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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jan 10, 2024


I’d like to get a Steam Deck but was wondering if it’s getting close to a newer, better version coming soon. This makes me feel more comfortable, not that I have the budget for one right now anyway.

About the only thing I can agree with you on here is I don’t like when people on Wikipedia archive a link and then list that as the primary source in the reference instead of the original link. Wikipedia (at least in English) has a proper method to follow for citations with links and the archived version should only become the primary if the original source is dead or has changed and no longer covers the reference.

They should also honor a DMCA takedown and robots.txt, but at least with the DMCA I’m sure there’s a backlog. Personally I’ve always appreciated the archive’s existence, though, and would think their impact is small enough that it’s better to have them than block them.

A growing concern for all manner of hardware that relies on software to function. Give an added bonus to relatively weak warranty requirements for the U.S. that makes it easier for companies to suddenly dump support than in Europe or Australia.

They can bring some nice benefits like remote starting in cold (or hot) climates, but there needs to be much better design to minimize the exploitability of these systems.

I’ve been assuming that their user engagement is down. Fifteen years ago when I was fresh out of university I had several hundred friends and could spend hours every day going through posts from dozens of different people. Now it feels like I can spend ten or fifteen minutes to see everything and mostly it’s from the same half-dozen people, and I’ve realized most of them are people I don’t really know as well and frankly am not as interested in seeing. At first I thought it was because they were the most prolific posters and I’d inadvertently trained the algorithm to show me more from them by interacting with them the most.

But over the past year I’ve noticed if I actually click on someone else’s profile, maybe having seen their name on a memory or just randomly think of an old friend, most of them only make a few posts a year or haven’t posted anything at all in years. Their accounts still exist, but they’re not using them.

If your feed was only this, a few posts a day from a few people, you’d have no reason to be on Facebook much. So they fill it in with junk from other places that will hopefully engage you. If it doesn’t they’ll try other posts. Whatever it takes to keep you browsing longer.

Maybe they can use AI to finally get people the titles for the cars they bought

That would be very device-specific, if they wanted to add additional support for data discs. It would be outside the scope of the actual DVD-video playback functionality.

Are the numbers about DVD sales strictly about DVD sales or do they include all optical formats (Blu-ray/UltraHD Blu-ray)? Because unless I’m getting an old TV show that was only ever SD, my preference is to get a Blu-ray, not a DVD. I suppose if I still saw the super cheap ($3-5) DVDs in the grocery store for something I like but not enough to buy normally (this is how I bought Brewster’s Millions) then I might buy a DVD, but otherwise I at least want HD quality.

Yes, the costs to actually make and distribute a physical disc are relatively low on a unit basis, but the cost of distributing a digital copy online make physical media look astronomical.

Though he later secured a loan to finish college, Daniel [a pseudonym] resorted for a time to credit card fraud to replace the stolen funds, telling himself that no harm would come to the individual card owners, who were insured.

Fraud victim commits additional fraud

They’re not the only ones making that media, right? Or do they make the media for everyone and put other names like Memorex on the label?

I saw they were also used by companies like DoorDash, Uber, and UpWork to verify remote contractors.

I still have my original Game Boy that was a gift from my aunt and uncle. Still works but I rarely play it; need to find some of my other games for it.

Maybe someone in the art department keeps a Windows 98 VM setup specifically for these tech obituaries for programs and services people thought were long dead. I don’t think I’ve used AIM/ICQ/MSN Messenger since around 2007/2008, and it was because it had become pretty dead.

Which is why those license agreements generally had a clause that if you disagreed you could return the software with all the media for a full refund.

I’m not saying it’s the right way, just that’s how it’s been structured legally. Of course, in the days of physical media with software that couldn’t phone home it was harder to enforce those licenses if people didn’t strictly adhere to them. The software companies didn’t generally find it worth going after individuals if they found out about violations either. Corporations, on the other hand… I worked once at a media company that Adobe caught running a lot of unlicensed software. The story went that it was so bad at the main office their auditors found a copy of After Effects or something similarly ridiculous on a computer that was used as a cash register in the corporate cafeteria. That was very much worth Adobe’s time and money to get the lawyers involved, and became a very expensive problem for my employer. I wasn’t involved in the problem, but I had to check and clean my local office, where we found about a half-dozen computers with unlicensed software.

