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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


1995: Don’t buy books at the store, buy them online instead!

2001: Don’t buy electronics from stores, buy them online instead!

2004: Don’t buy any household goods at the store, buy them online instead!

2007: Don’t buy groceries at the store, buy them online instead!

2014: Don’t shop on your PC, tell this talking hockey puck what you want instead!

2018: Don’t bother telling the puck what you want every month, sign up for a subscription instead!

2024: Don’t shop, let the algorithm shop for you instead!

2027: Don’t go to the bank, let Amazon handle all your personal finances for you instead!

2038: Don’t manage your correspondences, appointments, social obligations, work, or personal hygiene yourself, let the Amazon Personal AutoSkeleton move you around and speak for you instead!

20X6: Don’t use your pathetic flesh prison, upload your consciousness to the Amazon Digital Brain Cloud instead!

I haven’t used a lot of slicers, but I’m not aware of any that would do this automatically. In theory it shouldn’t be terribly difficult to do, but it would be difficult to do it well (that is, optimize for fewer supports, etc).

Capitalism. Specifically, the stock market. IPOs make good companies into bad companies.

Being owned by stockholders effectively removes any amount of “human” in the company’s choices and direction. There becomes a single goal, to which everything else is sacrificed: make stock prices go up in the short term. The C-suite execs will say all sorts of other shit, but any appearance of accountability or altruism is solely geared to making more money at any cost. Any leadership with a soul will be forced to either give up trying to be “good”, or they leave.

And I’m pretty good at it.

I’ve noticed some posters in these communities have that toxic attitude of superiority and exclusivity–they simultaneously want people to use Linux, but also take pride in their “chops” and look down on people who don’t know as much. It’s along the same lines as those rude or hostile responses to more basic questions. I haven’t seen it as much here on Lemmy, fortunately.

Hmmm… I predict something around a moderately-obscure but likeable celebrity.

And the lottery numbers will be…


Dual boot is definitely more tricky to get going. I just set up a Windows partition again to play a game that uses Easy Anti Cheat, and it took some time to have everything working happily.

I’ve used both Linux Mint and Manjaro, and my Nvidia card has done fine in both. I switched to Mint from Windows because it was easier and faster to set up under Mint (Windows was missing a bunch of drivers and the OEM’s site didn’t have updated ones). The only configuration I had to do was select the proprietary driver (and Mint has a nice little GUI for that). If you’re on the fence, I highly recommend trying Mint.

It’s tough because the snopes article moves between individual and household income amounts–which are two very different things. Kinda wish articles were written more clearly, and provided contextual data regarding how many households have multiple earners.

I’ve been at the front of the classroom–using tools like TurnItIn is fine for getting “red flags,” but I’d never rely on just tools to give someone a zero.

First, unless you’re in a class with a hundred people, the professor would have a general idea as to whether you’re putting in effort–are they attentive? Do they ask questions? And an informal talk with the person would likely determine how well they understand the content in the paper. Even for people who can’t articulate well, there are questions you can ask that will give you a good feel for whether they wrote it.

I’ve caught cheaters several times, it’s not that hard. Will a few slide through? Yes, but they will regardless of how many stupid AI tools you use. Give the students the benefit of the doubt and put in some effort, lazy profs.

The issue with the self-selecting layoffs is that it’s usually the best talent that leaves. Not that they care, as it won’t negatively impact this quarter’s numbers. But funny/sad to see them all confused a year later when number go down.

I give Apple indirect credit for touch-screen keyboards. I don’t think they invented them, but their marketing of the iPhone resulted in mass adoption regardless of how good/bad the on-screen keyboard was. And that created market research that led to the significantly better ones we have now.

I remember using one on an original iPhone for a few minutes and thinking I’d never waste my money on it–it was so unpleasant to use that it sullied the whole experience for me. Finally gave in somewhere around 2013 when they had gotten usable and there were multiple options.

Hot take: since the niblonians eat all the brains in that one episode, would they be the intellect devourer devourers?

“Under the sea why not?”