Deck side help with compatibility? Edit: just resolved the issue thanks to [@PlasticExistence@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/PlasticExistence): the firmware on the controller I was trying to use had not been updated. Once I did the issue resolved itself. Thanks all for the suggestions and help

This. No way would I recommend for most rooms in my home but we use them when gone for a day or two to keep an eye on our cats food bowls and litter box.

If someone wants to hack in and watch my cat take a poo be my guest. She has no shame.

Ha ha the plot for Horizon coming true in real life.

AI goes rogue. No one can flip the kill switch when AI has disconnected it. AI decides to remove humanity from the planet.

Someone needs to start working on a Zero Dawn program and terraforming plans pretty quick.

Am late to the game here but after reading the article I would agree.

I use it off and on if I am looking up formulas and scripts and find it a great tool for work. It saves a ton of time. It works great and haven’t noticed any change there. Request it to give/write you a specific formula to solve X and it will. It’s a huge time saver.

But I’ve found recently if I am trying to just find information on a subject that I want summarized or something found on the web and explained it will often ‘recommend I check out the company’s website for the latest news or recent developments.’

That last statement was an exact quote I got recently that made me laugh when I went asking for the explanation of how something worked. It was a NO SHIT SHERLOCK moment I had after getting several of these sort of replies.

I mean I har gotten detailed explanations of string theory ages back from ChatGPI and now it’s telling me ‘ummm just go look it up - I can’t right now…m

Anyone wanna place a bet on how long it will be before the porn on there gets banned for good?

I know what Spez said about keeping it but he has lied before.

My bet is once they nail down the investors for the IPO, Reddit users are going to see a sharp shift in moderating - including what is allowed regarding NSFW/NSFL content.

Everything in the US has become either ‘fighting terror’ or for ‘saving the children’

If you complain about any of the draconian measures that keep encroaching on our liberties then you are not a patriot or you are some sort of child hating monster.

Interesting how times have changed and our government here has twisted our constitution. Our founding fathers are no doubt rolling in their graves.

Anyone that thinks this wasn’t intentional is a fool. They are just testing the waters.

Bad feedback? Then shelve it and try it again in a couple years. Regardless, Pandora’s box as been opened and all the other game companies now will be eyeing this new ‘feature’ for future implementation real soon.

As much as I have been on the EU’s side on every case that they’ve had against Apple. This should be a giant red flag that Google is pushing this so hard.

Looks great!!

I got the files and started printing mine but got sidetracked so I did not get it done.

One question though. Did you have to scale the helmet parts any or how was the fit?

Wife saying we need a new range.

My eyes light up as I tell her - for her money is no object, I will get her the bestest one ever!!

Thanks for the feedback! I might look into this line some more.

I have not had any issues with anything shiny with any apps so far. Perhaps it has just been what I have been scanning? Everything has been either dull objects or flat painted, etc but I will keep that in mind.

Okay so here come the questions!

So with the POP 2 - just so I am clear: You do not have to use it with any sort of mat or table right?

Also couple issues I have had that was frustrating with the phone apps that I was wondering about the Revopoint:

  1. When scanning with the phone apps you get an error waaaay too easily if your hand slightly tilts the wrong way or you get going too fast (see my sarcastic first post). I had gotten around this by rigging the phone up to not move and rotating the objects I scan but 99% of the objects I want to scan are too large to do this with. I was wanting something that I could handhold scan without the headaches mentioned or at least a lot less.

  2. How are the meshes? The ads made them look really good. I will admit the ones I got off the last app I had tried we’re fairly decent - it was just a matter of getting the scans done which were extremely frustrating.

I do not intend on using it with very small objects just stuff say anywhere from 6 inches up to human size that I would print on an Ender or resin printer if mine depending on what it was scanned.

3d scanners - anyone got one?
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with them, got one, etc. I had been eyeing the Revopoint brand but keep hesitating on buying. I don’t know anyone that has one and really would like to get more feedback. The Amazon reviews seem decent enough. I am looking for something that can scan objects about hand size or larger and that I can walk around the object scanning. I don’t want to be limited to sticking the object on a scanning mat or turntable. I’m not going to be scanning minis (eg Warhammer). I do use the iOS and OSX platforms.

That’s very interesting. I have always used Cura but will try downloading Prusa and activate that - then reprint this later.

Thanks for the link!

Seems like I have ran into those before but never this bad.

I can turn it slightly as suggested but next question:

I have never gone to a larger print nozzle. I assume a loss of detail and some other issues to be expected. Is that why I am seeing this so much worse? It really seems extreme.

So am looking for some suggestions to try. I am printing on an Ender 3 with a MS direct drive setup. I am using Amolen wood filament and switched the nozzle to a .8 I did test prints for everything I could think: retraction, speed, temperature, etc and picked the ones that looked the smoothest of each. I did the PID tuning as well on the nozzle. However, I have never printed with a nozzle this size. I tried with this filament and .4 and got non stop clogging. Some reading online lead me to think that maybe it needed to be larger since it seemed to flow so easily. Well I got it flowing great but the tops or where the layers change look a litttle rough as you can see. I don’t know if this is something I missed in my settings or if this is due to the size of the nozzle and wanted to get some input. The sidewalks are perfectly smooth - if that makes any difference.

Left yesterday as well, deleted Apollo off my phone and then immediately deleted my Reddit account.

I have been a user since the beginning almost and am sad to see its decline - especially so rapidly in the past few years.

Looking forward to the new community.