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Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Or the cumbox. Or that kid who broke his arms. Or that dog, Colby I think? No wonder AI always wants to exterminate humanity in sci-fi.

I wish ancient humans had domesticated bears and bred them to be pet-sized

Or when it “corrects” a word I didn’t want, so I delete the part it changed and then type in what I want to say and it “corrects” it again into the same thing I just deleted. Satan could learn a thing or two from whoever invented that “feature.”

It seems to very a lot from phone to phone. My current phone is terrible. It “corrects” words I don’t want it to, and leaves in obvious typos.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but these companies need to pay more taxes. Losing $3.9 billion dollars on a stupid vanity project because they have nothing else to spend it on is ridiculous. Higher taxes would at least force them to be more efficient.

I don’t think the technology is there yet. As long as people need to wear big bulky goggles and headsets it’s not going to take off. Make something that’s about as cumbersome as sunglasses and less than $1000 and there might be mass adoption.

Windows sucks. I wish I could put Linux on my work computer.

Why do they care so much about the protests that they are having the students arrested? I don’t get it. Just let them protest

Black ended the challenge having completed 10 months, with just 60 days left to run. He had managed to make a grand total of $64,000.

Despite failing to make the million dollars he had aimed for, Black says it was still a successful experiment after demonstrating how it was possible to rebuild his life through the power of determination.

‘We should always remember to help those in need because it could be the opportunity that they need,’ Black said.

All things considered he did pretty good. $64,000 is a lot more than most people make in a year and he did it in 10 months when he was homeless.

“Our goal is preserving your health. After the age of 24 you’re a depreciating asset health-wise. So we aim to decrease the slope of the curve for as long as possible.”

That is kind of a depressing way to phrase it, but it’s kind of true from a biology perspective. People’s overall health doesn’t normally peak after that point.

One of many industries that needs more anti-trust enforcement.

But I thought the boomers setup the system to benefit themselves and screw over everyone else? What happened?

That’s disappointing. I hate apple, but I’d love to see more competition in the EV market

Bitcoin is currently at $57,000 and it’s up 144% in the last year. Haters gonna hate

Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t think kids should have unrestricted access to the unlimited amount of hardcore porn available on the internet. I think it has a negative effect on their development and can cause all kinds of misconceptions about sex as well as body-dysphoria in men and women. In the past, ID was required to purchase magazines like Playboy or rent adult movies and ID is required to access strip clubs or sex shops. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have a way to verify age before accessing internet porn.

And I’m speaking from experience here, I’m a millennial and I started watching porn in my early teens. But in hindsight I wouldn’t say it was a good thing.

Was this article sponsored by OnlyFans?

IMO, NoFap seems like a predictable reaction from people with enough self-awareness to know they’re addicted to porn and that it has negative consequences.

Lemmy is not better if your concerned about using your time wisely

I don’t think that absolves China of any blame. They’re still choosing to produce cheap goods at the expense of the planet, because it’s good business for them too.

our current shitty battery tech

I think our battery tech is the best it’s ever been, unless you’re comparing it to sci-fi

That’s disappointing. Anti-trust laws need way more enforcement

Everyone smartphone looks the same because of the iPhone

These companies should be fined just for having the audacity to make people sign ridiculous end user agreements like this.

Micro-houses are cool. The minimal cost and maintenance is really appealing. Having to do it because everything else is unaffordable is not.

I thought Starlink was really cool when I first heard about it. I know people that use it because it’s the best Internet available to them. But I’m not sure if the amount of space waste they are creating is worth it.

why not both?

Because cyber trucks aren’t killing people. Trucks made by Ford and Chevy are. Why put effort into solving a problem that doesn’t exist yet when there is a real problem right now, and if you solve that one it will also solve the cyber-truck problem.

Unless I’m mistaken, crumpling is meant to protect the driver and passengers. Not pedestrians, cyclists, or anyone else outside the vehicle.

The angular design of Tesla’s Cybertruck has safety experts concerned that the electric pickup truck’s stiff stainless-steel exoskeleton could hurt pedestrians and cyclists.

If anyone actually cared about this they’d be going after Ford and Chevy, not a vehicle that isn’t even available to the public yet.

Johnny Harris released a video today about him on YouTube. I found that pretty informative, I didn’t know much about Kissing either.

That’s a cool idea. The bottom of the ocean is a pretty hostile environment though, it better be very well engineered to have any sort of longevity.