• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I only emulate. Its way more convenient. Load my shit up into my network, and I always have it on a main drive or a backup. It just makes no financial sense to own the physical ones when I can download it for free and just use my existing equipment. Yeah, it got ruined hard and nobody could preserve it in a way for everyone to enjoy because someone’s taint will hurt if someone else posts 30 year old abandonware.

We’re about to remember why the weather was considered an act of the gods in ancient times.

Not if you skimp by, differing needed care. You can all live to a not-so-healthy 35 this way. Shut them eyes again and get to countin’ sheep!

Very true, but you have to be able to sell those assets to gain from them. If the stock market is erased you can’t sell your yacht to another exploiter because their networth is decimated too and they can no longer borrow off anything but physical assets, and now they also have a massive “income” stream that is now down so borrowing is more risky. We coulda had a bad bitch of a society, instead we let the rich turn us all into Mammon zombies.

He doesnt make that in actual money tho. Rich people’s value are vibes based egregors summoned through the stock market. So, in a similar vein, if the stock market crashes and never recovers, he loses most of his money. This is why I propose ripping down Wallstreet to starve the machine.

I mashed it together from some Fit For An Autopsy songs. Every lyric they write just slaps with the times.

The swine have gorged their fill

Three thousand masters,

all demanding their till

They’ll call us savages

Cause we eat what we kill

Maybe resources will be scarce enough that we are forced to try something other than capitalism, as we have to share to make it anywhere. Or maybe it will just make all resources needed for advanced technologies unavaible. Then we can fight over whose hut is closest to the last river.

I dont think much will remain after this extinction event. Do you know how long it takes niches to refill in an ecosystem? We’re going to get to a point where industry collapses and we are reset if we survive at all.

It means its syncing the people banned from the instance to the local community, or at least thats how I parsed it with no backend knowledge.

They dont. They go without or are of the blessed caste that is not suffering.

Hell yeah can’t wait to control my virtual car with my dreams.

I’m sure another private interest won’t fuck this up. Especially one run by the king of fucking things up.

Fuck Palantir, that Wannabe Sauron Peter Thiel needs to fuck off of Middle Earth.

This motherfucker right here had ONLINE PLAY. You could spin up Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1 & 2 and actually have other people join your game, drop duplicated items, and destroy your droprate. It was fucken sicc.

Far right brownie points, easy to get the dipshits to like you because “muh gunz”, manufactured outrage, just take your pick Honestly they’re all correct.

Magnesium mouse


Forever subscription

Hard to decide here, fellas. Idk.

I use it for tabletops lol I haven’t thrown any game dev ideas in there but that might be because I already have a backlog of projects cause I’m that guy.

AI is better when I use it for item generation. It kicks ass at generating loot drops for encounters. All I really have to do is adjust item names if its not a mundane weapon. I do occasionally change an item completely cause its effects can get bland. But dont do much more than that.

As I said on the other post of this, we are fighting each other when we should be burning down Citizens United and marking bribery as it is instead of calling it lobbying. Make that shit illegal, turn Citizens United into fertilizer, and your politicians will begin to match their constituency.

I’d rather make the US all it can be rather than abandon it. Its not too late. It can never be too late. Also I’m poor.

This is what happens when trying to give equal platforming to buttcracks on top of shoulders. They shit all over everything and dont understand why the mic was taken from them. They dont understand why we can post about single payer healthcare and they can’t say immigrants deserve to die. They think all ideals are equal on the battlegrounds of legislature.

Whoopsie! History just slips through your fingers like sand sometimes, huh?

Complete incompetence that it wasn’t digitized already.

Knowledge wants to be free. One day our institutions will stop fighting it.

I dont think free speech is free when you are the richest man in the world. If you dont like the weight on your shoulders give away your wealth.

So no newer announcers can do this? No room for new humans to take the reigns? Just the same voice generated for eternity?

According to nathanaldensr on an ATT forum:

So much terrible advice in this thread, including by AT&T. I’m a software developer, including web development, of 20+ years who is used to seeing these kinds of things. Hopefully I can help educate the folks on this thread.

TL;DR: There is nothing wrong with your equipment or its settings. Your internet connection is down and your modem is hijacking outgoing HTTPS connections. Once your internet connection comes back, the modem will no longer perform this behavior.

In-depth answer:

Various apps like browsers and Zoom use a protocol known as HTTPS. This protocol requires that your client device (PC, phone, etc.) and the remote server negotiate a secure, encrypted connection. Part of this negotiation is the server presenting the app with a certificate. The certificate will be issued for the domain name your computer is trying to access. For example, when your internet connection is working, connecting a browser to https://att.com will result in the server presenting a certificate for att.com, which is both trusted by a so-called “trusted certificate authority” and is also issued for att.com. Because the certificate is trusted and its domain name matches the domain name you are attempting to connect to, the browser allows the connection.

Your problem arose because the AT&T modem, often a brand like Arris, detects that there is no internet connection and intercepts these outgoing HTTPS connection attempts. Instead of not responding at all, which I argue is the more secure option, the Arris modem responds with a so-called “self-signed” certificate–named this way because the certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority like the real https://att.com certificate. Not only is the certificate not trusted, but it’s also issued for the domain name dsldevice.domain_not_set.invalid, which, of course, doesn’t match the domain name your client device is attempting to connect to. This results in scary warnings, popups, etc. These warnings differ from app to app, but they almost always prevent any further activity on the connection. This is for security reasons because sometimes malicious actors can man-in-the-middle a connection attempt between your client device and a server and attempt to provide a fake certificate. Most modern apps are programmed to handle these mismatches and prevent you from continuing to use the connection.

For example, here is Zoom’s warning window that shows the self-signed certificate, its domain name (called a common name in certificate parlance), and who it was issued by. You can see the issuer is Arris, who is the manufacturer of my modem. Ignore the “The certificate is valid” with a green checkmark; the certificate is “valid” in the sense that it is well-formed, but it is invalid in the sense that it was not signed by a trusted certificate authority and is issued for a mismatched domain name (Zoom really should not report self-signed certificates as “valid.”)

Insightful, kinda a dick about it tho. But yeah some message interception from your router or provider seems to be it.

I dont have this experience myself. I just saw your post and browsed some forums. So be cautious. But the issue isn’t contained to any single device, platform, or provider it seems. So these explanations seem valid.

Foreign manipulation? Fuck AIPAC. The D next to your name means Dickhead if you took AIPAC money. Its actual blood money at this point. You are being funded by a terrorist state.

I remember watching this nearly 6 years after release and how relevant it still was. It still is relevant. End Citizens United if you want to even begin to take our country back.

I’m gonna be real. I dont think home directory files should handled by something named tmpfiles. I think something named tmpfiles should only handled volatile data as it is colloquially known. I get there’s a lot that can be considered that in home directories. But user data should be handled by something that is made for that and users inherently know by the name that this will mess your home directory. This only applies to monoliths and monoliths to be like systemd. Maybe you’re doing too much with a single program if your naming becomes problematic.

Sure sounds like allowing corporations to pillage the people and be subsidy queens has destroyed our quality of life. Its almost as if wealth is a pie chart of our resources, and not some isolated number that doesn’t effect anyone else.

Do not look down little dev, the dead can do nothing for you.

Me forcing my brother to do his data structures & algorithms homework