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Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


I worked at a major destination-store focused on fishing and hunting products.

We had a hurricane hitting and the manager on duty made it clear that anyone going home to help out their families would be fired. Then when he got the call that water was rising near his house, he took off.

I’ve never hated a manager more than in that moment. When I was in management later, I made sure that I took all the shitty holiday shifts so my staff didn’t have to work until 10pm on Christmas Eve and then be back in the building changing prices for the after-Christmas sale at 2am on the 26th.

To help fight bot disinformation, I think there needs to be an international treaty that requires all AI models/bots to disclose themselves as AI when prompted using a set keyphrase in every language, and that API access to the model be contingent on paying regain tests of the phrase (to keep bad actors from simply filtering out that phrase in their requests to the API).

It wouldn’t stop the nation-state level bad actors, but it would help prevent people without access to their own private LLMs from being able to use them as effectively for disinformation.

What annoys me and I don’t entirely understand is the purge tower. If I purge to infill or another object, why am I still having to build this dumb tower? If you choose to disable the tower, it disables the purge to infill option.

Gist time I sliced something for my AMS lite I was flabbergasted by the increase in printing time and waste.

For those unaware, since you’re often having 4 filament changes per layer, each of which take about a minute, a 1hr mono-fillament print can suddenly turn into a 36-hr print with 5-10x more filament being purged than ends up in the model.

It’s really cool, but super wasteful.

But you can strategize to minimize filament changes by splitting up a model and stacking it to minimize filament changes per layer. This one only took about 8 hours.

On the same day Google was found to be in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act…

The fastest way to make money is to buy a company, liquidate its assets, and sell off the IP.

There needs to be a legal minimum time for investment.

You bought part of a company? Great!

You can sell in 10 years.

Well switches for their MX Master series break all the damn time.

I hate that I keep buying them, but they really are a perfect mouse other than the fatal flaw that pops up about 19 seconds after the warranty expires…

When I ask to navigate home, it tries sending me to Home Depot.

They’re not. The ship has 1 bad thruster, but need like a dozen to fail to make re-entry impossible. They could leave right now and everything would be just fine.

The thing is the module that’s malfunctioning doesn’t survive re-entry, so the only time to investigate the problem is before they head back.

Hidden manual releases that still require you to push the door through the windows trim. FFS people have already died because of this shit. Why the hell hasn’t there been a mandatory recall on all Teslas over this?

Frankly - it’s a lot harder to quantify. “Time at desk” is easy to track. Response times to tickets are much more variable and difficult to measure.

Some jobs necessarily include idle time when you’re waiting for work to come through even if there’s nothing to do in that specific moment. The flip side of that is that the employer is able to require that the worker be available instantly. If they’re leaving their work area because they’re bored then they’re not “at work.”

My Dad was a career firefighter, and he spent most of his time sitting in the station watching TV, cooking meals, or sleeping. He was paid for every minute of that time because at the drop of a hat he could be called to a wreck, fire, or medical emergency.

The reason he had to be paid is federal law requiring that all workers who are “engaged to wait” are on the clock. If someone is installing mouse-jiggler software so they can leave their workstation and do whatever they want, they’re no longer being engaged to wait.

The jigglers keep you online status from changing to “away.”

Some jobs require you to be at your desk, and using mouse jigglers to fake being at work is the kind of thing that keeps more companies from allowing WFH.

It was a backlash to auto manufacturers classifying everything as a truck to get around emissions and fuel economy standards. The fucking PT Cruiser was a “truck” according to Chrysler.

So they started classifying standards based on vehicle footprint with the idiotic hope that would make the manufacturers act better, but the manufacturers realized they could just make cars bigger every refresh cycle to stay ahead of CAFE.

And now when you card expires, they just change the expiration date on your existing number a few times until it works to keep the subscription going, and that’s somehow legal.

And installing Linux and axe-murdering anyone with a car.

Oh, I’m not a programmer. I’m just bitching about how many of us have to go to an office for no reason.

I work almost 100% on a computer for a municipality using software that’s already 100% web-based.

But I have to drive 90+ minutes each way every day because a citizen might want to have an in-person meeting once every few weeks instead of an email or Teams meeting.

When it was hemorrhaging money?

We’re in a weird time where all the tech companies are being told at once that they need to start being profitable, and at the same time the EU is cracking down on lots of the shady shit they’ve been using to control the bleeding to this point.

The internet has spent the last 20 years developing an economic model that’s quickly becoming unsustainable, and none of the big web companies seem to have been prepared.

Fewer people are buying PCs now that Smartphones have replaced the need to have one for most uses, but Microsoft still has to make more money every quarter than the quarter before because the stock market doesn’t value stable profits.

There’s an exception to the rule that prohibits spying on religious groups.

Who wants to start an anti-surveillance religion?

We need to eliminate the DMCA. From printer ink to abandon ware to simple ownership of products we purchase, the DMCA stands in the way at every step.

They’ll only invite people at that level if nobody buys at the higher tiers.

It’s based on Karma or mod actions and the invites are going out in waves. I’ve taken a screenshot from reddit’s faq page regarding the program that shows the tiers.

Well… yeah. That’s how they use benefits to encourage loyalty.

When I hit 5 years, I vest and my employer begins double-matching, including retroactive contributions. I put in 7%, so in another 2 trays they’ll put 70% of my annual salary into my retirement all at once.

It heavily encourages loyalty because it’s genuinely a great benefit. I have no problem with that.

I work for money, and the reward for loyalty is more money.

Beats the hell out of a pizza party.

Windows is actively removing AR support with an upcoming update.

When I sold Century Link that would have cost 59 dollars a month plus 30 dollars in hidden fees.

The US is where they’re getting away with murder on their certification process. If the FAA cracks down on them, the world will follow the FAA’s guidance.

My credit card got stolen a few months back and it’s been great for my finances. All this shit chrging me 10 dollars here and there without me noticing that I haven’t been using.

I’ve only reactivated a few things.

OSM is the best kind of Open Source.

It CAN be used in commercial products, but any contributions to OSM from those commercial enterprises is still open, so you end up with commercial users contributing to the open system.

I’m in charge of GIS for a city that uses and contributes to OSM and QGIS.

Yes, but it’s unrelated to highway versus city performance in electric/hybrid cars.

Driving under highway speeds is almost always more efficient due to wind resistance. But for ICE cars without regenerative brakes the losses from braking and idling hurt enough to give the illusion of freeway efficiency.

And the reason actual highway speed versus the estimates on the sticker are often so far off with ICE cars is that the test is based on 55mph max highway speeds with an average speed of 48mph. Meanwhile the speed limits on all the freeways near me are between 75 and 85, making actual performance way, way worse.

Regenerative braking isn’t magical. It doesn’t add range. It reduces range lost by stopping. Conservation of energy is still a thing.

If you were to drive any speed uninterrupted until the vehicle died, then attempted the same drive with stops every mile, the vehicle wouldn’t make it to the end.

I’ve got my Fold 3 and it’s amazing. Are there compromises? Absolutely. Are they worth it, also yes.

I’ve always been the type to upgrade my phone every year, but I’m thoroughly satisfied with this device after 2 years, and don’t see myself replacing it anytime soon.

The biggest thing foldables need now isn’t new features and spec bumps. What they need is a significant price cut.

Full-size foldable phones still costing $1800 5 years in is why they’re such a tiny market share.

My favorite part of the speech is the reference to Rice playing Texas.

Since the beginning of the Apollo program, more people have traveled to the moon than Rice football players who started a winning game against Texas.