You’ve never owned your games. You owned the media they came on but legally you only ever had a license to use the software. Depending on the license agreement (the thing where most people click “I agree” without reading) you had more or fewer rights, such as transfer of license, but the way things work legally ownership of software seems to mean the more of the copyright ownership. Maybe like a book: you own your copy of the book but you don’t have the rights to print more books or make a movie based on the book.

Are you using GOG games on your Steam Deck?
A couple games popped up on my Steam wishlist at really low prices so I was thinking of getting them, but I’ve also had a few older computers recently that are losing Steam client support. This got me thinking I should really try to compare and get more games on GOG so it doesn’t matter if a client stops working on older hardware. But also following this community has had me thinking a Steam Deck makes a lot of sense for me, so maybe I’ll try to get one in the next year or two. It seems like Steam tries to keep things open to other sources on the device, but have you been playing non-Steam games, and how much hassle has it been? Also the games I was considering are Donut County and Planet Coaster, if you have any thoughts on those.

That analyst doesn’t work for Broadcom; it’s a third party. It could say, “they charged as much as they could possibly get away with” but I think “prices just below the pain threshold” is stronger language in a business setting.

I don’t really know if ARM adds benefits I’d really notice as an end user, but it’ll be interesting to see if this really goes through and upends the dominant architecture we’ve seen for really 40+ years.

Interestingly this one was actually a town ordinance, not an HOA rule!

This keeps happening and has been happening for several years now; why isn’t more being done to improve security and find the criminals? I can’t walk into a hospital with so much as a pocket knife because of physical security concerns, but cybercriminals keep taking down a new system seemingly every week, and this article says the software used has been seen for years now.

Probably the best thing about Verge covering this is simply signal boost, getting the story out to a wider audience.

But usually I’m pausing a video to try to read text that appeared too briefly in the video!

Meta seemed to think that was a threat that would get the EU to cave to their demands and the regulators’ response was basically

Willy Wonka sarcastically saying, “Stop. Don’t. Come back.”

glad that our generation 1 product even has a chance against a $457.18 billion industry

we capture even 1% of that and we win

I mean, yeah, just about any product should be able to celebrate if they were able to hit $4.5 billion in sales. That’s still a big number. But here’s the thing: capturing 1% in that market still will be really hard. Getting 0.1% would be something to celebrate for a first-gen product from a startup. Getting 0.01% should probably be something to celebrate, and if that’s too small of a number to be celebrating then your company’s probably going to fail.

The drain issue might be hard to figure out on your own. Mine has a little notification light that comes on to run a self-clean cycle every x number of washes, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only one in my house who actually runs it.

Ehh, maybe too soon with two confirmed dead and four still missing, presumed dead. Those families are still in the peak of grieving.

Yeah, I’m not actually too concerned about the Mlem built-in on iOS. I do try to avoid the one in Facebook/Instagram and move anything I actually want to do to my real browser. I just mainly thought it was funny in the moment.

Side note, I had no idea slashdot still exists

//clicks the link and reads it in the Mlem in-app browser

I didn’t think they would actually talk about the McDonald’s ice cream machine but no, it looks like the comments specifically referred to “soft serve machines” that can cost as much as $625 in lost sales daily!

Nothing wrong with pushing your boundaries and posting in another language!

Yeah, last paragraph:

It’s hard for any Samsung phone to stand out in the market because Samsung releases so many devices. If we look at the GSM Arena’s database for phones released from 2021–2023, Apple has released 13 phones, while Samsung has 89 different models.

What is different is that Apple took the top 7. The year before they had 8 in the top 10, but a Samsung phone was at number 4. Also interesting how high the iPhone 15 models sold despite only selling for basically 3 months.

Just clarifying, today marks 3 weeks since you brought Dogue de Bordeaux home?

I was looking forward to seeing more reviews from the company, then saw they only have reviews of air purifiers, humidifiers or dehumidifiers, and a few sensors. That’s pretty niche, and even if they maybe should be used more they probably need to branch out into more categories to get more attention. But it looks very thorough and useful if you need those items.

There was a whole subreddit dedicated to dogs on roofs, not sure if it still exists. I’m not seeing a corresponding Lemmy community.